RBSE Class 12 Practical Exams To Begin From 8 July
The Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education has directed the RBSE class 12 practical internal examinations to begin by 8 July 2021.
The Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education has directed the RBSE class 12 practical internal examinations to begin by 8 July 2021. The board recently announced the scheduling decision in an official report. The RBSE must conduct internal practical exams to act as an integral segment of the final class 12 results. The secretary of RBSE, Arvind Kumar Sengwa, has seconded the decision. Additionally, Secretary Sengwa stated that schools affiliated with the RBSE must begin conducting internal examinations by 8 July 2021.
Given the COVID-19 situation, in addition to the 31 July Supreme Court results declaration deadline, the board has made a decision. Thus, the RBSE board has directed all affiliated schools to contribute to the score compilation process as soon as possible. Additionally, schools must complete all pending internal practical assessments by 8 July 2021. If the school has not completed practical exams yet, school representatives must upload marks to the RBSE portal within 24 hours after the exam.
RBSE Class 12 Practical Exam Guidelines Amid COVID-19
The class 12 practical internal assessments must occur amid the pandemic. Thus, the state government has issued directives to affiliated schools regarding examination protocols. The RBSE has written the following guidelines to ensure the well-being of students and faculty during practical exams. In order to ensure social distancing measures are optimal, schools will hold the practical exams in 10-student batches. In addition, participants are to follow other government-issued COVID-19 protocols, such as proper sanitization and mask-wearing. The state government has asserted that schools must take the utmost care to follow the guidelines during the exam period.