B.Sc Aeronautical Science Syllabus and Subjects

Duration: 3 Years
Avg Fees: ₹1 - 2 LPA

B.Sc Aeronautical Science syllabus inspires the aspirants to understand the designing and maintenance of various aircraft. The course aims at teaching the students the various laws of physics and mathematics, which is essential to understand the concepts. The course consists of various case studies and assignments to enhance the learning process.

Semester Wise B.Sc Aeronautical Science Syllabus

B.Sc in Aeronautical Science consists of six semesters. Each of these semesters has several core subjects depending on the college. Here are the B.Sc Aeronautical Science subjects that an aspirant might come across during the course:






Engineering Drawing

English Composition-II

English Composition-I

Introduction to Aeronautics

General Chemistry

Theory Of Light



Aircraft Fuel And Lubricants System

Aero Engine-I

Digital Electronics

Air Structure and Construction

Aircraft Systems


Technical Record and Planning


Aircraft Propeller


Aircraft System

Aircraft General Workshop

Aircraft Instrument and Lab


Aircraft Landing Gear

Principles of Management

B.Sc Aeronautical Science Subjects

Subjects in B.Sc Aeronautical Science are divided into core and elective subjects. The core subjects are aimed at teaching the aspirants the various concepts involved in the world of aeronautics. The subjects include physics, chemistry, aircraft construction, and planning. Here is a list of subjects:

Core Subjects:

  • Rotorcraft
  • Aeroengine
  • Digital Electronics
  • Principles of Management
  • Aviation Meteorology

Elective Subjects:

  • Communication Skills
  • NSS
  • Personality Development

B.Sc Aeronautical Science Course Structure 

B.Sc Aeronautical Science course lasts for three years and has six semesters in total. The core subjects are given a lot of emphasis in the course. Aspirants are taught about the various concepts of physics and mathematics throughout the course. This knowledge helps them in understanding the aerodynamics and design principles of various aircraft. Students work on several projects along with the mentorship of faculty members. The course includes the following things:

  • Core and Elective Subjects
  • Six Semesters
  • Projects
  • Demonstrations
  • Vivas

B.Sc Aeronautical Science Teaching Methodology and Technique

B.Sc Aeronautical Science scope is good because of its various teaching methodologies, which simplify the learning process for the aspirants. The faculty members encourage the students to be responsive and discuss their thoughts and ideas in the lectures. The use of simulations and demonstrations improves the learning curve of all the aspirants. Various case studies on the design and working of aircraft are also discussed in the course. Here is a list of popular teaching methodologies adopted by the institutes:

  • Projects
  • Live Demonstration
  • Simulations
  • Vivas
  • Case Studies
  • Group Discussions

B.Sc Aeronautical Science Projects 

Aeronautical Science students work on projects during the course based on which the students are evaluated and graded. These projects are done under the mentorship of a faculty member. Here is a list of projects that aspirants can work on:

  • Energy Glider
  • Autonomous Fixed Wing
  • Robotic Bird
  • Solar Endurance Plane

B.Sc Aeronautical Science Reference Books

There are several reference books on Aeronautical Science that provide detailed information about various concepts in aviation. Here is a list of some of the best B.Sc Aeronautical Science books for aspirants:

B.Sc Aeronautical Science Reference Books
Books Author

Introduction to Aircraft Performance

Francis J Hale

Engineering Thermodynamics

Rogers G.F.C

Flight Dynamics

Robert Stengel

Introduction to Optimum Design

Dr. Jasbir Singh Arora

B.Sc Aeronautical Science Fee Structure