Additional Details:
Eligibility Criteria for M.Com:
- Candidates should have completed there Bachelor Degree in Commerce from the recognized university
Scholarship Offered:
Scholarship at Nehru Gram Bharati University, Allahabad:
- This university provides Scholarship to outstanding students
- Sportsman and others who have achieved excellence in various Department of university
Scholarship for SC/ST and OBC Students:
- The university helps the students belonging to SC/ST and OBC category by the state or central government
- Their social welfare department is well acquited with the norms and procedures required to helps students get the scholarship and other benefits
Scholarship and Fees concession:
- There is an arrangement of fees concession for the unprivileged students
- Eligible candidates are recommended for scholarship and library use
- Unprivileged general students would also be entitled to the scholarship too
- Fee concession will be given to students on the basis of discipline behavior and financial condition
Admission procedure:
- Candidates can get their application through Online
Documents Required for Admission: