BE Automobile Engineering Syllabus and Subjects

Duration: 4 Years
Avg Fees: ₹20K - 4 LPA

The BE Automobile Engineering course syllabus is a four-year undergraduate degree that is divided into eight semesters. BE Automobile Engineering is a study of the basics of manufacturing, designing and operations of automobiles. There are differences in subjects and syllabus for BE Automobile Engineering according to the institutes and specializations.

Semester Wise BE Automobile Engineering Syllabus

Bachelor of Engineering Automobile Engineering syllabus covers everything from designing to manufacturing and to its functions even its calculations. The BE Automobile Engineering syllabus covers both practical and theoretical papers. BE Automobile Engineering course is designed to ensure that the students have access to all the vital information they need to succeed in the coursework. Semester wise BE Automobile Engineering subjects are listed below:

BE Automobile Engineering First Year Syllabus

Semester I

Semester II

Technical English - I

Technical English - II

Mathematics - I

Mathematics - II

Engineering Physics - I

Engineering Physics - II

Engineering Chemistry - I

Engineering Chemistry - II

Engineering Graphics

Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Fundamentals of Computing and Programming

Engineering Mechanics


BE Automobile Engineering Second Year Syllabus

Semester III

Semester IV

Transforms and Partial Differential Equations

Statistics and Numerical Methods

Engineering Thermodynamics

Applied Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer

Fluid Mechanics and Machinery

Engineering Materials and Metallurgy

Automotive Engines

Strength of Materials

Mechanics of Machines

Electronics and Microprocessors

Production Technology

Automotive Chassis


BE Automobile Engineering Third Year Syllabus

Semester V

Semester VI

Environmental Science and Engineering

Principles of Management

Design of Machine Elements

Automotive Engine Components Design

Automotive Transmission

Automotive Chassis Components Design

Automotive Electrical and Electronics

Two and Three Wheelers

Vehicle Design and Data Characteristics

Finite Element Analysis

Automotive Fuels and Lubricants

Composite Materials


BE Automobile Engineering Fourth Year Syllabus

Semester VII

Semester VIII

Engine and Vehicle Management System

Vehicle Body Engineering

Vehicle Dynamics


Vehicle Maintenance

Automotive Safety

Automotive Pollution and Control

Automotive Aerodynamics

BE Automobile Engineering Subjects

Bachelor of Engineering Automobile Engineering subjects is a collective of both practical and theory of Automobile Engineering. BE Automobile Engineering subjects Technical English, Professional English, Mathematics, Engineering Physics, Engineering Chemistry, Engineering Mechanics and so on. BE Automobile Engineering covers both core and elective subjects. Some compulsory subjects are listed below:

  • Transforms And Partial Differential Equations
  • Statistics And Numerical Methods
  • Engineering Thermodynamics
  • Applied Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
  • Fluid Mechanics and Machinery
  • Engineering Materials and Metallurgy
  • Automotive Engines

BE Automobile Engineering Course Structure

BE Automobile Engineering offers specialisation in alternative fuels, aerodynamics, chassis, emissions, electronics, ergonomics, materials, manufacturing, rapid prototyping, etc. Some of the engineering disciplines that are of importance to the automotive engineer include drivability, cost, performance, shift quality, safety engineering, etc. BE Automobile Engineering is made in such a way that both classroom training and practical labs are covered. The BE Automobile Engineering course structure is given below:

  • VIII semesters
  • Core Subjects
  • Elective subjects
  • Practicals
  • Projects
  • Internship

BE Automobile Engineering Teaching Methodology and Techniques

BE Automobile Engineering undertakes different teaching methods. Along with classroom training BE Automobile Engineering includes practical sessions for those who are very passionate about Automobiles and want to take it professionally in future. Some of the teaching methods that are adopted for the course are listed below:

  • Presentations
  • Conceptualized learning
  • Practicals
  • Classroom training
  • Group discussions
  • Internship
  • Industrial Trips

BE Automobile Engineering Projects

Projects are there to give to the students who must understand deeply about concepts and get some experience. Projects are completed by the end of the eighth semester. Some popular BE Automobile Engineering projects topics are listed below:

  • Solar Refrigeration Using Peltier Effect
  • The Jig Saw Machine
  • Bore-Well Rescue Robot
  • Vertical Car Parking
  • Smart Anti-Theft System for Vehicle Security

BE Automobile Engineering Reference Books

BE Automobile Engineering books are available in both online and offline stores written by different authors and publications. Reference books are meant to give additional and deep knowledge about a concept. Books for BE Automobile Engineering courses differ according to the specializations and institutes. Some reference books for BE Automobile Engineering course are:

BE Automobile Engineering Books

Reference Books


Automobile Engineering

Singh K

Objective Automobile Engineering

 P K Mishra

Automobile Engineering

Ramakrishna K

Automobile Engineering 1000 Questions-Ans

Kapil Dev

A Textbook of Automobile Engineering

S K Gupta

BE Automobile Engineering Fee Structure