MBA in Rural Management Jobs, Scope, Salary in India

Duration: 2 Years
Avg Fees: ₹3 LPA

MBA Rural Management jobs is accessible in various fields with diverse job roles. The career options are different according to the coursework. The scope of an MBA in rural management in India is roles in this field such as Business Development Manager, Rural Development Officer, Rural Executive, Rural Manager, Senior Program Officer, Trainer, Rural Manager, Research Consultant, Purchase Development Manager, Sales Officer, and National Sales Development Manager.

Career Prospects and Job Scope for MBA in Rural Management Graduate

There are several Jobs for MBA in Rural Management Freshers that students will get according to their specialisation. Rural Development Officer is the main area of employment for the students. MBA in Rural Management course aims to ensure that the students have access to all the vital concepts they need to succeed in their roles.

Listed below are the scope of mba in rural management in India: 

  • Rural Development Officer
  • Rural Manager
  • Business Development Manager
  • Research Consultant
  • Purchase Development Manager
  • Rural Executive

Areas of Recruitment for MBA in Rural Management

MBA Rural Management jobs are available in the public as well as the private sector. After completing their course, the graduate students will have specific job roles and vast opportunities to work and experience professional life. According to their specialisation, students will have appropriate plans to execute their careers.

Listed below are the areas of recruitment:

  • Consultancy Services
  • Government PSUs
  • NGOs
  • Corporate Organisations
  • Welfare Organisations
  • Rural Industries

MBA in Rural Management Salary

MBA in Rural Management salary depends upon the specialisation student chooses. There are also some factors including location, experience, specialisation, industry, etc. Candidates can increase their salary by doing internships which will help them to gain.

MBA Rural Management Salary in India

MBA Rural Management salary in India is around INR 3 - 12 LPA (Source Payscale). Listed below is the salary breakdown for the students.

MBA in Rural Management Salary Amount (INR)
Highest Salary 12 LPA
Lowest Salary 3 LPA
Average Salary 6 LPA

Source Payscale

Listed below are the job roles and the salary:

Designations Salary (INR)
Research Officer 4.5 LPA
Rural Development Officer 3.5 LPA
Sales Officer 4 LPA
National Sales Development Manager 11 LPA
Business Development Manager 5.5 LPA

Source: Payscale

MBA in Rural Management Salary Abroad

MBA in Rural Management course abroad is a very attractive curriculum for Indian students. Besides, that student will get to access the best infrastructure, amenities, and top faculties while studying abroad. Apart from that students will get lots of job offers with alluring salaries. The average salary of MBA in Rural Management graduates is around USD 12,000 PA (Source Payscale).

Listed below are the job profiles and salaries abroad:

Job Profile Salary (USD)
Development Manager 75,256
Human Relations Manager 59,168
Project Head 111,626
Public Relations Officer 55,280
Consultant 41,636
Marketing Head 63,261


Career Scope of MBA in Rural Management

Students will get lots of Scope of MBA in Rural Management in India. It's very unique in terms of employment across several roles. Students who want to pursue higher education can opt for it right after graduation. The scope for MBA in Rural Management graduates is vast in case they want to study also.

Courses after MBA in Rural Management

Students might think about What To Study After an MBA in Rural Management. There are many higher education opportunities available for them right after completing their graduation. There are several options for higher education that students can opt for. Listed below are some of the course names that MBA in Rural Management students can do:

Career Options after MBA in Rural Management

Students will get various employment opportunities in different domains that candidates can apply for right after graduation. Listed below are the career opportunities available for graduates:

  • Rural Development: In this profession, employees have to help the senior manager to oversee activities of work under the rural development program, together with checking venture implementation progress, and administration.
  • Business Development Manager: In this profession, Employees need to look into the organisation's market position and achieve financial growth. Professionals need to see the long-term organisational strategic goals.
  • National Sales Development Manager: In this profession, employees need to build up powerful techniques for promoting and marketing coordinating with different executives of the organisation.

Government Jobs for MBA in Rural Management Graduates

MBA in Rural Management students had various opportunities in different sectors. The job salary varies and depends on experience, location, job positions, industry, seniority, and dedication to the workplace. There are plenty of MBA in Rural Management Govt Jobs. The average salary for a graduate is around INR 3 - 10 LPA (Source Payscale).

Listed below are the government jobs and salaries.

Top Government Hiring Roles Salary (INR)
Public Relations Officer 3.5 LPA
Project Manager 8 LPA
Public Policy Consultant 7.55 LPA
Gram Sevak 2.5 LPA

Source: Payscale

Private Jobs for MBA in Rural Management Graduates

Students can get a large number of job opportunities in the private sector. The job opportunities in the private sector are limitless. The average salary for graduates is around INR 3 - 12 LPA. Listed below are the job roles and salaries:

Top Private Hiring Companies Salary (INR)
Rural Development Officer 3.5 LPA
Research Officer 4.5 LPA
Project Head 12 LPA
Sales Officer 4.5 LPA

Source: Payscale

Job Opportunities Abroad for MBA in Rural Management Graduates

There are several job opportunities abroad for MBA in Rural Management graduates in the international market. The job opportunities abroad are high for students who specialise. The course is structured in a way that students will get job offers immediately right after graduation.

Top Companies for MBA in Rural Management Graduates

Listed below are the top international company that hire graduates:

  • CTS
  • Accenture
  • JP Morgan and Chase Pv Ltd
  • Deloitte
  • HDFC Bank
  • HCL

Best Countries for MBA in Rural Management Graduates

Listed below are the best countries for MBA in Rural Management graduates:

  • USA
  • UK
  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Spain

Various Career Designations Abroad for MBA in Rural Management Graduates

Listed below are the designations abroad:

  • Human Relation Manager
  • Development Manager
  • Project Head
  • Rural Development Officer
  • Sales Manager
  • Marketing Manager

Famous MBA in Rural Management Graduates

There are many famous personalities who contributed a lot to this field of study. They are leading from the front and students can get to learn a lot of things about them. Listed below are some of the famous graduates in this field:

  • Sanjay Ghose
  • Sankar Dutta
  • Satish Babu
  • Raju Narisetti

MBA in Rural Management Fee Structure