MHRM Syllabus and Subjects

Duration: 2 Years
Avg Fees: ₹2 - 5 LPA

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MHRM syllabus aims to introduce students to all the essential concepts of human resources. Masters in Human Resource Management subjects are curated for two years divided into four semesters. In the syllabus, the course curriculum deals with core aspects like Business Statistics and Research Methodology, Management Concepts, and Principles while the second year includes subjects like Strategic Management, Training, and Development, etc. 

Semester Wise MHRM Syllabus 

MHRM syllabus is focused on courses mainly relating to this discipline and develops skills and knowledge associated with expertise in organizational behaviour, and trains students in the discipline of HR Management. There are both core and elective subjects as part of the MHRM course.

The semester-wise MHRM syllabus is as given below:

MHRM First year Syllabus

Below is the table for MHRM first year syllabus:

MHRM First Year Syllabus

Semester I

Semester II

Business Statistics and Research Methodology

 Business Environment

 Computer Applications & Comprehensive Viva

Human Resource Development

 Human Resource Management

 Industrial Relations Laws

Management Concepts and Principles

 Organizational Behavior

Management of Industrial Relations

Organizational Development


 Summer Training and Industrial Tour

MHRM Second year Syllabus

Below is the table for MHRM second-year syllabus:

MHRM Second-Year Syllabus

Semester III

Semester IV

Human Resource Planning and Selection

Contemporary Issues of HRM

Management Information Systems and E-business

Empowerment and Participative Management

Negotiations and Union Management Relations

International Human Resource Management

Organizational Psychology

Management of Transformation

Organizational Psychology

Strategic Management

Training and Development

Project Report and Viva

MHRM Subjects

The MHRM subjects are designed such as to offer good knowledge of management education to the aspirants and both theoretical and practical knowledge to the students. In the first year, the course curriculum deals with core aspects like Business Statistics and Research Methodology, Management Concepts, and Principles. While in the second year includes subjects like Strategic Management, Training, and Development, etc.

The MHRM course subjects list is as follows:

  • Human Resource Management
  • Management Concepts and Principles
  • Management of Industrial Relations
  • Human Resource Development
  • Human Resource Planning and Selection
  • Negotiations and Union Management Relations
  • Contemporary Issues of HRM

MHRM Course Structure

Master in Human Resource Management is a 2-year postgraduate degree course, divided into four semesters. In addition, comprehensive viva in the first semester, summer training and industrial tour by the end of the second semester, and MHRM project report submission in the fourth semester. The course structure is given below:

  • IV Semesters
  • Core Subjects
  • Elective Subjects
  • Research Project

MHRM Teaching Methodology and Techniques 

The MHRM course syllabus curriculum takes into account different teaching methods. Listed below are the different teaching methodologies and strategies in general:

  • Conceptual Learning
  • Experiential Engagement
  • Executive Modelling
  • Personality development programs
  • Role Plays.
  • Corporate Competency

MHRM Projects

MHRM projects are given to students for interdisciplinary learning. Projects assist students in getting experience and training in industrial work. Projects are to be completed by the end of the fourth semester. Some popular MHRM projects are:

  • Awareness and effective utilization of ESI benefits.
  • Analysis of Satisfaction Level of Employees in The Telecom Sector.
  • A Study on TA Study on The Various Employee Welfare Schemes at FMCG.
  • Analysis of Employee Training Needs in Banking Sector

MHRM Reference Books

MHRM books are available both online and offline in many authors and publications. Reference books are meant for a better understanding of concepts and are also available online in pdf format. Some of the best reference books for M.Tech Process Engineering are:

MHRM Reference Books

Name of the Books


Human Behaviour at Work

Davis, Keith & Newstrom

Management of Organizational Behaviour

Hersey Paul, Kenneth, H. Blanchard, and Dewey E. Johnson

Contemporary Issues in Employment Relations

David Lewin

Managerial Economics

Peterson & Lewis

MHRM Fee Structure