B.Sc Geology Syllabus and Subjects

Duration: 3 Years
Avg Fees: ₹50K - 2 LPA

BSc Geology syllabus covers the scientific study of examining the formation of the earth along with the different sorts of composition, structure, and processes that are dependent on it. B.Sc Geology subjects cover the study of Structural Geology, Minerals, Crystallography, Stratigraphy, Petrology, and more.

The BSc Geology syllabus is designed to introduce students to all the essential aspects of Earth Science and the BSc Geology subjects are decided by focusing on the demands of the job markets. Hence, the job scope of BSc Geology is highly adequate across various sectors. 

Table of Contents

Semester Wise B.Sc Geology Syllabus

B.Sc in Geology syllabus is intended to introduce students to all the important aspects of geoscience through core and elective subjects as well as lab workshops.  The semester-wise BSc Geology syllabus is given below:

First Year B.Sc Geology Syllabus

The first-year BSc Geology subjects are given below:

Semester I

  Semester II


Structural Geology


Crystallography & mineral optics

Petroleum Geology

Practical Workshops

Practical Workshops

Practical Topics in the First Year BSc Geology Subjects

BSc Geology subjects include several labwork that give students an option to use the knowledge they gain in a practical context. Some of the practical topics in the 1st-year BSc Geology syllabus are given below:

  • Preparation of Thin and Polished sections of rock samples
  • Study of optical properties of minerals under a petrological microscope
  • Identification of various sedimentary rocks and their features
  • Identification of sedimentary structures by diagrams and samples

Second Year B.Sc Geology Syllabus

The second-year BSc Geology subjects are given below:

Semester III

Semester IV




Petrology I

Petrology II

Practical Workshops

Practical Workshops

Practical Topics in the Second-Year BSc Geology Subjects

Some of the practical topics in the 2nd-year BSc Geology syllabus are given below:

  • Study of fossils showing various modes of fossilization
  • Plotting of modal analysis data of igneous rock
  • Evaluation of mechanical properties of concrete aggregates
  • Determination of morphometric parameters of watersheds

Third Year B.Sc Geology Syllabus

The Third-year BSc Geology subjects are given below:

Semester V

Semester VI

Economic Geology

Exploration of Geology & Remote Sensing

Engineering Geology & Mining Geology

Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology

Economic Geology

Practical Lab

Practical Topics in the Third-Year BSc Geology Subjects

Some of the practical topics in the 3rd-year BSc Geology syllabus are given below:

  • Demonstration of Geochemical analytical methods
  • Megascopic identification of different varieties of coal
  • Study of physical properties of ore-forming minerals
  • Solving problems related to stress and strain measurement

B.Sc Geology Subjects

The syllabus of BSc Geology is centered around the important theoretical and practical aspects of geological science which includes composition, structure, dynamics, evolution, natural minerals, and energy reserves of the Earth. Some of the B.Sc Geology subjects are given below: 

Core Subjects:

Students study both core and elective subjects during the course to make the course more flexible and increase their knowledge. Below is a list of some core subjects that students are taught during their B.Sc Geology course: 

  • Economic Geology
  • Geochemistry
  • Geomorphology
  • Geophysics
  • Hydrogeology
  • Mineralogy
  • Oceanography
  • Paleontology
  • Petroleum Geology
  • Petrology
  • Structural Geology 

Elective Subjects:

Some of the elective subjects in the BSc Geology syllabus are given below: 

  • Earth resources
  • Earth surface processes
  • Introduction to Sustainability
  • Martian Geology
  • Studies on Cryosphere
  • Nuclear Waste management

BSc Geology Subjects in Detail

BSc Geology subjects are a combination of concepts based on physical and historical geology. A detailed view of the few BSc Geology subjects is given below:

BSc Geology Subjects 

Topics Covered

Earth System Science,

Formation of various spheres of Earth, Wilson Cycle, Orogeny, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Tsunami, Oceanography

Petrology and Mineralogy

Classification of Rock and minerals, Rock Cycle, Physical Properties of the minerals, Silicates, Nonsilicates

Physical Geology and Sedimentology

Nature and scope of geomorphology, Sediment Size Classification, Biogenic structures, Paleocurrent analysis

Palaeontology and Stratigraphy

Introduction to fossils, Fossilization processes, Invertebrate Palaeontology, Vertebrate Palaeontology, Stratigraphic principles

Structural and Engineering Geology

Stress and Strain in rocks, Mechanics of folding, Stereographic projections, Geomechanical classification of rock mass

Coal and Petroleum Geology

Coal Classification, Coalification process, Lithotypes, Origin of petroleum, Reservoir rocks, Maturation of kerogen

B.Sc Geology Course Structure

The B.Sc Geology course is science-oriented and consists of theoretical and practical forms of education during six semesters. Case study analysis, project, and practical lab workshops are included for students to ensure that they can use their knowledge in a practical setting. The general course structure is as follows: 

  • VI Semesters
  • Core Subjects
  • Elective Subjects
  • Lab Workshops 
  • Skill development programs
  • Field Visit
  • Lab Work

B.Sc Geology Teaching Methodology and Techniques

The B.Sc Geology subjects in India are taught in the traditional classroom manner of teaching and practical lab workshops. Seminars, Study tours, and field visits allow students to learn about the course in a real-world setting. Listed below are the few teaching methods used in the BSc Geology course:

  • Research Project
  • Core and Elective Subjects
  • Practical Lab Workshops
  • Study Tour
  • Guest Lecture

B.Sc Geology Projects

Projects under B.Sc Geology enhances the effectiveness of understanding the subject matter pragmatically by including research work and dissertations. These projects need to be submitted at the end of the sixth semester. Some popular projects under B.Sc Geology is given below:

  • Effects Of Solid Waste Management
  • Comparative Assessment Of The Socio-economic Effect Of Crude Oil Exploitation
  • Effects Of Soil Erosion On Settlement
  • Heavy Metal Distribution In Sediment
  • Groundwater Quality In Dump Site Areas
  • Arsenic Pollution Of The Subsurface Water

B.Sc Geology Reference Books

The reference books help students learn about geology subjects in depth and help them to clarify any doubts they might have about the course outcomes. Below is a list of  some important books for the B.Sc Geology course :



Principles of Physical Geology

Porter and Skinner

Principles of Physical Geology

Arthur Holmes

A textbook of Engineering and General Geology

Parbin Singh

B.Sc Geology Fee Structure