MA English Syllabus and Subjects

Duration: 2 Years
Avg Fees: ₹40K - 50K PA

MA English syllabus is divided into four semesters consisting of both core and elective subjects with a focus to enable students to gain the required knowledge in the areas of literature, fiction, poetry, dramas, fiction, etc. The core topics in the syllabus include Language and Linguistics, Shakespeare Novels, Literary Criticism, 20th Century Poetry and Drama, etc.

In addition to MA English core subjects, the courses also allow students to select elective subjects such as Literature and Gender, Visual Arts and Literature in Europe or American Literature, Ancient Greek and Latin Literature, etc. The syllabus for the MA English course can vary depending on the institution, but it typically covers a wide range of topics related to literature and languages.

Table of Contents

Semester Wise MA English Syllabus

M.A English syllabus is designed to equip the students with all the required skills to understand the literature, most celebrated books and literature in history, previous centuries, and ancient works of literature to formulate their conceptual ideas to produce articles, reports, books, novels, etc. Given below is the semester-wise syllabus for MA English course:

First Year MA English Syllabus

The first-year M.A English subjects cover topics such as literature from the early 14th century to the late 20th century, Dalit Literature, Tagore Literature, Shakespeare's works of literature, etc. Tabulated below is the MA English 1st year syllabus:

MA English Syllabus 1st Semester

MA English Syllabus 2nd Semester

14th-20th Century British Poetry

20th Century British Novels

Appreciating Shakespeare

20th Century British Drama

Literature and Film

American Literature

Digital Content Writing

Indian Writing in English

Scholarly Writing

Classical Literary Criticism

Second Year MA English Syllabus

M.A English 2nd year syllabus includes 16th-19th century literary criticism, Literature Review, Post Colonial Literature, etc. Listed below is the semester-wise syllabus for MA English second year:

MA English Syllabus 3rd Semester

MA English Syllabus 4th Semester

16th-19th Century Literary Criticism


20th Century Literature Theory and Criticism

Foreign Languages

Gender Studies


Post Colonial Literature

Literary Criticism

Culture Studies

Fiction from 1900 Onwards

Literature Review

Postcolonial Novel

Foreign Language

Project Work/Viva

MA English Subjects

MA English subjects focus majorly on English literature, novels, poetries, and fiction from various periods and cultures to enable the MA English graduate to be better prepared to write their ideas into readable and interesting content. MA English subject list are classified into core and elective subjects, which are given below:

MA English Core Subjects

The core MA English subjects list contains essential subjects that all MA English students study irrespective of the choices offered, which are as follows:

  • Language and Linguistics
  • Shakespeare
  • 20th Century Poetry and Drama
  • Literary Criticism 1 & 2
  • 19th & 20th Century Novel
  • English Poetry from Chaucer to Milton.
  • Eighteenth Century English Literature.
  • British Literature I: Chaucer to Milton
  • British Literature II: Dryden to Romantic Age
  • British Literature III: Victorian Times to Modern Times

MA English Elective Subjects

The elective MA English can be selected by the graduates, with respect to their choices, and does not come under compulsory subjects. Some of the MA English electives are listed below:

  • Literature and Gender
  • Visual Arts and Literature in Europe or American Literature
  • Ancient Greek and Latin Literature
  • European Comedy
  • Foreign Languages
  • Spy Fiction
  • Campus Novel
  • Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century Drama
  • Traditional English Drama
  • Modern English Drama
  • Research Methodology
  • English Poetry
  • Indian Prose Works

MA English Subjects in Detail

MA English subjects cover a diverse range of topics such as Geoffrey Chaucer: Prologue to The Canterbury Tales (Modern version), John Milton: Paradise Lost, Descriptive Linguistics, Generative Linguistics, Process of Speech Production, etc. Tabulated below are the important subjects in MA English and the topics covered:

MA English Subjects

Topics Covered

Literary Criticism I

Bharata Muni: The Natyasastra (Chapters VI and VII), Anandavardhana: Dhvanyaloka (Chapters I and II), G.N. Devy: After Amnesia: Tradition and Change in Indian Literary Criticism (Chapter IV), Aristotle Poems.

Indian Literature in English I 

Rabindranath Tagore Poems, Raja Rao: The Serpent and the Rope, Anita Desai: Voices in the City, Girish Karnad: The Fire and the Rain.

Fiction II

Joseph Conrad: Heart of Darkness, James Joyce: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Virginia Woolf: Mrs. Dalloway.

European Literature in Translation

Sophocles: Oedipus the King, Bertolt Brecht: Mother Courage and Her Children, Gustave Flaubert: Madame Bovary, Fyodor Dostoyevsky: Notes from Underground.


William Shakespeare Poems, Shakespeare Criticism: Dr. Samuel Johnson,  Jonathan Dollimore and Alan Sinfield, Shakespeare, Cultural Materialism and the New Historicism.

College-Wise MA English Syllabus

The syllabus for the MA English course may differ from college to college depending on the curriculum and program objectives. Students can download the MA English Syllabus 2024 PDF of a particular college from their official website. Following is the M.A English syllabus for some of the best colleges in India:

Banaras Hindu University MA English Syllabus 

BHU MA English syllabus focuses extensively on the English language and literature from famous periods, cultures, and authors in various forms. Listed below is the Banaras Hindu University semester-wise syllabus for MA English course:




Poetry II 


Drama II


Fiction I

Introduction to Language and Linguistics 

Women Writing/ English Literature in Translation



Poetry III

Fiction II

Drama III

Literary Criticism II

Literary Criticism I 

Indian Literature in English II/ American Literature II

Indian Literature in English/ American Literature

New Literature in English/ European Literature in Translation

Delhi University MA English Syllabus

Delhi University M.A English syllabus 2024 focuses mainly on subjects such as Medieval Literature, Modern Literature, Politics, Literature and Philosophy, Research Methodology etc. Listed below is the breakdown of the semester-wise syllabus for the MA English course at Delhi University:



Medieval Literature 

16th and 17th Century Drama 

Early Modern World

Criticism and Theory I

Post-independence Indian Literature 

Postcolonial Literature and Theory


Disability Studies and Literary Representations 

Semester III

Semester IV

The Long Eighteenth Century

The Long Twentieth Century 

The Long Nineteenth Century 

Dalit Studies

Classical to Pre-modern Literature

Aesthetics and Literature

Poetry I 

Introduction to the Study of Language 

Politics, Literature and Philosophy 

Poetry II

Criticism and Theory II

Literature of the Americas 

Research Methodology 

Religion and Literature

Visual Studies


Gender Studies

Discursive Prose

MA English Project Topics

To gain a deeper understanding of the MA syllabus and subjects, projects or research works are a part of the MA English 4th semester syllabus. Listed below are some of the trending topics related to the MA English course for students' reference:

  • Background to Indian English Poetry
  • English Language and Literature Training
  • Methods and Approaches to Language Teaching
  • Dimensions of Research in English Language and English Literature
  • The Teaching of Language Skills
  • Approaches to Teaching of Literature Teaching of Poetry, Drama, Fiction
  • The Role of Symbolism in William Shakespeare's Plays.
  • The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on British Literature.
  • The Influence of Postmodernism on Contemporary Literature.
  • The Representation of Gender in Victorian Literature.

MA English Course Structure

The MA in English curriculum is a blend of both language and literature topics to ensure a better understanding of the concepts to enable students to work in diverse fields such as literature, publications, journalism, information technology, etc. Below listed is the MA English course structure:

  • IV Semesters
  • Core Subjects
  • Elective Subjects
  • Practical Workshops
  • Project Work

MA English Teaching Methodology and Techniques

MA English course syllabus includes both traditional and modern teaching approaches such as workshops, seminars, group discussions, poetry reading sessions, etc. The following are the MA English teaching methodology and techniques:

  • Traditional Classroom Method
  • Case Study
  • Experiential Learning
  • Book Reading Sessions
  • Seminars and Group Discussions
  • Internship/Work Placements

MA English Reference Books

Students aiming to gain in-depth knowledge and a better understanding of the subjects discussed in the MA in English syllabus and beyond can refer to books by famous authors. Listed below are some of the reference books for the MA English Course:

MA English Reference Books


Topics Covered

Gulliver’s Travels

Jonathan Swift

Learning, Politics, Theology, Science, Society, The Nature of Man, and The King in 18th Century England.

Pride and Prejudice

Jane Austin

Fiction, Drama, Poetry

Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory

Peter Barry

Beginning Theory, Cultural Theory, Literary Criticism, Literature Languages

MA English Fee Structure

FAQs on MA English Syllabus and Subjects

Q: Can I take two subjects in MA?

Q: What subjects are there in MA English?

Q: How many compulsory subjects are there in MA English?

Q: What are the passing marks in MA Engish?

Q: Is MA tough or easy in English?

Q: What are the subjects in MA English 4th semester syllabus 2024?

Q: How many papers are in MA English?

Q: How can I get the M.A. English 1st year syllabus pdf 2024?

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