Eduheal Foundation conducts the EduHeal NBTO (National biotechnology Olympiad), and it focuses on helping students in improving their knowledge of science related to biotechnology. The EduHeal guide is the culmination of all the materials students require, like sample papers, syllabus, and examination details (pattern, marking, and dates).
The EduHeal syllabus for the national biotechnology Olympiad 2024 is discussed below.
NBTO Syllabus
Given below is the EduHeal National Biotechnology Olympiad syllabus for classes 1 to 12.
EduHeal NBTO Syllabus |
EduHeal NBTO Class 1 Syllabus
EduHeal Biotechnology Olympiad topics for class 1 focus on the environmental sciences and basic biotechnology concepts.
About Plants
- What are their types?
- How do they grow?
- What they give us?
- How are they useful to us?
- What are the major parts of plants, seed, flower, and leaves?
About Animals
- World of animals
- Types of animals
- What do they eat?
- Where they live?
- What are their groups called?
- What are the names of their home?
- How do they grow?
- What is Air?
- Why is it necessary, fun with air, what can we do with air?
- Why we need water?
- What is the work where we use water for?
- Forms of water
- Day and night, sunny day, cold day, rainy day, summer, and monsoon.
Sky & Space
- General idea about the sun, moon, and stars
- Indian people at moon and space
Our Needs & Habits
- What we need to keep ourselves healthy: cleanliness, good food, exercise, walk, clothing, etc.
- What good habits should we follow?
Safety First
- Precautions to take while on roads while playing outdoor games and also when at home.
EduHeal NBTO Class 2 Syllabus
EduHeal Biotechnology Olympiad topics for class 2 focus on the environmental sciences and basic biotechnology concepts.
- About Plants, herbs, shrubs, and trees
- Life of plants
- What do we get from plants?
- About different types of animals, household/pet animals, wild animals, the behavior of animals, and young ones of different animals.
Air Around Us
- Air
- Features of air
- What moving air can do?
- Simple experiments of air
- How is water useful?
- How water moves in nature -water cycle, work that moving water can do?
Up in the Sky
- Basic knowledge about the sun, moon, and stars
- Indian astronauts
Our Body
- Various parts of our body
- What work they do?
- How to keep our body parts clean
- Bones and muscles
Food and Nutrition
- What should we eat?
- Which food is good?
- Good food habits
Safety and First-Aid
- Safety rules to be followed on roads while playing.
- What to do when injured?
- Precaution while playing indoor games
EduHeal NBTO Class 3 Syllabus
EduHeal Biotechnology Olympiad topics for class 3 focus on the environmental sciences and basic biotechnology concepts.
Family and Friends
- Relationships: my family, my family & me, who do I look like, old & the physically challenged
- Plants: plants around us and leaves in our lives
- Animals: small & big, some creepy crawlies & flyers too, and birds
- Work and Play: workaround me, working children, and games we play.
- Foods from plants & animals
- Cooking
- Eating in the family
- What animals eat?
- Houses
- Decorating and cleaning our shelter
- My family and other animals
- Mapping my neighbourhood
- Water for my family
- Do plants and animals need water?
- Water shortage
- Water in our lives
- Storing water
- Going places, ways to travel
- Talking without speaking and mailing a letter
Things We Make and Do
- Pottery and textiles
EduHeal NBTO Class 4 Syllabus
EduHeal Biotechnology Olympiad topics for class 4 focus on the environmental sciences and basic biotechnology concepts.
Family and Friends
- Relationships: your mother as a child, where do babies come from, my extended family, and feeling around with eyes shut
- Plants: roots of plants and flowers and who do trees belong to.
- Animals: animals & their friends, who are attracted to flowers, long ears or short ear animal
- Work and Play: Fun & fights at Play, how they learned their skills, and fun at the fair/circus
- How we get our food?
- Special occasions
- Tongue and teeth
- Beak and claws
- Houses then and now, garbage?
- Where animals live?
- When birds make a nest?
- Mapping our neighbourhood
- Water fit for drinking
- Water sources
- Our river/sea
- Water vanished when heated
- Animals for transport
- Paying for travel
- Travel to another place
Things We Make and Do: building materials and tools
EduHeal NBTO Class 5 Syllabus
EduHeal Biotechnology Olympiad topics for class 5 focus on the environmental sciences and basic biotechnology concepts.
Family and Friends
- Relationships: family tree, shifting from place to place, who laughs the loudest, our likes & dislikes, and feeling to read
- Work and Play: team games-your heroes, local games/martial arts, blow hot or blow cold, and clean work or dirty work
- Animals: how animals find their food, what we take from animals, why is the tiger in danger, and people who depend on animals
- Plants: growing plants, forests & forest people, protected trees, and plants that have come from far
- When does food get spoilt?
- Who produces the food we eat?
- What did people grow earlier?
- When do people not get food?
- Our mouth-tastes and even digests food
- Food for plants
- Why different houses?
- A shelter for everyone
- Do ants live in colonies?
- Times of emergency
- Where does water come from in earlier times?
- Water flow, plants, and animals in the water
- What floats, sinks, or mixes?
- Mosquitoes and Malaria
- Petrol or diesel
- Rough and tough
- Ride on a spacecraft
- Oldest buildings
Things we Make and Do: Growing Food
EduHeal NBTO Class 6 Syllabus
EduHeal Biotechnology Olympiad topics for class 6 focus on the environmental sciences and basic biotechnology concepts.
- Sources of food
- Components of food
- Cleaning food
- Materials of daily use
- Different kinds of materials
- How things change/react with one another?
The World of the Living
- Things around us
- The habitat of the living
- Plants - form and function
- Animals - form and function
How do Things Work?
- Electric current and circuits
- Magnets
Natural Phenomena
- Rain, thunder, and lightning
- Light
Natural Resources
- Importance of water
- Importance of air
- Waste
EduHeal NBTO Class 7 Syllabus
EduHeal Biotechnology Olympiad topics for class 7 focus on the environmental sciences and basic biotechnology concepts.
- Sources of food
- Utilization of food
- Materials of daily use
- Different kinds of materials
- How things change/react with one another?
The World of the Living
- Surroundings affect the living
- The breath of life
- Movement of substances
- Multiplication in plants
Moving Things, People, and Ideas
- Moving objects
How Do Things Work?
- Electric current and circuits
Natural Phenomena
- Rain, thunder, and lightning
- Light
Natural Resources
- Scarcity of water
- Forest products
- Waste management
EduHeal NBTO Class 8 Syllabus
EduHeal Biotechnology Olympiad topics for class 8 focus on the environmental sciences and basic biotechnology concepts.
- Crop production
- Micro-organism
- Materials in daily life
- Different kinds of materials and their reaction
- How do things react with each other?
The World of the Living
- Why conserve, the cell?
- How are babies formed?
Moving Things, People, and Ideas
- The idea of Force, Friction, Pressure, and Sound
How Do Things Work?
- Electric current and circuits
Natural Phenomena
- Rain, thunder, and lightning
- Light and night sky
Natural Resources
- Man's intervention in the phenomena of nature
- Pollution of air and water
EduHeal NBTO Class 9 Syllabus
EduHeal Biotechnology Olympiad topics for class 9 focus on the environmental sciences and basic biotechnology concepts.
- Higher yields
- Material in our clothing
- Different kinds of materials
- What are things made of?
- What is there inside an atom?
- Biological Diversity
- What is the living being made up of?
- How do we fall sick?
- How do substances move from cell to cell?
- Motion
- Force and Newton's laws
- Gravitation
- Work, energy and power
- Floating bodies
- How do we hear from a distance?
- How things work natural phenomena
- Natural resources
- Balance in Nature
EduHeal NBTO Class 10 Syllabus
EduHeal Biotechnology Olympiad topics for class 10 focus on the environmental sciences and basic biotechnology concepts.
- Different kinds of materials
- How things change or react with one another
- Materials of common use
- How are elements classified?
- Our Environment
- How do we stay alive?
- Control in the living
- Reproduction in the living
- Heredity and evolution
- Moving things, people and ideas
- How things work
- Electric circuits
- Magnets
- Natural phenomena
- Natural resources
- Conservation of natural resources
- Resources
- The regional environment
- Sources of energy
EduHeal NBTO Class 11 Syllabus
EduHeal Biotechnology Olympiad topics for class 11 focus on the environmental sciences and basic biotechnology concepts.
- Algebra
- Sets, Relations and Functions
- Complex Numbers
- Matrices and Determinants
- Quadratic Equations
- Permutation and Combination
- Binomial Theorem and its Applications
- Sequences and Series
- Calculus
- Differential Calculus
- Integral Calculus
- Differential Equations
- Two And Three Dimensional Geometry
- Two-dimensional Geometry
- The straight line and pair of straight lines
- Circles and system of Circles, Conic Section
- Three dimensional Geometry
- Vectors
- Vector Algebra
- Statistics
- Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion
- Probability
- Trigonometry
- Statics And Dynamics
- Statics
- Dynamics
- Units and Measurement
- Description of Motion in one dimension
- Description of Motion in Two and Three dimensions
- Laws of Motion
- Work, Energy and Power
- Rotational Motion and Moment of Inertia
- Gravitation
- Properties of Matter
- Oscillations
- Waves
- Heat and Thermodynamics
- Transference of heat
- Electrostatics
- Current Electricity
- Thermal and Chemical Effects of currents
- Magnetic Effects of Currents
- Magnetostatics
- Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
- Ray Optics
- Wave Optics
- Electromagnetic waves
- Electrons and Photons
- Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei
- Solids and Semi Conductor Devices
- Atoms, Molecules and Chemical Arithmetic
- Elements, their Occurrence and extraction
- States of Matter Gaseous state
- Atomic Structures Constituents of the atom
- Chemical Families – Periodic Properties
- Chemical Bonding and Molecular structure
- The Solid State and Gaseous state
- Solutions
- Chemical Energetics and Thermodynamics
- Chemical Equilibrium
- Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry
- Rates of Chemical Reactions and Chemical Kinetics
- Chemistry of Hydrocarbons
- Purification and Characterisation of Organic Compounds
- Organic Chemistry Based on Functional Group
- Organic Chemistry Based on Functional Group II
- Organic Chemistry Based on Functional GroupII
- Chemistry of Nonmetals
- Chemistry of Nonmetals – II
- Chemistry of lighter Metals
- Heavy Metals
- Chemistry of Representative Elements
- Transition Metals including Lanthanides
- Coordination Chemistry and Organo Metallics
- Nuclear Chemistry
- Synthetic and Natural Polymers
- Surface Chemistry
- Bio-Molecules and Biological Processes
- Chemistry in Action
- General Biology
- Systematics and Classification
- Animal Kingdom
- Plant Kingdom
- Cell Biology
- Genetics
- Human Biology
- Angiosperm Botany
- Ecology and Environment
- Application of Biology
- Evolution
EduHeal NBTO Class 12 Syllabus
EduHeal Biotechnology Olympiad topics for class 12 focus on the environmental sciences and basic biotechnology concepts.
- Algebra
- Sets, Relations and Functions
- Complex Numbers
- Matrices and Determinants
- Quadratic Equations
- Permutation and Combination
- Binomial Theorem and its Applications
- Sequences and Series
- Calculus
- Differential Calculus
- Integral Calculus
- Differential Equations
- Two And Three Dimensional Geometry
- Two-dimensional Geometry
- The straight line and pair of straight lines
- Circles and system of Circles, Conic Section
- Three dimensional Geometry
- Vectors
- Vector Algebra
- Statistics
- Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion
- Probability
- Trigonometry
- Statics And Dynamics
- Statics
- Dynamics
- Units and Measurement
- Description of Motion in one dimension
- Description of Motion in Two and Three dimensions
- Laws of Motion
- Work, Energy and Power
- Rotational Motion and Moment of Inertia
- Gravitation
- Properties of Matter
- Oscillations
- Waves
- Heat and Thermodynamics
- Transference of heat
- Electrostatics
- Current Electricity
- Thermal and Chemical Effects of currents
- Magnetic Effects of Currents
- Magnetostatics
- Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
- Ray Optics
- Wave Optics
- Electromagnetic waves
- Electrons and Photons
- Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei
- Solids and Semi Conductor Devices
- Atoms, Molecules and Chemical Arithmetic
- Elements, their Occurrence and extraction
- States of Matter Gaseous state
- Atomic Structures Constituents of the atom
- Chemical Families – Periodic Properties
- Chemical Bonding and Molecular structure
- The Solid State and Gaseous state
- Solutions
- Chemical Energetics and Thermodynamics
- Chemical Equilibrium
- Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry
- Rates of Chemical Reactions and Chemical Kinetics
- Chemistry of Hydrocarbons
- Purification and Characterisation of Organic Compounds
- Organic Chemistry Based on Functional Group
- Organic Chemistry Based on Functional Group II
- Organic Chemistry Based on Functional GroupII
- Chemistry of Nonmetals
- Chemistry of Nonmetals – II
- Chemistry of lighter Metals
- Heavy Metals
- Chemistry of Representative Elements
- Transition Metals including Lanthanides
- Coordination Chemistry and Organo Metallics
- Nuclear Chemistry
- Synthetic and Natural Polymers
- Surface Chemistry
- Bio-Molecules and Biological Processes
- Chemistry in Action
- General Biology
- Systematics and Classification
- Animal Kingdom
- Plant Kingdom
- Cell Biology
- Genetics
- Human Biology
- Angiosperm Botany
- Ecology and Environment
- Application of Biology
- Evolution