BA Philosophy Syllabus and Subjects

Duration: 3 Years
Avg Fees: ₹5K - 1 LPA

BA Philosophy syllabus is a three-year-long undergraduate course that has six semesters under it. Bachelor of Arts Philosophy subjects includes existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language.

Semester Wise BA Philosophy Syllabus

Philosophy BA syllabus has both elective and core subjects part of the study material. The elective subjects are optional subjects that make the course more interesting, flexible, and diverse for the students. The core subjects are subjects that are important for the students to study to lay the foundation for the topics. BA Philosophy course aims to ensure that the students get a detailed understanding of the subject. The BA Philosophy subjects list is given below according to the semesters:

BA Philosophy First Year Syllabus

Semester I

Semester II

History of Western Philosophy

Psychology & Social-Political Philosophy

Indian Philosophy



BA Philosophy Second Year Syllabus

Semester III

Semester IV

Indian Logic and Epistemology

Philosophy of Language, Epistemology, and Metaphysics (Western)

Ethics and Philosophy of Religion

Optional Paper


BA Philosophy Third Year Syllabus

Semester V

Semester VI

Vedtasra – Sadananda (Entire Text)

An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding: David Hume

Research Project

Research Project

Also Read on BA Syllabus and Subjects

BA Philosophy Subjects

BA Philosophy subjects are designed to ensure that the students have access to all the information and knowledge they need in order to successfully complete the course. BA in Philosophy syllabus helps the students discover the main branches of philosophy namely political philosophy, ethics, and metaphysics.

Listed below are the core subjects that the students are introduced to through the curriculum:

  • Classical Indian Philosophy
  • History of Western Philosophy
  • Philosophy of Language

BA Philosophy Course Structure

The Philosophy syllabus for BA consists of the history of philosophy as well as skills in analysis, rhetoric, writing, and critical thinking. Learning critical, argumentative, and analytical skills is also part of the syllabus of BA Philosophy.

The course structure is given below:

  • VI Semesters
  • Core Subjects
  • Elective Subjects
  • Research Project

BA Philosophy Teaching Methodology and Techniques

The Philosophy subject in BA introduces the major doctrines of the discipline, exploring issues such as morality, political legitimacy, scientific changes, medical advancements, and religious belief. Listed below are the teaching methodology and strategies in general:

  • Lectures
  • Thesis
  • Research Papers
  • Seminars
  • Group Discussions
  • Internships

BA Philosophy Projects

When graduates complete their course, in the final semester they are expected to work on a research project. These projects aim to ensure that the students have a chance to learn about their specialization in detail.

Some of the popular BA Philosophy projects topics undertaken by the students are mentioned below:

  • The Problems of Philosophy: Bertrand Russell
  • Western Logic
  • Ethics
  • Contemporary Indian Philosophy

BA Philosophy Reference Books

BA Philosophy books are always an important and essential investment for the students. The books can help the students to get information about their specialization in a convenient manner. Listed below are some of the popular BA Philosophy books PDF that students can download, purchase or rent: 

BA Philosophy Books

Name of Book


The Theories of Ethics

Phillippa Foot

Philosophy of Mind

J. Shofer

BA Philosophy Fee Structure