Nchumbeni F

Nchumbeni F

Sr.Content Marketing Specialist

Nchumbeni Felic is a Sr.Content Marketing Specialist at GetMyUni, focused on creating reliable content with comprehensive research in the form of easy-to-read blogs, especially for entrance exams. A person who has past hands-on experience in developing curriculum, designed structure, managed and led teams for the US Education System for almost a year. She has been assisting students in private sessions for boards/HSLC exam preparation across various Indian states. As a “Botany enthusiast”, an exceptional educational background who worked on several research projects.

Apart from exploring online resources for content development, she sets interests in adhering to amateur sketch and art, design trends, interpersonal and presentation skills, analytical thinking, and a budding SEO. You can easily spot her collecting manga or playing indie chords or games (exclusively 15 minutes). Grafting and finding herbs to add taste to the meals/beverages describes her routine. On the weekends, you might also find her glued to the screen watching psychology documentaries or NBA/soccer matches, trying to prove telepathy with her pets (only if animals could talk..!).


