Ph.D in Clinical Research syllabus includes subjects that cover various areas of topics such as Research Methodology, Clinical Operations, and Bioethics, etc. Ph.D in Clinical Research job scope is extensive in terms of acquiring potential employment opportunities.
Table of Contents
Ph.D in Clinical Research is a three years doctorate course, divided into six semesters. The Ph.D in Clinical Research curriculum is created to help students gain both academic and practical expertise. The Ph.D in Clinical Research syllabus comprises specific subjects like Research Methodology, Fundamentals of Clinical Operations, Fundamentals of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, etc.
As for the consistency of the course content, there is no change in the syllabus of Ph.D in Clinical Research and it remains constant every year.
The table below contains the list of Ph.D in Clinical Research subjects in the first year:
Semester I |
Semester II |
Biomedical - Pathophysiological Basis of Diseases |
Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics – ІІ |
Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics –I |
Introduction to Clinical Trials |
Drug Discovery and Drug Development Process |
Principles and Practice of Clinical Trials |
Fundamentals of Biostatistics |
Regulatory Affairs in Clinical Trials |
The table below contains the list of Ph.D in Clinical Research subjects in the second year:
Semester III |
Semester IV |
Bioethics – Ethical Aspects of Clinical Trials |
GCP/GLP/ICH.for Doctors, Pharmacists, and Nurses |
Clinical Data Management |
Research Project |
Pharmacovigilance and Safety |
Medical writing / Reporting |
Quality Control, Audit, and Inspection in Clinical Trial |
IPR - Intellectual Property Rights |
The table below contains the list of Ph.D in Management subjects in the third year:
Semester V |
Semester VI |
Communication Skills |
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology |
PK, BA, BE In Clinical Trials |
Computer-Aided Drug Designing |
Epidemiology |
SAS Programming |
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology |
The Ph.D in Clinical Research participants have the opportunity to improve both practical and theoretical expertise. The practical experience makes a variety of jobs available. The Ph.D in Clinical Research seeks to demonstrate the efficacy of treatment using newly developed tools and medications for the healing process. As a result, the mending process for humans is more effective.
Despite the extensive nature of the Ph.D in Clinical Research programme, practical understanding is increased via increased hands-on practice. Ph.D in Clinical Research encourages conducting various projects and trials on it. Students must turn in the project at the end of the sixth semester.
The course structure is:
The Ph.D in Clinical Research curriculum incorporates specific distinctive teaching strategies. The students receive instruction in core subjects from various specialities, lectures, and practical experience. While enrolled in the Ph.D in Clinical Research programme, students can also take advantage of industry-based learning opportunities.
The teaching techniques are all about giving the best possible knowledge at their best facilities. In short, the teaching methodology and techniques are:
The Ph.D in Clinical Research projects are available in the sixth semester of the final year. While enrolled in the Ph.D in Clinical Research course, the students may work on the allocated projects as well as some outside projects if they are interested. The students obtain practical experience through labs.
Ph.D projects in management topics are:
Both online and printed copies of the Ph.D in Clinical Research books are available. The purpose of reference books is to help readers comprehend ideas better. For students who desire to study the topics listed in the Ph.D in Clinical Research syllabus, there are several reasonably priced bookstores where they may get the books.
Some of the Ph.D in Clinical Research books are as follows:
Name Of The Books |
Authors |
Negotiate, Persuade, and Create Deals |
Michael Benoliel, Geetanjali Mukherjee |
Procurement & Supply chain Management |
Ernest Ochonma |