MBA in Hotel Management Syllabus and Subjects 2025

Duration: 2 Years
Avg Fees: INR 60,000 - 4,00,000 per year

MBA in Hotel Management Syllabus is designed to equip students with the knowledge and tools required to operate the hotel along with the latest developing trends in the hospitality industry. The MBA Hotel Management course lasts for two years and is divided into four semesters. Students who take the course graduate with the abilities needed for careers in hospitality and hotel management.

The major elements of hotel management, including operations and management, are highlighted in the MBA Hotel Management Subjects. Food and beverage operations, accounting, and lodging management are just a few of the topics addressed in the course. 

The course assists students in becoming professionals who are prepared for the hotel sector. After graduation, the employment scope offers a variety of professional options, including those for General manager, F&B Service Manager, Accountant, CEO, etc.

Table of Contents

Semester-Wise MBA in Hotel Management Syllabus 2023

The MBA in Hotel Management syllabus focuses on equipping students with relevant knowledge in the developing trends of the hotel management industry through topics such as event management, accommodation management, food production management, etc. In the following tables are MBA in Hotel management subjects divided into semester-wise patterns. 

First Year MBA in Hotel Management Syllabus 

In the first year, the MBA in Hotel Management subjects focus on core topics that provide the foundational elements of management of management in the hotel industry. The table given below highlights the syllabus:

Semester I Semester II
Food Production Management Accounting for Managers
Front Office Management Marketing Management
Communication & Information Technology Hospitality Sales and Marketing
Accommodation Management Introduction to Travel - Tourism Industry
Principle of Management Values and Ethics

MBA in Hotel Management First Year Practicals

In the list below are the practicals offered in the first year of MBA Hospital Management syllabus:

  • Accommodation Management
  • Computer Applications in Hotels
  • Skill Development

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Second Year MBA in Hotel Management Syllabus 

The majority of the MBA in Hotel Management second-year syllabus is made up of electives and industrial training. The third and fourth semester's course outline is shown in the following table:

Semester I Semester II
Industrial Training Hotel Accounts and Financial Management
Basics of Hotel Operations Food and Beverage Management & Control
Human Resource Management(Elective) Environmental Science
Hospitality Consultancy (Elective) Viva Voice
Log Book Project Work

MBA in Hotel Management Subjects

The MBA in Hotel Management subjects is generally classified into two categories: core and electives. The core subjects covered important topics that form the framework for the course along with internships and projects. The electives offer candidates a range of discipline-specific skilled-based courses to excel in their careers. 

The following list highlights the MBA Hospital Management subjects in two categories: 

MBA in Hotel Management Core Subjects

The following list contains MBA in Hotel Management core subjects:

  • Food Production Operation
  • Food and Beverage Service Operation
  • Accommodation Operation
  • Principles and Practices of Management
  • Research Methodology
  • Accounting For Managers
  • Food and Beverage Service
  • Event Management

MBA in Hotel Management Elective Subjects

The elective subjects for an MBA in hotel management are listed below:

  • Human Resource Management
  • Hospitality Security and Systems
  • Hospitality Innovations
  • Food Science and Nutrition
  • Economics of Tourism
  • International Tourism and Hospitality Laws

MBA in Hotel Management Subjects

The MBA Hotel Management subjects contain a wide range of topics that discuss the core aspects of managing a hotel, the business environment of a hotel and the administrative tasks associated with hotel management. In the following table are the subjects in detail offered in MBA Hotel Management syllabus:

MBA Hotel Management Subjects Topics Covered
Food and Beverage Operations The Hotel and Catering Industry, Departmental Organization and Staffing, Ancillary Departments
Accommodation Operations The Role and Importance of Housekeeping in Hospitality Operation, Cleaning Organization
Principles of Management Planning, Organising, Directing, Controlling
Accounting for Managers Book-Keeping and Accounting, Depreciation, Funds Flow Analysis
Computer Applications in Hotel Information Concepts and Processing, Elements of a Computer System, Software Concepts

MBA in Hotel Management Projects 

The MBA in Hotel Management syllabus involves projects that will test the candidate's essential skills required for hotel management and operations in today's world. Below is a list of some of the popular MBA Hotel Management project topics:

  • Critical Analysis of Hotel Operations in Luxurious Sectors
  • Competitive Analysis Study of ITC Chain Hotels with Foreign Market Hotels
  • Staff and Guest Relationship Management
  • The transformation of Royal Palaces to Luxurious Villa: An in-depth study
  • India's rising dominion in the Hospitality Sector
  • “Atithi Devo Bhava” Is Indian Hospitality good as heaven? Comparative Study

Also, CheckMBA Project Topics

MBA in Hotel Management Industrial Training

In the second year of the course, usually during summer break, colleges/universities offer MBA in Hotel Management students opportunities to work in a real-time environment which is called “Industrial Training or Summer Internship”. These are mandatory and the credit points obtained in them are required to qualify for the course.

These internships are usually with companies that have tied up or collaborative projects with universities. Albeit, candidates can source internships independently with the company of their choice. 

The training includes candidates to assist the general manager, work as an intern with the marketing team, or in the front office among various other roles. They will be supervised by their mentor they are assisting, who at the end of the internship or industrial training will provide a certificate and letter of recommendation and experience from the company. They will also send the evaluation form to colleges based on the candidate’s performance which will be used to evaluate the grades. 

College-Wise MBA in Hotel Management Syllabus

MBA in Hotel Management syllabus varies based on the university/college academic structure. It is recommended to visit the preferred university website to find a more detailed description of the course syllabus. The following are the MBA in Hotel Management syllabus for some top universities:

MBA in Hotel Management JIS University

A private university called JIS University is situated in Kolkata, West Bengal. It provides a number of MBA specializations, with MBA in Hotel Management being one of the most well-liked options. The following table given below contains the MBA Hotel Management syllabus in JIS University.

Semester I Semester II
Food Production Operation Advance Food Production Operations
Food and Beverage Service Operations Advance Food and Beverage Service Operation
Front Office Operation Advance Front Office Operations
Accommodation Operation Introduction to Travel - Tourism Industry
Introduction to Hotel - Hospitality Industry Values and Ethics
Principles and Practices of Management Hospitality Sales and Marketing
Communication Skills in English Research Methodology
Computer Applications in Hotels Business Communication
Skill Development Skill Development
Project and Seminar Project and Seminar
Semester III Semester IV
Industrial Training Food Production Management
Log Book Front Office Management
Project Work Accommodation Management
Attendance Food and Beverage Service Management
Project & Viva Voice Facility Planning and Management
- Hotel Accounts and Financial Management
- Entrepreneurship Development
- Food Science and Nutrition
- Environmental Science
- Human Resources Management and OB
- Skill Development
- Project and Seminar

MBA in Hotel Management Periyar University

Periyar University is established by the Government of Tamil Nadu in Salem, Tamil Nadu. There are many ranges of MBA specialisations available in the university. MBA in Hotel Management is one of the popular specialisations among all the MBA courses. Given in the table below are MBA in Hotel Management subjects offered in the syllabus of Periyar University:

Semester I Semester II
Communication & Information Technology  Food and Beverage Service
Food Production Management Marketing Management
Front Office Operation Accounting For Managers
Accommodation Operation Event Management
Hygiene and Food Science Entrepreneurship Development
Principles of Management Food and Beverage Service (Practical)
Accommodation Management Food Production (Practical)
Accommodation Management (Practical) -
Semester III Semester IV
Industrial Training Food and Beverage Management & Control
Hotel Law Financial Management
Basics of Hotel Operations Accommodation Management
Elective Elective
Elective Elective

MBA in Hotel Management Course Structure

The MBA in Hotel Management syllabus is set up to give students both fundamental and in-depth understanding of hotel management and current best practices. Following is the MBA in Hotel Management course breakdown:

  • IV Semesters
  • Core and Elective Subjects
  • Internship
  • Industrial Training
  • Field Study
  • Project Work

MBA in Hotel Management Teaching Methodology and Techniques

Different teaching methods and approaches are used in the MBA Hotel Management Syllabus to help students learn the material more effectively. The following list of instructional techniques used in MBA in Hotel Management courses may help students learn more effectively:

  • Group Projects
  • Research Projects
  • Workshop
  • Case Study 
  • Experiential Learning
  • Simulation
  • Industrial Training
  • Role-Playing
  • Conference

MBA in Hotel Management Syllabus Reference Books

Students can improve their comprehension of the course objectives and gain additional knowledge to help them perform better on exams by consulting reference materials for the MBA in hotel management syllabus. A few of the books used as references for MBA Hotel Management are listed below:

Book Author Subjects
The Chocolate CookBook Tarla Dalal Food Production Operation
Accommodation & Cleaning Services David M. Allen Accommodation Management
Accounting for Managers Jelsy Joseph Kuppaplly Accounting for Managers
Front Office Management Ahmed Ismail Front Office Management
Marketing Management Rajan Saxena Marketing Management

MBA in Hotel Management Fee Structure

FAQs on MBA in Hotel Management Syllabus and Subjects

Q: What is the syllabus in MBA in Hotel Management?

Q: What skill-based electives do MBA hotel management subjects offer?

Q: Is Maths compulsory in Hotel Management for MBA students?

Q: Is English a major subject in MBA Hotel Management?