PhD Geography Syllabus and Subjects

Duration: 3 Years
Avg Fees: ₹2 - 5 LPA

PhD Geography syllabus differs for the students based on the specialization that a student decides to pursue. PhD Geography subjects are spread across four semesters. The Doctor of Philosophy in Geography subjects is designed to give the students a deeper understanding of the course and specialization they choose to pursue.

Semester Wise PhD Geography Syllabus

The PhD Geography subject list differs according to the specialization that the candidates decide to pursue. With every specialization, the subjects in PhD Geography courses differ, as the primary focus topics change. The PhD Geography 1st year syllabus primarily focuses on the foundational subjects related to the field of humanities and social sciences.

Due to this reason, the PhD Geography first-year syllabus doesn’t change all that much. The PhD Geography course introduces students to all the vital information they need. Listed below is the syllabus of PhD Geography according to the semester which is a core subject and therefore, tends to be the same across the board.

PhD Geography First Year Syllabus

The table below contains the list of PhD Geography subjects in the first year:

Semester I Semester II
Geomorphology Biogeography
Climatology History of Geographic Thought
Oceanography Political Geography

PhD Geography Second Year Syllabus

The table below contains the list of PhD Geography subjects in the second year:

Semester III Semester IV
Population Geography Industrial Geography
Settlement Geography Geography of Transport and Trade
Economic Geography Cultural Geography
Agricultural Geography  

PhD Geography Third Year Syllabus

The table below contains the list of PhD Geography subjects in the third year:

Semester V Semester VI
Geography of India Research
Cartography Social Geography
Statistical Methods Regional Planning

PhD Geography Subjects

PhD Geography subjects are dependent on the specialization that the aspirants decide to pursue. PhD Geography subjects are decided based on the core topics of Geographical studies, as well as the topics in the specialization.

PhD Geography Core Subjects

The core PhD Geography subjects list contains essential subjects that all students study irrespective of their specialization, which are as follows:

  • Geomorphology
  • Climatology
  • Oceanography
  • Biogeography
  • Political Geography
  • Cultural Geography

PhD Geography Course Structure

The PhD Geography course structure consists of core subjects. The course is a three to six-year-long doctorate-level course, divided into six semesters. From the third semester onwards, students are introduced to specific subjects related to their specialisation. The course structure is:

  • VI Semesters
  • Core Subjects
  • Elective Subjects
  • Doctorate Level Course
  • Research Project

PhD Geography Teaching Methodology and Techniques

PhD Geography teaching methodology and techniques encompass traditional lecture-based training. The traditional classroom teaching methods allow the students to ask the questions they might have and get answers to them. 

The course has teaching methodologies and techniques designed to ensure that the students pursuing this course have access to all the infrastructure and facilities available. Listed below are the teaching methodology and strategies in general:

  • Lectures
  • Practical Sessions
  • Research Papers
  • Seminars
  • Group Discussions
  • Traditional Classroom-Based Teaching

PhD Geography Course Projects

When pursuing a PhD Geography course, research projects are an integral part of the studies. The professors assess these projects to judge the student's understanding of the subjects. Students can choose their project topics based on the specialization they choose to pursue. Some of the popular research projects are listed below:

  • Long-term evolution of pebble beaches and their resilience to change
  • Glacial Advances of the Last British and Irish Icesheet
  • Historical storminess in the North Sea
  • How do gases drive volcanic activity?
  • Comparing evidence and models of mountain glaciation in the British Isles

PhD Geography Course Books

When pursuing a PhD Geography, books can be an excellent investment for the students as they can help them learn about their specialization in great detail. Books can be a source of information for the students whereby they can further learn about topics of their interest. Students can rent out the reference books from libraries, download them online or purchase them. 

Listed below are some of the popular PhD Geography course books that the students can invest in:

Reference Books for PhD Geography
Name of Book Author
Fieldwork for Human Geography Richard Phillips and Jennifer Johns
Geography of Politics and Practice in Economic Geography Adam Tickell, Eric Sheppard, Jamie Peck, and Trevor Barnes
Philosophy of the Social Sciences: An Introduction Robert Bishop
Methods in Human Geography: A guide for students doing a research project Robin Flowerdew and David Martin
Conducting Research in Human Geography Rob Kitchin and Nicholas Tate
Key Methods in Geography Nicholas Clifford and Gill Valentine