PhD Marketing Syllabus and Subjects

Duration: 3 Years
Avg Fees: ₹3 LPA

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PhD Marketing curriculums may differ depending on the specialisation chosen by the students. PhD Marketing courses are divided into four semesters. The PhD Marketing subjects are intended to provide students with a more in-depth understanding of the course and specialisation they choose to pursue.

Semester Wise PhD Marketing Syllabus

The list of PhD Marketing topics is determined by the discipline chosen by the candidate. PhD Marketing course topics differ by discipline because the main topics change. The PhD Marketing curriculum focuses primarily on fundamental Marketing, branding, and Marketing concepts.

As a result, the first year of the PhD Marketing curriculum has not changed significantly. PhD Marketing courses provide students with all of the necessary information. The semester-by-semester doctoral Marketing syllabuses are listed below. Because these are core subjects, they are usually consistent.

PhD Marketing First Year Syllabus

The table below contains the list of PhD Marketing subjects in the first year:

Semester I

Semester II

Marketing Models

Brand and Product Management

Marketing Models

Reading Seminar in Marketing management

Theories in Consumer Behaviour

Supply Chain Management

PhD Marketing Second Year Syllabus

The table below contains the list of PhD Marketing subjects in the second year:

Semester III

Semester IV

Theories in Consumer Behaviour II

Supply Chain Management II

Advances in Retail Management

Marketing and Public policy

Research Methodology


PhD Marketing Third Year Syllabus

The table below contains the list of PhD Marketing subjects in the third year:

Semester V

Semester VI

Field Work

Research Project

PhD Marketing Subjects

PhD Marketing topics are determined by the discipline chosen by the applicant. PhD Marketing courses are chosen based on core humanities and social science topics, as well as disciplines. PhD Marketing courses are classified as either core or elective. Electives are optional courses that make the course more flexible and diverse.

PhD Marketing Core Subjects

The core PhD Marketing subjects list contains essential subjects that all PhD Marketing students study irrespective of their specialisation, which is as follows:

  • Consumer Behaviour
  • Quantitative Models
  • Research Methods
  • Probability and Statics
  • Micro Economics
  • Multivariate Statistics
  • Brand Management
  • Marketing Module and Segmentation
  • Advertisement
  • Supply Chain Management

PhD Marketing Elective Subjects

  • Economics
  • Psychology
  • Statistics
  • Operations Research

PhD Marketing Course Structure

The PhD Marketing course structure consists of both core and elective subjects. The course is a three to five-year-long course, depending on the research topics and papers. Students are introduced to specific subjects related to their specialisation. The course structure is:

  • II Semesters
  • Core Subjects
  • Elective Subjects
  • Research Project

PhD Marketing Teaching Methodology and Techniques

Traditional lecture-based PhD education is covered in PhD Marketing Education Methods and Techniques. Traditional classroom instruction allows students to ask and receive answers to their own questions.

The teaching methods and techniques used in this course are intended to provide students with access to all infrastructure and facilities that are available to them once they have completed this course.

Some common teaching methods and strategies are listed below.

  • Lectures
  • Practical Sessions
  • Research Papers
  • Seminars
  • Group Discussions
  • Research Paper Mentorship

PhD Marketing Course Projects

Marketing research projects are an important part of the programme. These projects will be graded by the professor to determine the student's understanding of the topic. PhD Marketing can select project topics based on their field of study. Some of the most popular research projects are listed below.

  • Role Of Corporate Sustainability And Social Responsibility In Marketing And Branding
  • An Assessment Of Green Marketing Tools For Increasing The Consumption Pattern Of Green Products Among Generation
  • The Challenges Of Marketing Logistics: Product Distribution, Price And Promotion
  • Investigating The Effects Of Marketing And Price Sensitivity On Consumer Behavior
  • Generational Marketing And Marketing: Influencing Purchase Intention In Generation X, Y And Z
  • Child Consumer Psychology: Evaluating The Impact Of Marketing And Marketing

PhD Marketing Course Books

Books are a huge investment for students seeking a PhD in Marketing, as they can help them learn more about interesting subjects. Below are some of the most popular PhD Marketing course books available to students. Students can borrow reference books from the library, download them from the Internet, and purchase them.

Name of Book


Fundamentals of Marketing Research

Scott Smit and Gerald Album

Research Methods For Business Students

Mark Saunder, Philp Louis, Adrian Thornhills

How to Design and Report Experiments

Andy Field and Graham Hole