MBA in Fashion Management Syllabus and Subjects

Duration: 2 Years
Avg Fees: ₹50K - 5 LPA

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The MBA in Fashion Management Syllabus has been curated keeping in mind the various management principles used for managing the creation, branding, and retailing of fashion businesses. The MBA in Fashion Management curriculum consists of teaching methods such as seminars, group work, practicals, etc. 

MBA in Fashion Management subjects puts an emphasis on the management of marketing, merchandising, and retailing processes in the Apparel Industry. Industry-relevant topics have been inculcated to boost knowledge and career advancement in the MBA Fashion Management syllabus, such as Retail Management, Supply Chain Management, Apparel Manufacturing, Marketing Management, etc. 

Table of Contents

Semester-Wise MBA in Fashion Management Syllabus

MBA in Fashion Management syllabus has been carefully designed to include foundational subjects based on manufacturing, marketing, and selling of apparel. MBA Fashion Management syllabus has provided students with industry-relevant skills and knowledge needed to sustain themselves in the fast-paced world of apparel management. 

Showcased below is the semester-wise syllabus for MBA in Fashion Management:

First Year MBA in Fashion Management Syllabus

Since MBA in Fashion Management is a management based course, most subjects taught in the first two semesters of the course primarily deal with core Management principles and related business concepts in the Fashion Industry.

Core management subjects may be consistent across colleges and courses for MBA in Fashion Management, but elective subjects change according to the college-specific learning objectives of a course.

The MBA in Fashion Management subjects for 1st year include these subjects:

Semester I

Semester II

Management Principles

Art Illustration & Drawing

Managerial Economics

Apparel Manufacturing

Operations Management

Human Resource Management

Accounting for Managers

Supply Chain & Logistics Management

Organisational Behaviour

Financial Management

Statistics for Management

Elective I

Fashion & Textile

Elective II

Business Language (Elective I)

Elective III

MBA in Fashion Management Practical Subjects for 1st Year

  • CAD
  • Garment Construction
  • Art Illustration & Drawing
  • Computer Application in Retail Industry

Second Year MBA in Fashion Management Syllabus

MBA in Fashion Management syllabus for the second year contains subjects centering on logistics, procurement, marketing, and other fashion-industry relevant topics. The main focal point of an MBA in Fashion Management syllabus is to draw attention to the design and marketing processes of apparel.

The MBA Fashion Management syllabus for the second year moves from managerial concepts to more design-related and manufacturing processes in its second year.

MBA in Fashion Management syllabus contains the following subjects for the second year–

Semester III

Semester IV

Retail Management

Fashion Communication

Apparel Quality Control

Visual Merchandise II

Supply Chain & Logistics Management

Research Methods

Visual Merchandise I

Professional Guidance & Portfolio

Strategic Management

Fabric Manufacturing

Fashion Culture

Sustainable Fashion

Entrepreneurship Development

Elective I

Customer Relationship Management

Elective II

Elective I

Internship + Research Project

Elective II


MBA in Fashion Management Subjects for 2nd Year

  • CAD
  • Fashion Styling
  • Visual Merchandising
  • Internship + Research Project

MBA in Fashion Management Subjects

The MBA in Fashion Management syllabus aids students in becoming pioneers in the apparel industry by teaching core concepts on how to design, supply for, brand, and sell a business in the industry. MBA in Fashion Management syllabus consists of 2 types of subjects - core, and electives where students can imbibe specialised knowledge on various topics. 

MBA in Fashion Management syllabus offers core subjects that are mandatory part of syllabus and elective subjects that students can pick for specialised knowledge. Here is a list of these core and elective subjects in the MBA in Fashion Management syllabus:

MBA in Fashion Management Core Subjects

MBA in Fashion Management syllabus features core subjects and elective subjects which students choose. These are some foundational subjects in the MBA in Fashion Management syllabus: 

  • Retail Management
  • Management Principles
  • Fashion & Textiles
  • Apparel Manufacturing
  • Apparel Export Management
  • Art Design & Illustration
  • Supply Chain & Logistics Management
  • Professional Ethics
  • Apparel Quality Control
  • Visual Merchandise
  • Managerial Economics
  • Statistics for Management
  • Fashion Styling
  • Research Methods
  • Operations Management
  • Organisational Behaviour
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Computer Application in Retail Industry
  • Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

MBA in Fashion Management Elective Subjects

MBA in Fashion Management syllabus offers students the option to pick and study from a list of elective courses. These elective courses strengthen the learning curve of students, while also providing a specialised insight into the many aspects of creating and managing fashion-related business processes.

MBA in Fashion Management syllabus offers multiple elective subjects for students to pick from:

  • Advanced Fashion Merchandising
  • Consumer Behaviour
  • Fashion Trend Forecasting
  • Fashion Entrepreneurship
  • International Fashion Marketing
  • Fashion Communication

MBA in Fashion Management Subjects in Detail

While core management subjects do not vary too much across different MBA courses, elective subjects may diversify the MBA degree. The MBA in Fashion Management syllabus was designed with cognizance of the different trends and needs that the Fashion Industry deals with. The subjects offered in the MBA in Fashion Management syllabus are planned to showcase aspects of Fashion Management, such as Designing, Procurement, Merchandising, Marketing, Sales, etc.  

Some of these subjects are:


Topics Covered

Retail Management

Brand Image, Brand Loyalty, Brand Hierarchy, Brand Revitalisation, Retailing Environment in India, Inventory methods, etc. 

Apparel Manufacturing

Intro to Indian Apparel Industry, Apparel Product Types, Production Process, Fabric Spreading & Cutting, Line Planning, etc.

Visual Merchandising

Display Basics- Texture, Colours, Lighting, Store Exterior & Interior, Display Equipments, Display Techniques, etc.

Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

Photoshop, Corel Draw, Garment drape using Fashion Studio Software, Patterns using Illustrator, Motif-Development Processes, etc.

Quantitative Research

Sampling, Probability, Hypothesis Testing, etc. 

Consumer Behaviour

Consumer Needs, Consumer wants, Market Segmentation, Market Targeting, etc. 

Fashion Culture

Stages of Fashion Cycle, Fashion Leaders & Innovators, Product Life-Cycle, Emerging Trends in Fashion. 

Apparel Marketing Management

Marketing Philosophies, Components & Techniques of Marketing, Marketing Research, Marketing Strategies, etc.  

Operations Management

Product Design & Selection, Capacity Management Principles, Production Planning, Maintenance Concepts, Forecasting Techniques, Graph Theory, etc. 

Fashion Trend Forecasting

Fashion Forecasting, Tracking Sales, Demographics, Values & Lifestyles, Forecasting Processes, New Technologies, etc.

Supply Chain & Logistics Management

Basic Supply-Chain Management, Demand & Supply, Procurement Cycle, Logistics Management, Supply Chain Benchmarking, etc. 

Apparel Quality Control

Dimensions & Importance of Quality, Modern Quality Management, Fabric Inspections, Consumer Safety, Care Labels, International Labelling Systems, etc. 

Art Design & Illustration

Anatomy, Figure Analysis & Drawing, Basic Block Figures, Geometric Fashion Models, Sketching, etc. 

College-wise MBA in Fashion Management Syllabus

MBA in Fashion Management syllabus may vary from college to college. The curriculum, structure, and learning objectives may also be different. Students can download the MBA in Fashion Management Syllabus PDF 2023 from official college websites. 

The syllabus for MBA in Fashion Management for top colleges is mentioned below:

Amity University MBA in Fashion Management Syllabus

Amity University provides MBA in Fashion Management with various core subjects elective options. Tabulated below is the semester-wise MBA Fashion Management subjects for Amity University:

MBA in Fashion Management 1st Sem Subjects

MBA in Fashion Management 2nd Sem Subjects

Term Paper

Minor Project

Intro to Fashion & Textile Industry

Intro to Apparel Manufacturing

Raw Materials of Fashion - I

Raw Materials of Fashion - II

Entrepreneurship & New Venture Creation

Business Analytics & Modelling

Accounting for Managers

Business Research Methods

Applications of Disruptive Technologies in Business

Financial Management

Managerial Economics

Human Resource Management

Marketing Management

Legal Aspects of Business

Organisational Behaviour

Operations Management

Professional & Business Communication

Entrepreneurship Development & Venture Creation - SAP Course (optional)

Foreign Business Language

Cognitive Analytics & Social Skills for Professional Development

Elective I

Foreign Business Language

Outdoor Activity-Based Course

Open Elective Course

Outdoor Activity-Based Courses

MBA in Fashion Management 3rd Sem Subjects

MBA in Fashion Management 4th Sem Subjects

Strategic Management

Management in Action - Social Economic & Ethical Issues

Pattern Appreciation

Advanced Fashion Merchandising - II

Advanced Fashion Merchandising - I 

Design Marketing Interactive Strategy

Apparel Export Management & Merchandising

Fashion Supply Chain Management

Computer Applications in Fashion & Retail Industry

Product Development for Fashion Industry

Consumer Behaviour in Fashion & Retail Industry

Visual Merchandising - II

Fashion Forecasting

Visual Merchandising & Display

Fashion Retail Management & Merchandising

Management in Action - Social Economic & Ethical Issues

Global Sourcing

Country Report - I (SAP Courses - optional)

Visual Merchandising - I

Country Report (SAP Courses - optional)

Visual Merchandising & Display

Entrepreneurship Development & Venture Creation

Summer Internship

Foreign Business Language

Professional Ethics & Social Responsibility for Sustainability

Open Elective Courses

Foreign Business Language

Outdoor Activity-Based Courses

Open Elective Courses

Outdoor Activity-Based Courses

SGT University MBA in Fashion Management Syllabus

SGT University provides a comprehensively designed MBA in Fashion Management syllabus with core subjects and elective options. Mentioned below are the semester-wise MBA Fashion Management subjects for SGT University:

MBA in Fashion Management 1st Sem Subjects

MBA in Fashion Management 2nd Sem Subjects

Basic Textiles

Fabric Manufacturing Technology

Global Fashion Scenario

Fashion Communication

Organisational Theory & Behaviour

Human Resource Management

Production & Operations Management (Elective I)

Entrepreneurship Development (Elective III)

Fashion Management Economics (Elective II)

Marketing Management (Elective IV)

Professional Ethics & Human Values

Research Methodology

Couture Draping - I

Couture Draping - II

Fashion Art & Illustration

Apparel Construction I

Fashion & Lifestyle Accessories

Chemical Processing & Textile Testing

Term Project

Term Project

MBA in Fashion Management 3rd Sem Subjects

MBA in Fashion Management 4th Sem Subjects

Apparel Manufacturing Technology

Technological Advances in Fashion & Textiles

Cross Cultural Management

Leather Clothing Technology

Social & Legal Business Environment

Retail Brand Management (Elective VII)

Strategic Management (Elective V)

Entrepreneurship Development (Elective VIII)

Finance Management Accounting (Elective VI)

International Trade Management (Elective IX)

Apparel Construction - II

Portfolio Development

Visual Merchandising

Computer-Aided Design - II

Computer-Aided Design - I


MBA in Fashion Management Projects

A final degree requirement by some colleges may include some form of research project and report/dissertation based on the student’s internship. The scope for conducting research for an MBA in Fashion Management is vast, with topics based on E-Commerce v/s Physical stores, the Impact of Thrifting, Sustainability Brands and their future, and other trending topics. 

Students can practically demonstrate their theoretical knowledge in the real world. Some popular topics for conducting research on MBA in Fashion Management are:

  • Role of emotionality with regard to forging Brand Loyalty
  • Rise of online thrifting: Impact on physical stores
  • Supply Chain Management in Indian Fashion
  • Impact of Social Media on Sustainability and Eco-trends
  • Augmented Reality in Fashion: What is the impact on consumer shopping experience
  • Rise of Sustainability Brands: Fad or Future?

MBA in Fashion Management Course Structure

MBA in Fashion Management syllabus defines managerial principles surrounding the Apparel Industry and the logistics required to run a business in the industry. With upcoming trends on sustainability and their impact on the economy, the need to create solutions that cater to these issues has become more imperative than ever. MBA in Fashion Management syllabus provides a comprehensive structure for students to gain in-depth knowledge of the Fashion Industry. This course is taught over 2 years and 4 semesters, with the syllabus structure as follows:

  • IV Semesters
  • Core Subjects
  • Elective Subjects
  • Practical Subjects
  • Internship
  • Research Project

MBA in Fashion Management Teaching Methodology and Techniques

The methodologies employed in MBA in Fashion Management syllabus vary on the subject being taught. Some subjects such as Retail and Apparel Manufacturing require theoretical knowledge, while CAD and visual Merchandising require a more pragmatic approach. Some colleges may also require a final dissertation or research project, the submission of which will result in final degree handing. 

Some teaching methods utilised in MBA in Fashion Management are:

  • Traditional Classroom-Based Teaching
  • Seminars
  • Group Projects
  • Internships + Research Projects

MBA in Fashion Management Books

The books mentioned below are the foundational books used in the MBA in Fashion Management syllabus to enhance the understanding of Fashion Management and retail Industry and how different aspects function:


Name of the Book


Fashion Communication

The Essence of Effective Communication

Ron Ludlow & Fergus Pantone

Art Illustration & Drawing

Visual Dictionary of Fashion Design

Gavin Ambrose & Paul Harris

Marketing Management

Principles of Marketing


Fashion Culture

Cultural Roles: Fashion & Textiles

G. Gale & J. Kaur

Garment Construction

Garment Technology for Fashion designers 

Gerry Cooklin


CAD/CAM/CIM Computer-Aided Design & Manufacturing

R. Radhakrishnan, S. Subramanian & V. Raju

Retail Management

Retail Management: A Strategic Approach

Berman & Evans

Visual Merchandising

Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping

P. Underhill

Entrepreneurship Development

Entrepreneurial Development

S. S. Khanka

Fashion Styling

Fashion Advertising & Promotion

Jay & Ellen Diamond

Fashion Forecasting

Fashion: From concept to consumer

Gini Stephens Frings

MBA in Fashion Management Fee Structure

FAQs on MBA in Fashion Management Syllabus and Subjects

Q: What is an MBA in Fashion Management?

Q: What are the subjects in MBA in Fashion Management?

Q: What is the scope of an MBA in Fashion Management graduate?

Q: Where can an MBA in Fashion Management be done?

Q: Is an MBA in Fashion Management a good course?