MBA Agribusiness Syllabus and Subjects 2025

Duration: 2 Years
Avg Fees: ₹85K - 6 LPA

The MBA Agribusiness syllabus is divided into four semesters and provides a strong foundation in agricultural business along with implications of management studies in the agricultural industry. The MBA Agri Business Management syllabus provides a comprehensive understanding of crop protection & distribution, agricultural service & informational technology, food retailing & processing, and farm machinery management along with in-depth knowledge of import & export, taxation, trading, and supply chain management

The MBA Agribusiness course is one of the most popular since India is an agrarian-based economy. MBA ABM syllabus equips students to acquire career options such as Crop Analyst, Sales Executive, Managing Director, and Executive Director.

Table of Contents

Semester Wise MBA Agribusiness Syllabus

The MBA Agri Business Management syllabus focuses on developing managerial & leadership skills to analyse, strategize, and implement effective ideas for enhancing the performance of agro-business units The MBA Agribusiness syllabus can differ in different colleges but ABM subjects are usually similar. Listed below is the MBA ABM syllabus based on semester-wise systems:

MBA Agribusiness First Year Syllabus

Listed below is the MBA ABM syllabus for the first year:

Semester I

Semester II 

Principles of Management and Organization Behaviour

Business Law and Ethics

Managerial Economics

Human Resource Management

Business Communication

Corporate Finance for Agribusiness

Agribusiness Environment and Policy

Project Management and Entrepreneurship Development

Computer Application

Production and Operations Management

Managerial Accounting and Control

Management Science 

IT for Management

Summer Internship Training 

MBA Agribusiness Second Year Syllabus

Listed below are the MBA Agribusiness Management syllabus for second year:

Semester III

Semester IV

Strategic Management for Agribusiness

Legal Aspects of Agri Business

Financial Management

International Business Management (Elective)

Management Information System 

Production Management (Elective)

Agribusiness Marketing (Elective)

Post-Harvest Management (Elective)

Advertising Management (Elective)

Investment & Portfolio Management (Elective) 

Agri Supply Chain Management (Elective)

Processing Management (Elective)

Agricultural Risk Management 

Dissertation/ Project Report

MBA Agribusiness Subjects

The MBA in Agribusiness subjects cover core areas related to the business of growing crops, agricultural marketing, and food production along with fundamental management studies such as financial accounting, mergers and acquisitions, risk management, and many more. The following are the core & elective subjects under MBA ABM syllabus

MBA Agribusiness Core Subjects

The list below includes the core subjects under MBA in Agri Business Management syllabus:

  • Principles of Management and Organization Behaviour
  • Business Communication
  • Managerial Economics
  • Quantitative Techniques for Agribusiness
  • Business Law and Ethics
  • Marketing Management
  • Project Management and Entrepreneurship Development

MBA Agribusiness Elective Subjects

Electives offered in the MBA in ABM syllabus cover both skill and discipline- related topics, which are listed below:

  • Rural Marketing
  • Agri - Supply Chain
  • Agribusiness Financial Management
  • Poultry and Hatchery Management 
  • Library and Information Science
  • Disaster Management
  • Non- Profit Management
  • Investment & Portfolio Management
  • Organic Agribusiness Management

MBA Agribusiness Subjects In Detail

MBA in AgriBusiness Management syllabus has a wide range of topics for candidates to study. In the table below are a few topics listed under MBA ABM syllabus:

MBA in AgriBusiness Management Subjects 


Agribusiness Environment and Policy

Role of agriculture in Indian economy, Structure of Agriculture, Emerging trends in production, processing, marketing and exports.

Managerial Accounting and Control

Financial Accounting, The Double Entry System, Managing Accounting, Cost Accounting, Responsibility Accounting.

Financial Management

Introduction to Financial Management, Its meaning and functions, Capital Structure, Determinants of size and composition of Capital Structure, Capital Structure Theories.

Production and Operations Management

Nature and Scope of Production and Operations Management, Productivity Variables and Productivity Measurement, Scheduling, and Maintenance Management Concepts.

Management of Agribusiness Cooperatives

Cooperative administration, Cooperative management, The state and cooperative movement, Overview of agribusiness cooperative.

College-Wise MBA Agribusiness Syllabus

MBA Agribusiness program is available across the country and the subjects can differ depending on the academic structure. The following are the semester-wise MBA in Agribusiness syllabus for different colleges.

MBA Agribusiness Syllabus at Sambalpur University 

The following is the semester-wise MBA Agribusiness Management syllabus at Sambalpur University:

Semester 1 

Semester 2

Management Practices and Organisational Behaviour 

Entrepreneurship Development

Quantitative Methods and Operations Research

Research Methodology

Business Communication 

Production and Operations Management

Accounting for Managers

Business Environment

Managerial Economics

Financial Management

Marketing Management 

Human Resource Management 

Indian Ethos and Values

Rural Marketing 

Management Information System

Business Law

Semester 3

Semester 4

Summer Training Project Report and Viva-Voce 

Business Policy and Strategic Management

Microfinance and Social Entrepreneurship

E-Commerce and Agri Business 

Agriculture and Food Retailing

Total Quality Management in Agribusiness

Agri Logistics and Supply Chain Management 

Derivatives with Commodity Futures

Food Processing and Farm Machinery Management 

Financing of Agribusiness

Agri Economics

Agri Technology Management

Agri Import and Export Management 

Dissertation and Viva-Voce 

Agri Business and Co-operative Management


MBA Agribusiness Syllabus at Sri Sri University 

The following is the semester-wise MBA Agri Business Management syllabus at Sri Sri University:

Semester 1 

Semester 2

Marketing Management I for Agribusiness 

AI & ML for Business for Agribusiness

Managerial Economics for Agribusiness 

Human Resource Management

Organisational Behaviour for Agribusiness

Research Methodology for Agribusiness

Computer Application for Agribusiness

Quantitative Technique II for Agribusiness

Business Communication for Agribusiness

Managerial Economics II for Agribusiness

Basics of Agriculture

Production & Operations Management for Agribusiness

Quantitative Techniques for Agribusiness

Corporate Finance for Agribusiness

Financial Reporting, Statement and Analysis for Agribusiness 

Marketing Management II for Agribusiness

Semester 3

Semester 4


Agri Enterprise Risk Management


Legal Aspects of Agri Business

Strategic Management for Agribusiness


Business Ethics, CSR & Sustainability




MBA Agribusiness Projects

In the MBA Agri-Business Management syllabus, projects focus on various topics, including marketing, managing, economics, and organisational structure in the agriculture sector. Listed below are some of the MBA ABM syllabus project topics: 

  • The Influence of Agricultural Cooperatives
  • Agriculture Financing Problems and Prospects
  • Appraisal of Obtaining Agricultural Loans
  • Credit Management Techniques in Agricultural Co-operative
  • Agricultural Finance Development

MBA Agribusiness Course Structure

The Agribusiness Management syllabus is generally structured as a core subject, electives, and dissertation. Apart from academics, the course includes seminars, internships, trainee projects, and conferences. Listed below are course structure of the Agri MBA syllabus:

  • IV Semesters
  • Core Subjects
  • Elective Subjects
  • Conferences
  • Skill-development Program
  • Internships

MBA Agribusiness Teaching Methodology and Techniques

The teaching strategies in the MBA Agriculture syllabus incorporate the latest technologies to groom them into professionals in the field. Multiple learning methods are implemented apart from the traditional lecture method and action-based and group-based learning. Some of the training methods are given below: 

  • Traditional Lecture
  • Case Studies
  • Seminar
  • Guest Lecture
  • Projects
  • Mentorship

MBA Agribusiness Reference Books

In the ABM syllabus, there are many reference books for candidates. Listed below are some of the reference books:


Subjects Covered


Rural Marketing

Rural Consumers, Targeting, Positioning in Rural Markets, Researching, Forecasting Rural Markets, Pricing Strategy in Rural Markets

Krishnamacharyulu C and Ramakrishnan L

Agricultural Marketing in India

Planning production, Marketing Mix, Dissemination of market information

Acharya SS and Agarwal NL

Agricultural Finance

Agricultural Banking, Concept of extension education,  National Farm Policy, Disaster Management

Nelson AG and Murray WG

Supply Chain Management: Concepts and Cases

Agricultural Exports & Imports, Packaging Technology, Procurement or sourcing, Material management 

Altekar RV

Guide to Quality Management Systems for Food Industries

Inspections, audits, testing, and certification programs

Early R

MBA Agribusiness Fee Structure

FAQs on MBA Agribusiness Syllabus and Subjects

Q: What are the subjects in MBA agribusiness?

Q: What is MBA in agribusiness?

Q: Which is better MBA agribusiness or MSC agriculture?

Q: Is MBA in Agriculture a good career?