Placements & Internships :
During persuation of the programme the students get attached to corporate and shall undergo 3-4 days on the job training from second year onwards and attend classroom lectures for 3 days. All the PG students get a stipend ranging from Rs. 10,000-
Placements & Internships :
During persuation of the programme the students get attached to corporate and shall undergo 3-4 days on the job training from second year onwards and attend classroom lectures for 3 days. All the PG students get a stipend ranging from Rs. 10,000-15,000 per month and UG students get a stipend ranging from Rs. 6,000-10,000 per month. Earning while learning emphasizes on confidence building of students to take their own decisions in money matters.
Academics & Faculty :
ATM-GBS has a deep reservoir of teaching talent. The academic head, Dr. Shameena Gupta is herself an alumnii of IMT Ghaziabad. Professors, many of whom have taught in premier B-schools like IIM,IMT,FMS,MDI,IIT and the like keenly engage the students in case studies and presentations and help them to solve simulated real world problems critically. Faculty also acts as mentors to students.
A classroom is a setting for learning. Keeping thisin mind the classrooms at ATM-GBS are spacious, well ventilated and are designed according to the needs of the learners. They have been structured in a manner that help to bring to life a unique learning experience integrated with specialized teaching through availability of PCs at individual seats, LCD screens and sound system Installation. These aspects help in creating the right atmosphere essntial for long hours of learning, making it a delightful and worthwhile experience for both is available which aims to serve as a platform for the students to showcase their ideas, opinions and views on various topics thus emcouraging their creativity and ability
College Infrastructure & Hostel Facilities :
ATM-GBS has following facilities:
1.Seminar halls and conference rooms for seminars and conferences
2. Class rooms are spacious and well ventilated
3.Video conferencing from faculty of different colleges
4. WI-FI campus
6.ACE (Advance communication for employment & Personality Development classes)
7. Yoga and meditation
8. Laptop and IPad with Rs 10,000 security
9. Industrial Visits
10. Teaching methods are not old ones. New methods are often tried to create interest of students.