Education Loans
Getting Education is no longer an insurmountable problem these days. Education loans are available to the needy and deserving students from the Nationalized Banks at reasonable rates of interest. Theses loans are repayable after the completion of the degree/diploma.
Fee Waiver Scheme
The State Government has started a fee waiver scheme to help the economically poor but meritorious students. Further information regarding this can be obtained from the office of the Registrar.
Financial Help
It is a motto with the management of our Group, “Poverty would not be allowed to stand in the way of the completion of the education of meritorious students. Such students are generously helped. Academically intelligent and poor students to acquire higher education by giving them financial help in the form of tuition fee waiver. Relaxation in tuition fee is also given to merit position holders in the qualifying examinations/competitive examinations and position holders in the University examinations. The parents of meritorious students are also honoured along with the students in the annual functions of the Colleges.
>4-5 star
>3-4 star
>2-3 star
1-2 star
Placements & Internships
Fees & Scholarships
Academics & Faculty
College Infrastructure & Hostel Facilities
Clubs & Associations
Fees & Scholarships : Fees are around INR 1 lakh 80 thousand per year. Around 10. Yes, they are easily available from SBI.
Entrance Exams & Admissions : If you are in 12th you can fill up the form and appear for entrance exam. This time the cutoffs was 50.#
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Fees & Scholarships : Approx INR 2 lakh per year is the fee for the course. there is an option of scholarship too and college also provides banks facilities which give you the loans.
Entrance Exams & Admissions : You have to be 12th passed out for taking admission in
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Fees & Scholarships : Course fees in National Institute of Fashion Technology is around Rs. 8 lakh for 4 years. Nift subsidy policy is available to the economical background students. Around 2 or 3 students will get scho
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