International Assessments for Indian Schools (IAIS) is an internationally conducted diagnostic test that helps understand student's skills in specific subjects. Known worldwide as International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS), it is conducted by Educational Assessments Australia (EAA) and it is an internationally recognized assessment tool.
IAIS Science Mathematics Card
The admit card for IAIS Mathematics Exam is provided to students via their schools by Macmillan Education India. Admits cards are issued in the names of the students by the respective schools once the school finished its registration process and paid the registration fees to the Macmillan Education.
Admit cards/hall tickets will reach the institutions/Schools within three weeks after the registration process is completed. Please keep in mind to finish your registration process well in advance of the exam date.
IAIS Mathematics Admit card contains multiple important details on it. Few of them are
Student’s name
Class and section of the student
School name
Registration number/ Roll Number
Exam date and time
Name of the exam
School city
Students have to check for any discrepancy in their admit cards after receiving them from the concerned school authority.
Students are requested to contact their school coordinator and ask them to get the error corrected/ get them to issue a new admit card if there is an error/ the student loses his/her admit card.
It is mandatory for students to bring a hard copy of the IAIS 2024 Mathematics admit card to the examination hall along with their school ID card for verification.
Note: Students without an admit card will not be allowed to write the exam.
Admit cards can also be used to check the IAIS results. Please use the roll/registration number to check your result along with the diagnostic report from the official website.
IAIS Mathematics Admit Card Instructions
Instructions for the students after getting International Assessment for Indian Schools admit card:
Students must report to the allotted exam centers 30 minutes before the commencement of exams.
Students will be allowed to enter the hall 15 minutes before the commencement of the Exam. i.e to fill out the basic details in OMR sheets.
Students will not be allowed to enter the examination hall 10 minutes after the commencement of the exam.
No extra time will be provided to the students to complete the exam.
The student may leave the examination hall only after completion of their exam.
Note: For any queries/questions on the Olympiad Exams comment below.