B.Com Taxation and Finance Syllabus and Subjects

Duration: 3 Years
Avg Fees: ₹50K - 3 LPA

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B.Com Taxation and Finance syllabus for the eligible aspirants eager to achieve the graduation degree needs a general certificate from secondary education, including commerce, economics, and maths, combined B.Com Finance and Taxation subjects.

Semester Wise B.Com Taxation and Finance Syllabus

Like any other course, B.Com Finance and Taxation syllabus has its subjects in its methods of formatting. Here is the B.Com Taxation and Finance semester from 1 - 6 for the duration of 3-years.

B.Com Taxation and Finance First Year Syllabus

Semester I

Semester II

Communicative English

Professionals Communication

Language Paper I

Language Paper II


Advanced Accountancy

Managerial Economics


PC Software

Indian Constitution

Fundamental of Business Mathematics

Economics for Business

PC Software Labs

Business Statistics and Operations Research

Culture Education I

Business Skills Using PC Lab I


Culture Education II

B.Com Taxation and Finance Second Year Syllabus

Semester III

Semester IV

Corporate Accounting

Fundamentals of Costing

Insurance and Risk Management

Advanced Concept of GST

Introduction to GST

Income Tax Law and Practise-Determination of Income

Income Tax Law and Practise-Heads of Income

Company Law and Secretarial Practise

Environmental Science and Sustainability

Accounting Packages - Tally

Mercantile Laws

Accounting Packages - Tally Labs

Life Skills I

Life Skills II

B.Com Taxation and Finance Third Year Syllabus

Semester V

Semester VI

Accounting Packages - Tally I

Accounting Packages - Tally II

Management Accounting

Principal of Financial Management

GST- Procedures and Practise

Capital Market and Financial Services

Introduction to Research Projects

Auditing- Principals and Practices

Investment Management

Custom Low Practice and Procedure



Income Tax Law and Practise Assessment Procedures and Authorities


Life Skills III


B.Com Taxation and Finance Subjects

B.Com Taxation and Finance subjects are classified as core, lab, and elective subjects. Lab work practical and workshops are necessary for commerce aspirants to develop their skills and experience modules to enhance their communication and comprehension skills.

Mentioned below is the list of various core subjects related to B.Com Taxation and Finance:

  • Financial Accounting
  • Business Regulatory Framework
  • Economic
  • Cost & Management Accounting
  • Financial Management

Mentioned below is the list of labs subjects related to B.Com Taxation and Finance:

  • Live-in-Lab
  • Business Skills Using PC Lab I
  • PC Software Labs
  • Accounting Packages - Tally Labs

Mentioned below is the list of elective subjects related to B.Com Taxation and Finance:

  • Advertising and Brand Management
  • Enterprise Resource Planning
  • Hospital Management
  • Human Resource Management Concepts

B.Com Taxation and Finance subjects Course Structure

B.Com Taxation and Finance are put together as core, labs, and elective subjects to form a course structure for the duration period of 3-year with six semesters, including for the students to complete the course.

Mentioned below is the list of course structure of B.Com Taxation and Finance:

  • VI Semesters
  • Core and Elective subjects
  • Internship
  • Project Submission

B.Com Taxation and Finance Teaching Methodology and Techniques

B.Com Taxation and Finance is confined, unlike teaching methods. Aspirants are trained with practical and real deals that guide them to handle any problem under any circumstance. This teaching methodology and techniques are taught in the college or the universities.

Mentioned below is the list of a few teaching and techniques:

  • Collaborative
  • Process-Based & Problem-Based Experimental
  • Lecturing
  • Concept Mapping
  • Discussion
  • Reading
  • Hands-on Activities

B.Com Taxation and Finance Projects

Projects of B.Com Taxation and Finance are very sophisticated when it comes to the aspirant's knowledge point of view. Hence, the teaching staff forms a group of 3-4 members to distribute equally. This process completes the project in time and forms between them, and teaches them that team effort pays in the long run.

Mentioned below is the list of B.Com Taxation and Finance Projects ideas:

  • Customer Satisfaction Survey
  • Customer Perception Survey
  • Service Quality Study
  • Service Blueprint
  • Service Process Mapping
  • Improving Service Quality using Blueprinting
  • Competition Analysis
  • Service Stats

B.Com Taxation and Finance Reference Books

B.Com Taxation and Finance Reference books are created by the person who originated or gave existence to commercial knowledge and whose authorship determines responsibility for what is created for future aspirants reading their B.Com Finance and Taxation books.

Mentioned below is the list of B.Com Finance and Taxation books and authors:

B.Com Taxation and Finance Books



Taxation (Direct and Indirect): B.Com

Monica Singhania

Taxation with Lab Work B.Com 2nd year

Gaur V.P.

Business Taxation

Radhakrishnan P

Taxation B.Com 2nd year

Padmalatha N

Taxation with Lab Work B.Com 2nd year

Kanduri Such