Ph.D Syllabus and Subjects

Duration: 3 Years
Avg Fees: ₹30K - 3 LPA

PhD Course introduces students to concepts of Research Methodology, Research Ethics, and more. The subjects students study during the course depend on the aspirant's specialization, but there are some fundamental subjects that every student needs to study. PhD job scope is diverse and constantly evolving, making it an exciting and challenging career path.

Semester Wise PhD Syllabus

The subjects in the PhD course depend on the specialization that students decide to pursue, as, with every specialization, different subjects would be considered core subjects. PhD syllabus despite being different from each other, consists of certain modules that are common across subjects.

PhD First- Year Syllabus

The table below contains the subjects from the PhD first Year Syllabus:

Research Methodology Recent Development in The Field
Philosophical and Sociological Basis of Educational Research  Supervisor Directed Course (Need-based) and Research Seminar 
Communication Skills Research Methodology-I 
Independent Research with Seminars Independent Research with Seminars

PhD Second -Year Syllabus

The table below contains the subjects from the PhD second-year syllabus:

Philosophical and Sociological Basis of Educational Research  Final Research Proposal
Supervisor Directed Course (Need-based) and Research Supervisor Directed Course (Need-based) and Research

PhD Third-Year Syllabus

The table below contains the subjects from the PhD third year syllabus:

Independent Research with Seminars Independent Research with Seminars

PhD Subjects

The PhD Course syllabus depends on the specialization that a student chooses to focus on. The subjects are divided into core and elective subjects. Below mentioned are a few core subjects included in PhD course:

Below mentioned are Core PhD Subjects:

  • Research Methodology
  • Ethics of Research
  • Literature Review
  • Ethics of Using Social Media in Research
  • Research Tools
  • Proposing a Research
  • Formulation of Research Proposal

Specialisation-Wise PhD Syllabus

The general syllabus of PhD is that initially, students are exposed to the different means of conducting a research project and taught how to do proper research. Then according to their specialization from the third semester, the PhD subjects list starts to differ.

Listed below is the general syllabus from the third semester onwards for specializations.

PhD in Hindi Syllabus

PhD in Hindi course aims to help students specialize in the subject of Hindi. The subject split up is into 3 sectors. While paper 1 and paper 3 are mandatory research and thesis formation subjects, paper-2 consists of several optional professional courses from which the candidates can choose one stream.

Read More: PhD Hindi Syllabus and Subjects

PhD in Physics Syllabus

The PhD in Physics syllabus includes a broad range of subjects, including thermodynamics, electromagnetism, and classical and quantum mechanics. Along with coursework, students must conduct their own studies and finish a dissertation with the help of a faculty advisor. 

Read More: PhD Physics Syllabus and Subjects

PhD in Philosophy Syllabus

The PhD in Philosophy syllabus includes courses in epistemology, semantics, ethics, logic, and history of philosophy, among other subjects. The course also places a strong emphasis on developing analytical and critical reasoning abilities.

Read More: PhD Philosophy Syllabus and Subjects

Other Important PhD Syllabus and Subjects:

PhD Syllabus For Entrance Exams

Below is a list of PhD entrance exam syllabus for certain subjects:

PhD Subjects Entrance Exam Syllabus
Basic Engineering and Technology
  • Basic Engineering & Technology (of undergraduate level)
  • Fundamental Life Sciences and Informatics (10+2 level)
  • Physics/Chemistry/Mathematics at undergraduate level)
Life Sciences
  • Life Sciences (Biochemistry, Molecular Biology & Immunology at postgraduate level)
  • Physics/Chemistry (undergraduate level)
  • Mathematics, Computer & Information Sciences (10+2 level)
  • Real series analysis
  • Statistics and probability
  • Modern Algebra and Matrix Theory
  • Theory of Equation
  • Numerical analysis
  • Differential equations
  • Calculus and analytic geometry
  • Trigonometry 
Computer Information Science
  • Representation of characters
  • Binary and hexadecimal representations etc.
  • The organization of a computer
  • Floating-point representation of numbers
  • Data structures
  • Fundamentals of Computer
  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Development and Planning
  • Mathematical and Statistical Methods
  • Public Economics
  • International Economics
Political Science
  • Research Methodology
  • Political Theory & Thought
  • India: State and Society
  • Globalization and International Relations
  • Democracy in India
  • Introduction to research in psychology,
  • Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  • Counselling Psychology
  • Clinical Psychology

PhD Course Structure

The PhD course is structured in such a way that it helps students develop a detailed understanding of the course by including projects, seminars, fieldwork, etc. The following details are part of the Ph.D. course structure:

  • VI Semesters
  • Core Subjects
  • Elective Subjects
  • Dissertation Submission

PhD Teaching Methodology and Techniques

PhD encompasses different teaching methods. Apart from the basic traditional lecture-based training, the students are trained with group projects and other action-based learning methods. The research project motivates the students for deeper research, understanding others' perceptions, brainstorming, and teamwork.

Given below are a few teaching methodologies and techniques used in PhD course:

  • Research Sessions
  • Group Projects
  • Case Methodology 
  • Workshop
  • Final Dissertation Submission

PhD Projects

PhD subjects and syllabus are centered around teaching students how to conduct a research project independently and write a dissertation at the end of their degree. Given below are a few of the PhD Dissertation topics:

  • A comparison between a democratic and autocratic leadership style.
  • Journalism and its relationship to public
  • The relationship between politics and literature in the 19th century.
  • An analysis and case study of artists and art during times of war.

PhD Books

Before starting any education, students must ensure that they have all the resources to pursue the course with ease. Below is a general list of PhD books that introduce students to research methods and will help them when they plan to make a dissertation structure:

Books Authors
Research in Education Best, John W. & James Kahn
Applying Educational Research: A Practical Guide For Teachers Borg, Walter R. 
Educational Research An introduction Borg, Walter R. & Meridith, D. Gall
Methods of Educational Research Engelhart, Max D.

PhD Fee Structure