MBA in Industrial Management Syllabus and Subjects

Duration: 2 Years
Avg Fees: ₹3.5 - 5.5 LPA

MBA in Industrial Management subjects and syllabus is designed to train the students to specialize in industrial management. At the end of the course, the students will be trained in persuading and motivated to deal with the complex challenges of ambition and an extensive career in industry.

Semester Wise MBA in Industrial Management Syllabus

MBA in Industrial Management syllabus helps the students in becoming efficient and creative managers pertaining to the industry. MBA in Industrial Management course aims focus to develop interpersonal skills, team spirit, leadership qualities and implement them in the industrial management sector. Semester wise MBA in Industrial Management subjects are listed below.

MBA in Industrial Management First Year Syllabus

Listed below are the MBA in Industrial Management First Year Syllabus:

MBA in Industrial Management First Year Syllabus
Essentials of Management Marketing Management
Production Management Organizational Effectiveness and Discipline
Supply Chain and Management Human Resource Management
Business Environment Industrial Marketing and Research
Organizational Behaviour Business Analytics
Financial Management Production Management
Outcome Efficiency Funds and Efficiency Management

MBA in Industrial Management Second Year Syllabus

Listed below are the MBA in Industrial Management Second Year Syllabus:

MBA in Industrial Management Second Year Syllabus
Management Information System Business Intelligence
Entrepreneurship Social and Economic Balance
Strategic Management Total Quality Management
Business Optimization Labour Law
Corporate Governance and Ethics Planning and Leading Projects
Project Management Internship and PRoject

MBA in Industrial Management Subjects

MBA in Industrial Management syllabus can be divided into core and elective subjects. Students can choose elective subjects in MBA in Industrial Management based on their personal interests, career scopes, or future education goals. 

Core Subjects:

  • Business Analytics
  • Marketing Management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Industrial Project Management
  • Industrial Marketing and Research

Elective Subjects:

  • Software Engineering Management
  • Industrial Marketing
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Service Operations Management
  • Management Control Systems

MBA in Industrial Management Course Structure

In general, an MBA in Industrial Management course is structured as a core and elective subject. The MBA in Industrial Management subjects is divided into four semesters, including introducing all the basic fundamental management subjects as a foundation course in the first year. The course focuses on different industrial forms and management.

In the second year of the course, the students will be given elective subjects to choose from depending on their plans. Case studies will also take place to make the understanding of the subjects more effective. The aspirants can choose their electives based on their specialization and areas of interest and submit research-based practical projects at the end of the IVth semester. 

MBA in Industrial Management Teaching Methodology and Techniques

The subjects for MBA in Industrial Management in India teach various concepts relevant to the industry professionals. Industries play a vital role in manufacturing products for our lives and contributing to our economy. Some of the teaching methodologies and techniques employed are:

  • Lecture-based
  • Group Projects
  • Research Projects
  • Workshops
  • Internships
  • Case Study based
  • Experiential Learning
  • Industrial Training 

MBA in Industrial Management Projects

MBA in Industrial Management involves various concepts that can be employed in a project, which will help improve the understanding of the aspirants. To impart knowledge on powerful techniques used in research, marketing, and production, projects play a key role.

Popular Industrial Management projects are:

  • Material Handling Systems Analysis and Design
  • Survey of Quality Problems in Small Scale Industry
  • Knowledge-Based Information Systems
  • Productivity Improvement

MBA in Industrial Management Reference Books

Some of the books the aspirants of MBA in Industrial Management will come across is listed below:

MBA in Industrial Management Books
Books Authors
Supply Chain Management Bowers D, Closs D and Mixby Copper M
Total Quality Management S Nigma
General and Industrial Management Henri Fayol, Constance Storrs
Industrial Engineering and Production Management Martin T Kelsang
Production, Planning and Control & Industrial Management KC Jain, L N Agarwal

MBA in Industrial Management Fee Structure