BA Music Vocal Syllabus and Subjects

Duration: 3 Years
Avg Fees: ₹4K - 1 LPA

BA Music Vocal Syllabus covers three years in six semesters. The BA Music Vocal Subjects cover a wide range of topics, including Introduction to Music, History of Indian Music, Comparative Study between Western and Indian music, Stage Performances, etc. 

After graduating from BA Music Vocal course, candidates get a wide range of job oppoturinites since the course realies mainly on practicals and performances. The graduates can work as Playbakc singer, Classical Perfomer, Music Director, etc.

Table of Contents

Semester Wise BA Music Vocal Syllabus

The BA Music Vocal Syllabus covers many significant aspects of music, including philosophical foundation, music history, classical music, and Western music, with a meaningful perspective on vocalisation and vocal range. Listed below is the semester-wise syllabus for the BA Music Vocal course:

B.A. 1st Year Music Syllabus

In the table given below is the BA Music Syllabus for the 1st year:

Semester I

Semester II

Introduction to Indian Music

Introduction to Vocal and Instrumental Music

General Introduction to Musical Forms, Terms and Techniques

Hisotry of Indian music I

Introduction to Harmonium Playing

Environmental Studies

BA Music 1st Year Practicals

The following list highlights the practicals offered in BA Music Syllabus for 1st Year:

  • Critical study of Ragas and Taals
  • Sapta tala alankaras in two degrees of speeds
  • Alankaras in 5 of the following ragas:
    a. Sankarabharanam
    b. Kalyani
    c. Mohanam
    d. Hamsadhvani
    e. Abhogi

B.A. 2nd Year Music Syllabus

In the table given below is the BA Music Syllabus for the 2nd year:

Semester III

Semester IV

Contribution of Ancient, Medieval and Modern Scholars to Indian Music

Notation System, Scales and Time Signature

Musciology I

Musciology II

Theory of Music

History of Indian Music II

BA Music 2nd Year Practicals

Here is a list of the practicals that are included in the BA Music Syllabus for the second year.

  • Ata tala varnam
  • Vocal Practice
  • Kritis in the following ragas
    a. Bilahari
    b. Pantuvarali
    c. Vasantha
    d. Arabhi
    e. Nattakurinchi

B.A. 3rd Year Music Syllabus

In the table given below is the BA Music Syllabus for the 3rd year:

Semester V

Semester VI

Study of Western Music and Style of Indian Music

Study of Gharana, Ravindra Sangeet and Carnatic Music

Musicology III

Musicology IV

Sound Editing

Project Work

BA Music 3rd Year Practicals

Below is a list of the practicals included in the third year BA Music Syllabus.

  • Stage Performance of prescribed Ragas and Taals.
  • Alapana in the following major ragas.
    a. Todi
    b. Sankarabharanam
  • Alapana in the following minor ragas.
    a. Nattakurinchi
    b. Anandabhairavi

Also Read on BA Syllabus and Subjects

BA Music Vocal Subjects

The BA Music Vocal subjects cover a range of theories including the History of Indian Music, Musicology, and Technical terms, as well as providing vocal training in Raag, Taals, Swar, Alankaar, and Alap. The syllabus is divided into three parts: core, elective, and practicals which are listed below.

BA Music Vocal Core Subjects

The core subjects in the BA Music syllabus include:

  • Introduction to Indian Music
  • General Introduction to Musical Forms, Terms and Techniques
  • History of Music
  • Introduction to Vocal and Music
  • Study of Western Music and Style of Indian Music
  • Musicology

BA Music Vocal Elective Subjects

The BA Music Vocal subjects offer the following electives in the course:

  • Foundation of Performance
  • Art Review
  • Practice of Guitar
  • Event Management
  • Sem- Classical Compositions
  • Subsidary Instrumental Music

BA Music Vocal Practical Subjects

Practicals are a significant part of the BA Vocal Syllabus, and candidates must mandatorily perform them for at least 1 hour per day. Listed below are practical courses:

  • Critical study of Ragas and Taals
  •  Alankaras in 5 of the following ragas
    a. Sankarabharanam
    b. Kalyani
    c. Mohanam
    d. Hamsadhvani
    e. Abhogi 
  • Vocal Practice in Swar and Taals
  • Demonstration on Sargameet and Lakshangeet
  •  Simple kritis in the following ragas
    a. Hamsadhvani
    b. Chakravakam
    c. Mayamalavagaula

BA Music Vocal Subjects In Detail

The BA Music Vocal syllabus covers a range of subjects in the field of music which are listed in the table given below:

BA Music Vocal Subjects Topics
Introduction to Indian Music Defination of Music, Sound (Dhwani) and its origin, Brief knowledge of the Concept of Raga, Gram, Moorchhna, Writing of Taals in notation with Dugun laykari.
History of Music Distinctive features of Indian music, Major and Minor seats of music, Musical forms, Life sketch and contributions of Musical Trinity.
Contribution of Ancient, Medieval & Modern Scholars to Indian Music Contribution of Mordern Scholars, Brief study of contribution of Ancient and Medival Scholars to Indian Music, Identification of Raagas by given Swar Samooh.
Musicology  Scheme of 72 melas, Raga classification, Classification of musical instruments in general, Raga lakshana in detail.

BA Music Vocal Course Structure

BA Music Vocal Course syllabus of this course includes both theory and practical papers along with perfomances throughout the semesters. In short, the course structure includes:

  • VI Semesters
  • Practical Studies
  • Core Subject
  • Elective Subjects
  • Performances

BA Music Vocal Teaching Methodology and Techniques

The BA Music Vocal syllabus includes both classroom learning and practical sessions for students. The teaching methods is given in the list below:

  • Assignments
  • Following Course Module Books
  • Case studies/ Research Work
  • Internships

BA Music Vocal Projects

As part of their course requirements, students in the B.A. 3rd Music Vocal syllabus must submit a report on various music topics, such as vocal range and Indian musical styles. Some project ideas for the BA Music Syllabus are listed below.

  • Critical study of Ragas and Taals
  • Report Writing on Reputed Artist of Indian Classical Music
  • Study of Regional Folk Music and Report Writing
  • Alankaars singing and recording
  • Performance of Ghazal based on Raagas learnt

BA Music Vocal Reference Books

The BA Music Vocal syllabus includes a specific list of books, which can be found in the table below.



Raag Shastra Parichay

Dr. Alpana Khare

Tabla & Voice

 Pandit Bihmsen Joshi

Memorials of a Residence on the Continent, and Historical Poems

Richard Monckton Milnes Ba Houghton

Bhatkhande Swarlipi Sangrah

Pt. Satish Chandra

Alankars The Riyaz Manual

Ranjani Gehani

BA Music Vocal Fee Structure

FAQs on BA Music Vocal Syllabus and Subjects

Q: What is the syllabus of BA music vocal?

Q: How many practical hours are given in BA music vocal?

Q: Is BA Music Vocal a good course?

Q: What is the scope of BA Music Vocal?