BCA+MCA (Integrated) Syllabus and Subjects

Duration: 5 Years
Avg Fees: ₹90K - 7 LPA

The BCA MCA course syllabus is vast as it is taught in 5 years and covers both BCA and MCA degree courses' syllabus. In the first three years, the aspirants study the BCA program topics, and the syllabus advances as students reach the fourth year. The BCA MCA course helps develop a solid academic base in computer applications and its usage.

Semester Wise BCA MCA Syllabus

This course helps students prepares students for real-world application software development, web development, and database administration. The main subjects of the BCA MCA course are:

  • Programming Fundamentals Using C
  • Principle of Management
  • Database Management System
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • English Grammar & Composition

The table below shows the BCA MCA curriculum, which provides a deeper understanding of its elements:

BCA MCA First Year Syllabus



Fundamentals of Computer & C Programming


Communication Skill

Principles of Management

Basic Electronics

Environmental Studies

Digital Logic

Data Structure with C


Computer Organization & Architecture

Fundamentals of Computer & C Programming

Data Structure with C Laboratory

BCA MCA Second Year Syllabus





Operating System 

Database Management System

Organizational Behavior

Formal Language & Automata Theory

Object Oriented Programming with Java

Human Resource Management

Operating System Laboratory

Database Management System Laboratory

Object Oriented Programming with Java Laboratory

Microprocessors Laboratory

BCA MCA Third Year Syllabus



Numerical Methods

Dissertation I

Data Communication & Networks

Elective I

Web Technology

Seminar I

Software Engineering


Computer Networks Laboratory


Web Technology Laboratory


BCA MCA Fourth Year Syllabus



Graph Theory

Operation Research

Artificial intelligence

Mobile and Wireless Communication

Cryptography and Network Security

Compiler Design

Design and Analysis of Algorithm

Elective II

Algorithm Laboratory

Compiler Design Laboratory

Seminar II

Operation Research Laboratory

BCA MCA Fifth Year Syllabus



Elective III

Dissertation III

Dissertation II


Industry Seminar & Group Discussion


BCA MCA Subjects

BCA MCA subjects are classified as core and elective. Students can choose elective subjects based on their interests, career scopes, or future education goals. 

Core Subjects:

  • Computer Fundamentals
  • C-Programming
  • System Analysis & Design
  • In-depth Working of Computer Sub-system
  • Organizational Behaviour
  • Visual Basic
  • Computer Laboratory & Practical work

Elective Subjects:

  • Object-Oriented System Design
  • Advanced Web Technology
  • Neural Networks and Applications
  • Computer Graphics
  • Digital Image Processing
  • Embedded Systems

BCA MCA Course Structure

The course's main aim is to prepare students to face the IT industry's challenges through exceptional teaching and research-oriented programs. The core topics covered in the BCA MCA course include application software, hardware systems, IT management, and information systems. The course is interesting and proves to be of great use for aspirants interested in the IT field. The program is designed to meet the demanding need for qualified experts in the Information Technology IT sector. The course structure is:

  • X Semesters
  • Core and Elective subjects
  • Internship
  • Project Submission

BCA MCA Teaching Methodology and Techniques

BCA MCA employs a variety of teaching methods with the help of experienced faculty members. The course facilitates teaching through modern tools and techniques. Workshops and seminars are arranged at regular intervals on current technologies like cloud computing, the internet of things, amazon web services, and industry experts' aptitude skills. The teaching methodology and techniques of the BCA MCA course are:

  • Dissertations
  • Industry Seminar
  • Group Discussion
  • Class Tests 
  • End Semester Examination

BCA MCA Projects

The BCA MCA projects emphasize on the latest programming languages and tools to develop better and faster applications. Some of the popular BCA MCA projects are:

  • Customer relationship management Asp project
  • Online Examination System Web Project
  • Online Library Management System Project
  • Online Tour and Travel Services project
  • Online Attendance Management System Project

BCA MCA Reference Books

The BCA MCA books provide in-depth and all-around knowledge to students on various programming languages and other vital topics to develop a solid academic base in computer applications. Listed below are essential books which students can use for reference in the course BCA MCA are:




Fundamentals of Computers

Rajaraman V

Introduction to Computers

Norton Peter

The C Programming Language

Ritchie Kernighan

Computer Fundamentals, Architecture and Organization

Ram, B.

Mastering Algorithms With C

Loudon K