B.Tech Electronics Engineering Syllabus and Subjects

Duration: 4 Years
Avg Fees: ₹4 - 10 LPA

B.Tech Electronics Engineering syllabus covers all analog and digital electronic devices, their architecture, design, functionality, and performance requirements. This course helps students work with the industries concerned with product creation, control systems, wireless communication, aerospace, defense, and space research organisations. Applicants will also have the opportunity to learn about sensors, processors, diodes, transistors, simulators, and many other critical devices and systems.

Semester Wise B.Tech Mechanical Engineering Syllabus

Besides the simple electronic devices, B.Tech Electronics Engineering subjects cover several essential electronic systems, such as communication systems, embedded systems, and computer systems. In particular, the communication mechanisms will be dealt with in full detail. The design of communication networks, signal processing, efficiency, and protection are often treated as appropriate subjects. Below is the semester-wise B.Tech Electronics Engineering syllabus: 

B.Tech Electronics Engineering 1st Year Syllabus
Electrical Engineering  Engineering Mathematics
Engineering Mechanics Engineering Graphics
Introduction to Manufacturing Process Basic Electronics
Moral & Value Education Engineering Physics
Professional Communication Computer & Languages
Engineering Graphics  Engineering Chemistry
B.Tech Electronics Engineering 2nd Year Syllabus
Networks & Systems Environmental Studies
Solid State devices & Circuits Electrical Engineering Drawing
Switching Theory & Logic Design 2 Computer Organizations
Environmental Studies Signals & System
Engineering Mathematics Computer based numerical and statistical Techniques
Introduction to Information Technology Electromagnetic Field Theory 
B.Tech Electronics Engineering 3rd Year Syllabus
Utilization of Electrical Energy Power Station Practice
Elements of Economics & Principle of Management Science  Power Electronics 
Elements of Power System Power System Analysis
Electronics Circuit Design Microprocessor and Application 
Electrical Machines Advance Electrical Machine
B.Tech Electronics Engineering 4th Year Syllabus
Electrical Machine Design Instrumentation & Process Control
Modern Control System Project
Non- Conventional Energy Sources
Switchgear & Protection 

B.Tech Electronics Engineering Subjects

B.Tech Electronics Engineering subjects are classified as core, elective, and lab subjects. Lab practicals and workshops are an essential part of the electronics engineering course. Students can choose elective subjects based on their interests and career scope. Below is a list of B.Tech Electronics Engineering subjects:

B.Tech Electronics Engineering Core Subjects:

  • Applied Physics
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Digital Communication 
  • Electronic Devices and Circuits
  • Engineering Drawing
  • Signals and Systems
  • Microwave Engineering
  • Electronics Engineering

B.Tech Electronics Engineering Lab Subjects:

  • Chemistry Lab
  • IT Lab 
  • Computer Lab
  • Engineering Graphics Lab

B.Tech Electronics Engineering Elective Subjects:

  • Nanotechnology
  • Multimedia Communication Technology 
  • Process Instrumentation 
  • Sensors and Transducers 
  • Laser Technology 
  • VLSI Technology 

B.Tech Electronics Engineering Course Structure

In general, the B.Tech Electronics Engineering course consists of core and elective subjects. The course is divided into eight semesters comprising an introduction of all engineering basics in the first year. The course focuses on engineering physics, mathematics and latest technologies. The aspirants need to submit research-based practical projects at the end of the VIII th semester. The course structure is as follows:

  • VIII Semesters
  • Core and Elective subjects
  • Internship
  • Project Submission
  • Lab work

B.Tech Electronics Engineering Teaching Methodology and Techniques

B.Tech Electronics Engineering encompasses different teaching methods. Apart from the basic lecture-based training, the students are trained via electronics engineering labs, group projects, and action-oriented assignments. Students can work as a team for the final year project that provides practical solutions to pressing challenges. The research project motivates the candidates for deeper research, understanding others' perceptions, brainstorming, and teamwork. In short, the teaching methodology and techniques are:

  • Practical Sessions
  • Group Projects
  • Case Methodology 
  • Workshop

B.Tech Electronics Engineering Projects

The most demanding engineering projects are electronics projects because they are very popular in electronics, instrumentation, biomedical and electrical engineering. There are various principles in electronics that deal with different circuits. These terms can include resistors, capacitors, diodes, integrated circuits, microcontrollers, etc. Given below are some of the B.Tech Electronics Engineering projects:

  • Voting Machine in Cellular using Microcontroller
  • Identification of Power Theft using Microcontroller
  • RFID Based Door Access Control
  • Cell Phone Operated Land Rover
  • PC Based Wireless Appliance Control
  • Solar Mobile Phone Charger Circuit
  • Fingerprint Based Security System

B.Tech Electronics Engineering Reference Books

To excel in electronics engineering, aspirants must go through various electronics engineering and related books. Here are some of the books related to B.Tech Electronics Engineering:

B.Tech Electronics Engineering Reference Books
Book Author
Calculus and Analytic Geometry Thomasl Finney
Principles of Electrical Engg V. Del Toro
Concept of modern physics Arthur Beiser
Mechanics for engineers Beer. F.P. and Johnston, F.R
Introduction to Manufacturing processes R. S. Khurmi S. Chand

B.Tech Electronics Engineering Fee Structure