Hansraj College CUET Cutoff 2024 (Expected), 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020


Hansraj College CUET cutoff 2024 will be released soon. CUET 2024 results were out on July 29, 2024. The expected Hansraj College CUET cutoff 2024 is 62 to 100 percentile for BA (Hons.) across various specialisations for different student categories. Likewise, it is 83 to 100 percentile and 92 to 100 percentile for B.Sc (Hons.) and B.Com (Hons.) programs, respectively.

Hansraj College offers offers many courses for undergraduate, and postgraduate admissions. The entrance exams accepted for admission include CUET UG, CUET PG, etc. Candidates seeking Hansraj College admission are required to meet the cutoff criteria of the university and also secure a valid score in the accepted exams.

The Hansraj College cutoff details for BA, BA (Hons.), B.Com (Hons.) and B.Sc (Hons.) courses based on CUET are provided below for 2024 (Expected), 2021, 2020 and 2019.

Table of Contents

Hansraj College Cutoff 2024 (Expected)

Hansraj College cutoff 2024 based on CUET is yet to be released. Based on the previous years' trends, given below are the Hansraj College CUET expected cutoff 2024 details for various courses and different categories of students.

Hansraj College CUET Cutoff 2024 (Expected)

For general category students, the expected Hansraj College CUET cutoff 2024 is 78 to 100 percentile for admission to BA (Hons.) programs. Similarly, for SC and ST categories, it is 66 to 100 percentile and 63 to 99 percentile, respectively.

Refer to the following table below for expected Hansraj College cutoff 2024 based on CUET for different programs and student categories in the form of percentile.

BA (H) Economics 96 - 100 96 - 100 96 - 100 95 - 99 94 - 98 96 - 100 94 - 98
BA (H) English 96 - 100 95 - 99 94 - 98 93 - 97 92 - 96 95 - 99 93 - 97
BA (H) Hindi 93 - 97 89 - 93 88 - 92 86 - 90 89 - 93 89 - 93 88 - 92
BA (H) History 96 - 100 96 - 100 94 - 98 94 - 98 94 - 98 94 - 98 93 - 97
BA (H) Philosophy 96 - 100 95 - 99 93 - 97 93 - 97 92 - 96 93 - 97 92 - 96
BA (H) Sanskrit 78 - 82 68 - 72 66 - 70 63 - 67 62 - 66 68 - 72 68 - 72
BA (Sanskrit + Philosophy) 90 - 94 89 - 93 88 - 92 88 - 92 88 - 92 88 - 92 88 - 92
BA (Eco. + Commerce) 96 - 100 95 - 99 94 - 98 94 - 98 92 - 96 95 - 99 93 - 97
BA (History + Eco.) 96 - 100 95 - 99 94 - 98 93 - 97 92 - 96 94 - 98 93 - 97
BA (Philosophy +Phy. Ed.) 95 - 99 94 - 98 93 - 97 93 - 97 91 - 95 93 - 97 92 - 96
BA (Phy. Edu. + Hindi) 94 - 98 93 - 97 91 - 95 91 - 95 91 - 95 93 - 97 92 - 96
B.Com (H) 96 - 100 96 - 100 96 - 100 94 - 98 92 - 96 96 - 100 92 - 96
B.Sc (H) Anthropology 94 - 98 92 - 96 89 - 93 89 - 93 88 - 92 92 - 96 88 - 92
B.Sc (H) Botany 95 - 99 91 - 95 87 - 91 84 - 88 83 - 87 90 - 94 88 - 92
B.Sc (H) Chemistry 96 - 100 96 - 100 92 - 96 88 - 92 86 - 90 96 - 100 93 - 97
B.Sc (H) Computer Science 96 - 100 96 - 100 96 -100 96 - 100 94 - 98 96 - 100 95 - 99
B.Sc (H) Electronics 96 - 100 96 - 100 93 - 97 88 - 92 93 - 97 96 - 100 94 - 98
B.Sc (H) Geology 96 - 100 94 - 98 93 - 97 91 - 95 90 - 94 96 - 100 94 - 98
B.Sc (H) Mathematics 96 - 100 96 - 100 95 - 99 93 - 97 93 - 97 96 - 100 93 - 97
B.Sc (H) Physics 96 - 100 96 - 100 94 - 98 88 - 92 94 - 98 96 - 100 94 - 98
B.Sc (H) Zoology 96 - 100 94 - 98 92 - 96 90 - 94 88 - 92 95 - 99 93 - 97
B.Sc Life Science 96 - 100 94 - 98 88 - 92 85 - 89 83 - 87 93 - 97 91 - 95
B.Sc Physical Science (Chem.) 96 - 100 96 - 100 93 - 97 88 - 92 88 - 92 96 - 100 93 - 97
B.Sc Physical Science (Comp.) 96 - 100 96 - 100 93 - 97 88 - 92 88 - 92 96 - 100 93 - 97

Hansraj College Cutoff 2021

Hansraj College cutoff data for different courses and categories for the year 2021 is given below:

Hansraj College BA (Hons.) Cutoff 2021

Hansraj College offers various BA (Hons.) specializations and the Cutoff 2021 is based on merit in previous qualifying exams- round 5 for different student categories is tabulated below:

General Category

BA (Hons.) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Economics 98.5
 English 98
 Hindi 94
 History 97.75
 Philosophy 96
 Sanskrit 79

OBC Category

BA (Hons.) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Economics 96.25
 English 95
 Hindi 90
 History 96
 Philosophy 93.5
 Sanskrit 70

SC Category

BA (Hons.) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Economics 96.25
 English 95
 Hindi 90
 History 96
 Philosophy 93.5
 Sanskrit 70

ST Category

BA (Hons.) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Economics 91
 English 91
 Hindi 78
 History 95
 Philosophy 90
 Sanskrit 55

PWD Category

BA (Hons.) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Economics 88
 English 91
 Hindi 78
 History 92
 Philosophy 85
 Sanskrit 50

EWS Category

BA (Hons.) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Economics 97
 English 94
 Hindi 90.75
 History 96
 Philosophy 94
 Sanskrit 70

Hansraj College B.Sc(Hons) Cutoff 2021

Tabulated below is the Hansraj College Cutoff 2021 of B.Sc(Hons) specializations based on merit in previous qualifying exams- round 5 for various category students

General Category

 B.Sc(Hons) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Anthropology 93
 Botany 95.33
 Chemistry 95
 Computer Science 97.75
Electronics 96
 Geology 80
 Mathematics 97.5
 Physics 96
 Zoology 96
 Life Science 95
 Physical Science with Chemistry 95
Physical Science with Computer Science 97

OBC Category

 B.Sc(Hons) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Anthropology 92
 Botany 93
 Chemistry 94.33
 Computer Science 96.25
Electronics 92
 Geology 93
 Mathematics 97.5
 Physics 95.66
 Zoology 94.66
 Life Science 92
 Physical Science with Chemistry 95
Physical Science with Computer Science 95

SC Category

 B.Sc(Hons) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Anthropology 85
 Botany 89
 Chemistry 93
 Computer Science 94
Electronics 88
 Geology 88
 Mathematics 96
 Physics 94
 Zoology 92
 Life Science 90
 Physical Science with Chemistry 89
Physical Science with Computer Science 90

ST Category

 B.Sc(Hons) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Anthropology 85
 Botany 94
 Chemistry 75
 Computer Science 97.5
Electronics 80
 Geology 85
 Mathematics 95
 Physics 90
 Zoology 90
 Life Science 84.66
 Physical Science with Chemistry 80
Physical Science with Computer Science 88

PWD Category

 B.Sc(Hons) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Anthropology 65
 Botany 75
 Chemistry 75
 Computer Science 88
Electronics 75
 Geology 80
 Mathematics 85
 Physics 70
 Zoology 80
 Life Science 76
 Physical Science with Chemistry 70
Physical Science with Computer Science 75

EWS Category

 B.Sc(Hons) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Anthropology 93
 Botany 92
 Chemistry 95
 Computer Science 97.75
Electronics 94
 Geology 94
 Mathematics 97.5
 Physics 96
 Zoology 95
 Life Science 95
 Physical Science with Chemistry 94
Physical Science with Computer Science 94

Hansraj College B.Com(Hons) Cutoff 2021

The following table shows the Hansraj College Cutoff 2021 of the B.Com(Hons) course based on merit in previous qualifying exams for various category students

Category Cutoff Percentage
Gen 98.5
OBC 88
SC 93.75
ST 87
PWD 55
EWS 90

Hansraj College MA Cutoff 2021

Displayed below is the Hansraj College Cutoff 2021 of the MA specializations based on DUET- round 2 for various category students

General Category

 MA Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 History 72.53
 English 75.74
 Hindi 78.46
Sanskrit 81.9
 Mathematics 90.11

OBC Category

 MA Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 History 86
 English 70
 Hindi 82.03
Sanskrit 71.35
 Mathematics 87.55

SC Category

 MA Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 History 69.57
 English 69.06
 Hindi 100
Sanskrit 60.84
 Mathematics 73.61

ST Category

 MA Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 History 70.48
 English 60
 Hindi 69.19
 Mathematics 70.54

PWD Category

 MA Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 History 67.5
 English 62.77
 Hindi 61.47
Sanskrit -
 Mathematics 73.43

EWS Category

 MA Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 History 67.01
 English 67.01
 Hindi 80.49
Sanskrit 62.13
 Mathematics 86.14

Hansraj College M.Sc Cutoff 2021

Tabulated below is the Hansraj College Cutoff 2021 of the M.Sc specializations based on DUET for various category students

General Category

M.Sc Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Anthropology 63.78
Geology 80.68
 Zoology 89.6
 Operational Research 93.46
 Chemistry 89.99
 Botany 89.22
 Mathematics 91.66
 Physics 84.64

OBC Category

M.Sc Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Anthropology 64.19
Geology 71.96
 Zoology 86.65
 Operational Research 86.65
 Chemistry 81.77
 Botany 88.32
 Mathematics 87.55
 Physics 86.01

SC Category

M.Sc Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Anthropology 69.45
Geology 71.57
 Zoology 81.65
 Operational Research 82.42
 Chemistry 79.98
 Botany 86.01
 Mathematics 83.05
 Physics 77.41

ST Category

M.Sc Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Anthropology 66.35
Geology 71.05
 Zoology 83.05
 Operational Research 65.08
 Chemistry 80.61
 Botany 69.88
 Mathematics 80.49
 Physics 84.34

PWD Category

M.Sc Specializations Cutoff Percentage
Geology 67
 Zoology 73.14
 Operational Research 69.96
 Chemistry 7.74
 Mathematics 73.43

EWS Category

M.Sc Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Anthropology 64.88
Geology 78.71
 Zoology 78.16
 Operational Research 78.44
 Chemistry 84.08
 Botany 84.98
 Mathematics 86.14
 Physics 88.06

Hansraj College M.Com Cutoff 2021

The following table shows the Hansraj College Cutoff 2021 of the M.Com specializations based on DUET for various category students

Category Cutoff Percentage
Gen 86.78
OBC 84.21
SC 80.1
ST 78.3

Hansraj College Cutoff 2020

Hansraj College Cutoff data for different courses and categories for the year 2020 is given below

Hansraj College BA (Hons.) Cutoff 2020

Displayed below is the Hansraj College Cutoff 2020 of the BA (Hons.) specializations based on merit in previous qualifying exams for various category students

General Category

BA (Hons.) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Economics 97.75
 English 96.5 
 Hindi 90 
 History 97.5

OBC Category

BA (Hons.) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Economics 94.25
 English 94
 Hindi 85
 History 95 

SC Category

BA (Hons.) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Economics 89.5
 English 92
 Hindi 82.5 
 History 93

ST Category

BA (Hons.) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Economics 85.5
 English 92
 Hindi 78 
 History 93.5

PWD Category

BA (Hons.) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Economics 83 
 English 90 
 Hindi 83 
 History 91 

EWS Category

BA (Hons.) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Economics 94.75
 English 91 
 Hindi 80 
 History 92 

Hansraj College BA Cutoff 2020

The following table shows the Hansraj College cutoff 2020 of the BA specializations based on merit in previous qualifying exams for various categories of students:

General Category

BA Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Economics with Commerce 96.5

OBC Category

BA Specializations Cutoff Percentage
Sanskrit with Hindi  84 
 Economics with Commerce 94 

SC Category

BA Specializations Cutoff Percentage
Sanskrit with Hindi  78 
 Economics with Commerce 91
 History with Economics 93
Philosophy with History  91

ST Category

BA Specializations Cutoff Percentage
Sanskrit with Hindi  75 
 Economics with Commerce 84 
 History with Economics 87 
Philosophy with History  85 

PWD Category

BA Specializations Cutoff Percentage
Sanskrit with Hindi  79 
 Economics with Commerce 90 
 History with Economics 92
Philosophy with History  91 

EWS Category

BA Specializations Cutoff Percentage
Sanskrit with Hindi  80
 Economics with Commerce 82  
 History with Economics  94 
Philosophy with History  93.5  

Hansraj College B.Com (Hons) Cutoff 2020

Displayed below is the Hansraj College Delhi cutoff 2020 of the B.Com (Hons)  course based on merit in previous qualifying exams for various categories of students:

Category Cutoff Percentage
General  97.25
OBC 94
SC 90 
ST 78 
PWD 79.75
EWS 95.5

Hansraj College B.Sc(Hons) Cutoff 2020

Tabulated below is the category-wise Hansraj College Delhi cutoff 2020 of B.Sc(Hons) specializations based on merit in previous qualifying exams:

General Category

B.Sc (Hons) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
Anthropology 93 
 Zoology 95.33 
 Chemistry 96  
 Computer Science 97.25
 Electronics 95
 Mathematics 96.75 

OBC Category

B.Sc (Hons) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
Anthropology 87 
 Botany 88 
 Chemistry 93
 Computer Science 95  
 Electronics 93.66 
 Geology 88
 Mathematics 95.75 

SC Category

B.Sc (Hons) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
Anthropology  82 
 Botany 84 
 Chemistry 89 
 Computer Science 93 
 Electronics 82 
 Geology 86
 Mathematics 93.25

ST Category

B.Sc (Hons) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
Anthropology 76 
 Botany 80
Chemistry 84 
 Computer Science  86 
 Electronics 74 
 Geology 78 
 Mathematics 90 

PWD Category

B.Sc (Hons) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
Anthropology 72 
 Botany 76 
 Chemistry 72
 Computer Science  82 
 Electronics  74 
 Geology  78
 Mathematics  80

EWS Category

B.Sc (Hons) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
Anthropology 84 
 Botany  85.66
 Chemistry  94
 Computer Science  94.5
 Electronics 94
 Geology 87 
 Mathematics  95.25

Hansraj College Cutoff 2019

Hansraj College Cutoff data for different courses and categories for the year 2019 is given below:

Hansraj College BA (Hons) Cutoff 2019

Tabulated below is the Hansraj College cutoff 2019 of BA (Hons) specializations based on merit in previous qualifying exams for several student categories:

General Category

BA (Hons) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Economics 97.25
 English 96.75
 Hindi 86
History 96.5
Sanskrit 72

OBC Category

BA (Hons) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Economics 94.5
 English 93
 Hindi 93.75
History 84
Philosophy 93.75
Sanskrit  67.5

SC Category

BA (Hons) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Economics 90.25
 English 91
 Hindi 83
History 92
Sanskrit 64

ST Category

BA (Hons) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Economics 88
 English 90
 Hindi 78.5
History 92
Sanskrit  55

PWD Category

BA (Hons) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Economics 86.5
 English 89
 Hindi 85
History 92
Sanskrit 59

EWS Category

BA (Hons) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Economics 95.75
 Hindi 85.5
History 95.75
Sanskrit  69.5

Hansraj College B.Sc (Hons) Cutoff 2019

Displayed below is the Hansraj College cutoff 2019 of B.Sc (Hons) specializations based on merit in previous qualifying exams for various categories of students:

General Category

B.Sc (Hons) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Anthropology 93
 Botany 92
Chemistry 96
 Electronics 95
 Geology 94.66
 Mathematics 96.5
Physics 97
Zoology 95.33
Life Science 94.66

OBC Category

B.Sc(Hons) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Anthropology 88
 Botany 87.33
Chemistry 94.33
Computer Science 95.5
 Electronics 92.66
 Geology 90
 Mathematics 95
Physics 96.33
Zoology 90
Life Science 87
Physical Science with Chemistry 93
Physical Science with Computer Science

ST Category

B.Sc(Hons) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Anthropology 84
 Botany 85
Chemistry 87
Computer Science 93
 Electronics 86
 Geology 85.33
 Mathematics 93
Physics 92.66
Zoology 90
Life Science 82.66
Physical Science with Chemistry 86.33
Physical Science with Computer Science

PWD Category

B.Sc(Hons) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Anthropology 79
 Botany 74
Chemistry 81.33
 Electronics 84
 Geology 85.33
 Mathematics 86.5
Physics 86
Zoology 75
Life Science 75
Physical Science with Chemistry 82
Physical Science with Computer Science

EWS Category

B.Sc(Hons) Specializations Cutoff Percentage
 Anthropology 92
 Botany 88
Computer Science 96
 Electronics 94
 Geology 91.66
 Mathematics 95.75
Physics 95.33
Zoology 93
Physical Science with Computer Science

Factors Determining Hansraj College Cutoff 2024

Following are the factors that are used to calculate the cutoff for Hansraj College in 2024:

  • The total number of candidates for the entrance exam
  • The difficulty level of the entrance exam
  • The total number of vacant seats available at Hansraj College
  • Previous year cutoff trends

FAQs on Hansraj College Cutoff

Q: What is the Hansraj College cutoff 2024?

Q: Which entrance exams are accepted by the Hansraj College?

Q: Which factors determine the Hansraj College cutoff 2024?

Hansraj College Reviews

Overall Rating



Distribution of Rating

>4-5 star


>3-4 star


>2-3 star


1-2 star


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rudrapratapsrda Batch 2023 BSc [Bachelor of Science]
Reviewed on Jan 20, 2023
5 Placements
4 Fees
5 Academics
5 Infrastructure
5 Campus

Academics & Faculty : Classes starts from 8:40 to 5pm with 20min break (12:40-1:00pm) Teachers and teaching quality is extraordinary with all possible techs Overall experience-Superb

Entrance Exams & Admissions : Minimum 50% marks in 12th to sit in cuet exam.Based on

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rakeshkohli9065 Batch 2023 BA [Bachelor of Arts]
Reviewed on Dec 30, 2022
4.5 Placements
2.5 Fees
2.5 Academics
2.5 Infrastructure
2.5 Campus

Academics & Faculty : It will be depend on teacher. mainting time. Very nice and well disciplined. Very nice and also very attractive environment

Entrance Exams & Admissions : At the time when i got admission the admission procedure was according to 12th marks but no

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Agarwalyagya13 Batch 2023 B.Com {Hons.}
Reviewed on Jun 20, 2022

Entrance Exams & Admissions : I got my admission based on the class 12th result. Students did not take any entrance exams. The selection was purely merit-based. In my year, the cut off started from around 100%.

Shubham Aggarwal673 Batch 2023 B.Com {Hons.}
Reviewed on Jan 27, 2022
4.5 Placements
4.5 Fees
4.5 Academics
3.5 Infrastructure
5 Campus

Academics & Faculty : The daily routine is quite rigorous with regular assignments. The quality of teaching is really good. The overall experience is quite wholesome.

Entrance Exams & Admissions : Admissions are based upon the marks scored in the 12 class and no entr

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Kritikachoudhary589 Batch 2023 B.Com {Hons.}
Reviewed on Jan 10, 2022
4 Placements
4.5 Fees
4 Academics
4 Infrastructure
4.5 Campus

Academics & Faculty : The classes generally start at 8.40 AM and may go up to 4 PM. The classes may or may not be continuous. The lunch break is between 12.40 PM and 1 PM. 

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