BE Production Engineering Syllabus and Subjects

Duration: 4 Years
Avg Fees: ₹25K - 2 LPA

Bachelor in Engineering Production Engineering syllabus for the course is designed in such a way to help the students with theoretical knowledge and skill-sets that meet the requirements of Industry businesses. Bachelor in Engineering Production Engineering subjects includes the core concepts of Operations Research, Advanced Manufacturing Process, Design of Machine Elements, Industrial Quality control, Materials and Operations Management, etc.

Semester Wise BE Production Engineering Syllabus

The BE Production Engineering course syllabus is divided into eight semesters spread over a span of four years with the end semester examination being held at the end of each semester. BE Production Engineering course aims to ensure that the students are able to build a rewarding career for themselves. The BE Production Engineering syllabus is a mix of theory and practical learning through projects and internships. Given below are the BE Production Engineering course subjects list taught in the course:

BE Production Engineering First Year Syllabus

Semester I

Semester II


Manufacturing Technology


Mathematics II

Mathematics I

Engineering Graphics

Engineering Mechanics

Electronic Devices

BE Production Engineering Second Year Syllabus

Semester III

Semester IV

Mathematics III

Engineering Thermodynamics

Fluid Mechanics

Computer Graphics

Strength of Materials

Material Science

Digital Systems

Manufacturing Technology

BE Production Engineering Third Year Syllabus

Semester V

Semester VI

Mechanical Measurements and Metrology

Work-study and Ergonomics

Production Planning and Control

Design of machine elements

Heat Transfer

Industrial Quality control

Theory of machines

Materials and Operations Management

BE Production Engineering Fourth Year Syllabus

Semester VII

Semester VIII

Industrial Automation and Robotics

Operations Research

Advanced Manufacturing Process

Industrial Management

Metal cutting and Tool design

Project Work

Industrial Training

Comprehension Viva-voce

BE Production Engineering Subjects

The BE Production Engineering course deals with planning, designing, developing, and managing various processes to produce high-quality products. Subjects in BE Production Engineering include two kinds, core, and elective subjects. Some of the compulsory subjects are:

  • Engineering Mathematics
  • Operations Research
  • Advanced Manufacturing Process
  • Design of Machine Elements
  • Industrial Quality control
  • Materials and Operations Management

BE Production Engineering Course Structure

The BE Production Engineering course structure is designed in such a way that it includes theory and practicals. The course is aimed at transforming engineering aspirants into qualified professionals who are capable of meeting the demands of the industry both technically and academically. The course structure is given below:

  • VIII Semesters
  • Core Subjects
  • Elective Subjects
  • Labs/Workshops
  • Projects
  • Industrial Training

BE Production Engineering Teaching Methodology and Techniques

The BE Production Engineering course curriculum has different teaching methods. Along with lectures and practicals, the students also have projects, research papers, group discussions, and internships to be completed by the end of the last semester. Listed below are the teaching methodology and strategies in general:

  • Thesis/Projects
  • Conceptualized Learning
  • Traditional Classroom-Based Teaching
  • Labs/Workshops
  • Seminars
  • Field Trips

BE Production Engineering Projects

BE Production Engineering projects are given to students to understand the concepts and help students in getting hands-on experience. Projects are to be completed by the end of the eighth semester. Some popular BE Production Engineering projects topics are:

  • Optimization of Surface Roughness Model for Steels
  • Optimization of Sand -Clay-Water System for Green Sand Moulding
  • Optimization in Route Designing
  • Optimization of Materials Utilisation

BE Production Engineering Reference Books

BE Production Engineering books are available both online and offline by many authors and publications. Reference books are meant for gaining an in-depth understanding of concepts. Some of the reference books for BE Production Engineering are:

BE Production Engineering Books

Name of the Books


Manufacturing Engineering and Technology

S.Kalpakjian & S.R. Schmid

Fundamentals of Machining and Machine Tools

 G. Boothroyd & W.A. Knight

Metal Cutting Principles

Milton C. Shaw

O.P. Khanna

A Textbook of Production Technology

BE Production Engineering Fee Structure