Montana State University - Northern Rankings

300 13th Street West, Havre, MT 59501
Estd 1929

Updated on - Dec 14th, 2021 | 01:32 PM By Venushree Agarwal

Montana State University-Northern has been consistently ranked among the most popular universities in the world. It believes that academic excellence can be achieved only through a diverse culture that nurtures the intellect and personal growth of an individual.

Montana State University-Northern Ranking Highlights

Montana State University-Northern is known to be one of the most popular public institutes in the nation. MSUN functions as an important cultural resource and continuing education center as it serves four Native American reservations along with Montana's smallest and largest towns. Listed below are a few ranking highlights of MSUN.

  • Montana State University-Northern has been ranked 95- 124th in the Regional University West by US News and World Report.
  • It has been ranked 103rd in Top Performer on Social mobility by IS News & World Report
  • MSUN has been ranked 50-66th among the Top Public Schools by IS News & World Report
  • Montana State University-Northern has been ranked 800th by Times Higher Education

Montana State University-Northern World Rankings

Listed below are a few ranking highlights awarded to Montana State University-Northern by several ranking agencies.

  • Montana State University-Northern has been ranked 4,809 of 14,160 in the world by Edurank
  • MSUN has been ranked 363 in the world by Unirank

Montana State University-Northern National Rankings

It has been consistently ranked among the top universities in the nation due to its unique education system. Listed below are a few national rankings of MUSN

  • MSUN has been ranked 162 in the nation by Unirank
  • Montana State University-Northern has been ranked 1280 of 2,624 in North America by Edurank
  • It has been ranked 1206 of 2,523 in the United States by Edurank
  • MSUN has been ranked 6 of 12 in Montana by Edurank.