BSc Nursing Syllabus and Subjects 2024 - Semester Wise Syllabus PDF

Duration: 4 Years
Avg Fees: INR 20000 to INR INR 300000 per year

BSc Nursing syllabus is divided into 8 semesters that consist of core, elective and practical subjects to equip students with the skills and theoretical knowledge related to Nursing. The core BSc Nursing subjects include Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology, Pathology, Genetics, etc and the elective subjects include Introduction to Computers, English Communication, Communication and Educational Technology, etc. 

BSc Nursing course also enriches the students with practical subjects such as Medical-Surgical Nursing, Community Health Nursing, Microbiology, Nutrition, etc. The curriculum also includes clinical training, simulation training and an internship to enhance the students' practical skills and hands-on experience. 

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Semester Wise B.Sc Nursing Syllabus

B.Sc Nursing is a four-year course consisting of 8 semesters with a syllabus of each year set out differently; different zones and domains are provided in B.Sc Nursing. The syllabus and subjects pursued provide in-depth knowledge of the fundamentals of Genetics, Nutrition, Anatomy, and Physiology.

Candidates willing to pursue the B.Sc Nursing course must check its syllabus to get an idea about the subjects, coursework, and internship requirements on the university's official website. They can also download the B.Sc Nursing syllabus from the link given below.

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B.Sc Nursing 1st Year Syllabus

BSc in Nursing first-year syllabus focuses on subjects such as Anatomy, Psychology, and Nutrition to provide the students with a strong understanding of the course. The B.Sc Nursing subjects 1st year from the syllabus are detailed below:

Semester I Semester II
Anatomy Physiology
Biochemistry Nutrition
Nursing Foundation I Nursing Foundation II
Microbiology Psychology
English Introduction to Computers

Practical Topics for BSc Nursing 2nd Year Syllabus

The practical topics for BSc Nursing first and second semester are listed below.

  • Nutrition
  • Microbiology
  • Nursing Foundation I
  • Nursing Foundation II

B.Sc Nursing 2nd Year Syllabus

BSc in Nursing second year syllabus covers subjects such as Pharmacology, Genetics, Pathology, etc. The B.Sc Nursing subjects in the second-year syllabus are detailed below:

Semester III Semester IV
Sociology Pharmacology
Pathology Genetics
Psychotherapy Communication and Educational Technology
Medical-Surgical Nursing  Community Health Nursing I

Practical Topics for BSc Nursing 2nd Year Syllabus

The practical topics for BSc Nursing 3rd and 4th semesters are given below.

  • Medical-Surgical Nursing Practical
  • Community Health Nursing I Practical

B.Sc Nursing 3rd Year Syllabus

BSc in Nursing third-year syllabus covers subjects such as Mental Health, Child Health, Research, etc. The B.Sc Nursing subjects from the third-year syllabus are detailed below:

Semester V Semester VI
Medical Surgical Nursing II Nursing Research & Statistics
Child Health Nursing Mental Health Nursing
Library Self-Study

Practical Topics for BSc Nursing 3rd Year Syllabus

Listed below are the practical topics for BSc 5th and 6th semester syllabus:

  • Medical Surgical Nursing II 
  • Child Health Nursing 
  • Mental Health Nursing 

B.Sc Nursing 4th Year Syllabus

BSc Nursing 4th year syllabus covers more practical and advanced topics such as Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing, Community Health, etc. The B.Sc Nursing subjects from the fourth-year syllabus are detailed below:

Semester VII Semester VIII
Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing Management of Nursing Services and Education
Community Health Nursing II  Self-Study
- Viva

Practical Topics for BSc Nursing 4th Year Syllabus

The practical topics for BSc Nursing 4th year syllabus are outlined below:

  • Midwifery and Obstetrucal Nursing 
  • Community Health Nursing II
  • Management of Nursing Services and Education

B.Sc Nursing Subjects

B.Sc Nursing Subjects are centred around introducing students to all the essential aspects of medicine and nursing. Listed below are the BSc Nursing subject details:

BSc Nursing Subject in Detail

The BSc Nursing subjects cover various aspects of nursing from basic to advanced topics related to anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, psychology, etc to enable the student healthcare industry-ready. Listed below are some of the important BSc Nursing subjects and the topics covered:

Year Subjects Topics Covered
1st Year Anatomy Introduction to Anatomical terms organization of the human body, Skeletal System, Muscular System, Nervous System, Sensory System, Respiratory System
Physiology Cell Physiology, Skeletal System, Muscular System, Circulatory System, Excretory System, Endocrine System
Biochemistry Structure and Functions of Cell Membrane, Composition and Metabolism
of Carbohydrates, Composition and metabolism
of Lipids
Nutrition Introduction to nutrition, Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins, Energy, Vitamins and minerals
Microbiology Introduction, concepts of microbiology, General characteristics of microbes, Infection control, Biomedical waste management
Nursing Foundation Hospital Admission and Discharge, Communication and Nurse
Patient Relationship, Documentation and Reporting
Introduction to Computers Introduction to various concepts of computers, Disk operating systems, Multimedia types & uses, Hospital management system
Psychology Biology of Behavior, Cognitive Processes, Psychometric Assessments, Developmental Psychology, Mental Hygiene and Mental Health
2nd Year Sociology Introduction to sociology in nursing, Biodiversity and its conservation, Growth of population in India, Classes of social stratification
Pharmacology Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacokinetics, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Adverse Drug Reactions, Pharmacology in Nursing
Genetics Mendelian Genetics, Genetic Disorders, Genetic Testing and Screening, Genomics, Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Genetics
Psychotherapy Crisis Intervention, Trauma Informed Care, Psychopharmacology, Behavioural Therapies, Psychopharmacology
Community Health and Nursing Epidemiology, Disaster Management, Community Assessment and Intervention, Family and Community Health, Global Health Issues
3rd Year Medical-Surgical Nursing Anatomy, Physiology, Pathophysiology, Medical-Surgical Interventions, Nursing Care Planning and Implementation, Evidence-Based Practice
Nursing Research & Statistics Research, Statistics, Computer Application
4th Year Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing Antenatal Care, Complications of Pregnancy, Intrapartum Care, Obstetric Emergencies, Postpartum Care, Family Planning and Contraception
Management of Nursing Services and Education The fundamentals of accounting, Finance, Management, Structure of an organization, Structure of an organization

B.Sc Nursing Entrance Exam Syllabus

To crack the B.Sc Nursing exam, aspirants must have a thorough understanding of the B.Sc Nursing entrance exam syllabus. Therefore, they must check the tables below to learn more.

BSc Nursing Entrance Exam Syllabus: Physics
Current Electricity Communication Systems
Electromagnetic Induction Electromagnetic Waves
Electronic Devices Optics
Alternating Current Dual Nature of Matter
Atoms and Nuclei Electrostatics
Magnetic Effect of Current & Magnetism -
BSc Nursing Entrance Exam Syllabus: Chemistry
Biomolecules Solid State
d & f- Block Elements p -Block Elements
Electrochemistry Surface Chemistry
General Principles & Processes of Isolation of Elements Alcohols, Phenol & Esther Solutions Chemical Kinetics
Polymers Coordination Compounds
Keystones and Carboxylic Acids Chemistry in Everyday Life
Organic Compounds containing Nitrogen -
BSc Nursing Entrance Exam Syllabus: Biology
The Difference between Prokaryotic & Eukaryota Mendel’s Law of Inheritance
Structural Organization of Cell Cell Theory
Classification Binomial and Nominal Nomenclature The Role of Plants in Human Welfare
Mineral Nutrition Essential Elements and their Function. Five Kingdom Classifications

Read More: B.Sc Nursing Entrance Exam Coaching in Lucknow

B.Sc Nursing Course Structure

B.Sc Nursing subjects focus on teaching students about all the critical aspects of the medical field. There are eight semesters in the course, spread across four years. The Syllabus of B.Sc Nursing is divided into two segments, core, and electives. Core subjects are compulsory subjects for students to study, and electives are optional subjects for students to choose from.

The course structure is as follows:

  • VIII Semesters
  • Core Subjects
  • Elective Subjects
  • Research Project
  • Clinical Training

B.Sc Nursing Teaching Methodology and Techniques

The teaching methods for B.Sc Nursing are a combination of practical and theoretical approaches. Students get exposure to traditional lecture-based training and work in a lab and learn the course's functional aspects. At the end of the education, students are expected to submit a research paper on a topic of their choice, as the research paper demonstrates their understanding of the subject in depth.

Listed below are the teaching methodology and strategies in general:

  • Traditional Classroom-Based Teaching
  • Seminars
  • Practicals
  • Simulation-based Learning
  • Clinical Observation

B.Sc Nursing Projects

B.Sc Nursing 4th-year subjects include a final research project where students can do independent research on their chosen topic. Projects help the students to learn about a specific topic or specialization in greater depth and detail. Below are examples of some popular research essays:

  • Study on Pathology and Genetics
  • Medical-Surgical Nursing
  • Community Health Nursing
  • Child Health Nursing

B.Sc Nursing  Books

Reference books help students understand concepts in detail, and they get elaborated versions of a simple meaning that allows them to increase their vocabulary and comprehension skills. The books given below are the most popular BSc Nursing books. Listed below are some of the popular books on the subject:

Books Authors
Nutrition and Dietetics I. Clement
Communication and Educational Technology Suresh Sharma
Psychology for Nurses R. Sreevani
Textbook of Sociology K. P. Neeraja
Nursing Foundation B.T. Basavanthappa
Textbook of Microbiology Surinder Kumar

BSc Nursing Fee Structure

FAQs on BSc Nursing Syllabus and Subjects

Q: What are the subjects covered in BSc Nursing?

Q: Is BSc Nursing hard to study?

Q: Is BSc harder than MBBS?

Q: What is the passing mark for BSc Nursing?

Q: Is the 12th mark important for BSc Nursing?

Q: Is the BSc Nursing syllabus the same throughout India?

Q: How is the grading of the BSc Nursing course done?

Q: What are the B.Sc Nursing first-year subjects?

Q: What are the B.Sc Nursing second-year subjects?

Q: What is the B.Sc Nursing Course Structure?

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