The library plays a significant role in academic institution. The society needs libraries for imparting better education, both formal and non-formal. Distance education basically involves self-study on the part of students for which libraries support is most essential. Accordingly constant efforts are being made to build up the library of the ICDEOL. The library has a total collection of 22544 books including bound volumes of periodicals.
The library is primarily for the use of students and the members of the teaching departments of the ICDEOL. Students interested in taking membership of the library are required to deposit prescribed security which is refundable when a student ceases to be a member of the library after adjusting anything due from him/her. Refund will be made within one year after expiry of validity of membership. Library Security refund form DE-3(downloadable) can be downloaded from website.
A person eligible and desirous of becoming a member of library shall fill in and sign a membership registration format DE-2 (downloadable) and membership card at DE-14 (downloadable) and send them to Assistant Librarian along with two passport size photographs duly attested by a Gazetted Officer/Principal or by the Assistant/Dy. Registrar of the ICDEOL. Each student member shall be issued Library Identity-cum-Membership passbook at the time of enrolment which entitles him/her to take on loan two books at a time. Members will be enrolled during March to November. Library membership form and card duly filled in must be submitted by the student along with two passport size photographs duly attested and a demand draft of prescribed fee as security money drawn in favour of the Director, ICDEOL. This library security money should be sent through a draft separately to Asst. Librarian ICDEOL, H.P. University, Shimla-5. The circulation of documents will remain closed from 1st January to 15th February.
Outstation members, who wish to have books sent out of Shimla, will have to bear one way cost of postage. The books will be sent under registered cover at the expenses of the ICDEOL, whereas the safe return will of books will entirely be the responsibility of the members.
The loan period of books is 21 days for local members and 30 days for the outstation members. For delay beyond the prescribed period, overdue charges per book per day for late return and price for loss mutilation of documents shall have to be paid. Apart from this prescribed charges will be charged for duplicate library-Identity-cum-Membership Passbook.
In addition to the facility available at the ICDEOL library, the ICDEOL students can avail the facility of inter-library loan of books from the main library of the University. The University library is housed in a multi-storey building with a space to accommodate more than two lakhs of volumes in stack halls and about 600 readers in reading halls.
The main University library has a total collection of 204438 books excluding unbound periodicals and pamphlet literature. The number of current periodicals on the subscription list of the library is 322. The library is open on all week days from 9.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. The library also has arrangement for inter-library loan on reciprocal basis from other universities.
Faculty House:
The ICDEOL students visiting Shimla are generally provided accommodation subject to the availability of accommodation in the University faculty house on the rates fixed by the University from time to time.
Local transport facilities like buses (private/state government), trains and University buses are available at short intervals from Summer Hill to the main town.
Concession for Blind Students
As per provision of HPU Ordinance 43.1 the blind students who intend to seek admission in any of the courses being run through International Centre for Distance Education & Open Learning are exempted from tuition & examination fee.
Identity Card:
A student admitted to the ICDEOL will be issued an identity card. It will be valid for the duration of the course or till he/she leaves the studies before the completion of the course. The student must keep this card with him/her whenever he/she visits the ICDEOL office or comes to attend the personal contact programme and also in the examination hall.