MBA in Power Management Syllabus and Subjects

Duration: 2 Years
Avg Fees: ₹20 LPA

MBA in Power Management syllabus is divided into 4 semesters and integrates fundamental business concepts with topics in the energy sector. The MBA in Power Management syllabus covers essential areas such as Energy Economics, Sustainable Practices, Project Management, Regulatory Frameworks, and more. The program provides practical insights into energy operations and emerging industry trends such as grid modernization, big data in energy, blockchain in energy, etc.

MBA in Power Management equips students with expertise to enhance power-related processes across manufacturing, automotive, and retail sectors. Graduates of the MBA in Power Management are prepared for various roles, including Energy Manager, Project Coordinator, Regulatory Analyst, and Sustainability Consultant.

Table of Contents

Semester Wise MBA Power Management Syllabus

The MBA in Power Management syllabus includes a mix of core and elective subjects, with core courses laying a strong foundation in power management principles. Elective courses allow students to develop specialized expertise in specific areas of the power industry. Listed below is a breakdown of the syllabus for an MBA in Power Management syllabus offered across universities.

First-Year MBA in Power Management Syllabus

The first year of the MBA Power Management syllabus focuses on topics such as energy economics, power generation technologies, and project management. The year sets the groundwork for a comprehensive understanding of the power industry.

Detailed in the table below is a semester-wise breakdown of the MBA in Power Management syllabus for first-year:

Semester I

Semester II

Economics and Management Decisions

Human Resource Management

Financial Management

Customer Relationship Management

Marketing Management

Project Management and Contract Administration

Quantitative Techniques for Management Applications

Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation

Operations and Material Management

Research Methodology

Second-Year MBA in Power Management Syllabus

In the second year of the MBA in Power Management, students advance into topics like power plant operations, risk management, environmental impact, and strategic planning. The culmination of this year is a capstone project that allows students to apply their knowledge to real-world power industry challenges.

Listed below is a semester-wise MBA Power Management syllabus for the second year.

Semester III

Semester IV

Power Sector Economics and Planning

Business Policy and Strategy

Financing Energy Sector Projects

Energy Law and Policy

Power Pricing and Power Purchase Agreements

Health, Safety and Environment for Power Industry

Power Trading


Power Station Management


Practical Subjects in MBA Power Management Second Year Syllabus

Below mentioned are a few practical subjects covered in second year MBA in Power Management syllabus:

  • Combined Cycle Gas Turbines (CCGT) Application
  • Power Plant Operation and Maintenance
  • Power Plant Engineering and Design

MBA in Power Management Subjects

MBA in Power Management subjects provides a sound understanding of various aspects of power management, such as energy economics and markets, renewable energy systems, the environmental impact of power generation, and so on. Listed below are some important subjects covered across institutions offering MBA in Power Management.

MBA in Power Management Core Subjects

Core subjects in an MBA in Power Management cover financial strategies, marketing for energy, HR dynamics, power systems, energy resources, economics, station operations, business policies, and legal frameworks, building a strong foundation for power management roles. Some of the core subjects included are:

  • Financial Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Power Sector Structure and Functioning
  • Energy Resources
  • Power Sector Economics and Planning
  • Power Station Management
  • Business Policy and Strategy
  • Risk and Hazard Management
  • Energy Law and Policy

MBA in Power Management Elective Subjects

Elective subjects in an MBA in Power Management enhance expertise in key areas of power industry specialization. Elective subjects include the following:

  • Hydro Power Resources Management
  • Renewable Energy
  • Energy Conservation and Energy Audit
  • Distribution Automation and Smart Grid
  • Sustainability and Climate Change
  • Global Power Business
  • Security Analysis and Portfolio Management

MBA in Power Management Subjects in Detail

MBA in Power Management subjects include risk management, hydro resources, energy conservation, smart grids, sustainability, global power business, and security analysis. These subjects enhance expertise in key areas of power industry specialization. Listed below is a detailed overview of the subjects and the topics covered.

MBA in Power Management Subjects

Topics Covered

Economics and Management Decisions

Concept and Nature of Management, Organisational Behaviour, Leading, Management Control, Managerial Economics, Managerial Decision-Making

Management of Power Transmission and Distribution

General Concept of Power System, Distribution System, Distribution Automation, Commercial Operations of a Distribution Utility, Metering & Billing, Revenue Collection, Emerging Trends in Metering Technology

Power Station Management

Management of Fuel, Water Resources, Electricity Demand Scenario, Performance Management, Statutory Requirements, Trained Manpower as per Environmental Regulations

Risk and Hazard Management

Risk: Rules and Regulations, Hazard Identification, Failure Modes, Consequence Analysis, Health and Risk Assessment

Hydro Power Resource Management

Hydro Power Development Planning, Hydrology, Contracting and Procurement, Engineering, General Layout, Construction Methods, Operation and Maintenance Principles

Energy Conservation and Energy Audit 

Energy Conservation Act 2001, Strategy: Objectives and Implementation, Thermal Energy System, Electrical Energy System, Energy Management, Incentives for Energy Conservation

Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy: Sources and Key Elements, Solar Thermal Power, Biomass Power, Fuel Cell, Mini and Micro Hydel Projects, Social Considerations, Economics and Financing of Renewable Energy Systems

College-Wise MBA in Power Management Syllabus

MBA in Power Management may differ between institutions. To get a comprehensive overview of the specific subjects covered, interested individuals can download the MBA Power Management syllabus PDF for 2023 from the university's official website. Listed below is a general outline of the MBA Power Management syllabus offered by reputable institutions

UPES, Dehradun MBA in Power Management Syllabus

UPES, Dehradun, provides a comprehensive MBA Power Management syllabus encompassing various aspects of the energy sector. From Power Sector Structure and Functioning to Energy Power Trading and Network Administration, this program equips students with expertise in Solar Power Development, Regulatory Frameworks, and Strategic Management. 

Listed in the table below is a semester-wise breakdown of the MBA Power Management syllabus offered at UPES:

Semester I

Semester II

Quantitative Methods

Operations and Materials Management

Organizational Behaviour

Human Resource Management

Principles and Practices of Management

Executive Communication

Power Sector Structure and Functioning

Solar Power Development and Management

IT Applications in Power Sector

Power Financial Management

Power Industry Accounting

Open Elective I

Business Communication

Project Management Lab

Marketing Management

Business Research Methods

Power Generation and PSM

Project Management and Contract Administration

Power Transmission and Distribution

Energy Power Trading and Network Administration

Power Economics

Regulatory Frameworks in the Power Sector


Program Elective I


Industrial Visits

Semester III

Semester IV

Strategic Management

Integrated Power Resources Management 

Fuel and Water Resource Management 

Power Sector Planning

Power Pricing and Power Purchase Agreements

Energy and Business Law

Supply Chain and Logistics for Power Industry

HSE for Power Industry

Program Elective II


Summer Internship

Dissertation II

Executive Communication Pro


Wind and Alternative Sources of Energy


Energy Conservative and Audits


Financing Power Sector Projects


Open Elective II


Dissertation I


Program Elective I

Program Elective II

Hydro and Nuclear Power Resources Management

Sustainability and Climate Change

Green Transition and Smart Infrastructure

Risk Management and Insurance

Distribution Automation and Smart Grid

Global Power Business

MDU, Rohtak MBA Power Management Syllabus

Maharshi Dayanand University’s MBA Power Management syllabus is designed to empower individuals in the field of energy management. Covering topics like Energy Resources, Electricity Industry Regulations, and Integrated Energy Management, this program offers a holistic approach to power management. 

Detailed in the table below is a semester-wise breakdown of the syllabus offered at MDU:

Semester I

Semester II

Management Concepts and Applications

Financial Management 

Managerial Economics

Marketing Management

Organizational Behaviour

Human Resource Management

Quantitative Analysis

Operations and Supply Chain Management

Accounting for Managers

Business Research Methods

Business Communication Skills

Operations Research

Business Environment

Electricity Industry Structure and Regulations

Energy Resources, Conversions and Power Plant System

Management of Power Transmission and Distribution

Semester III

Semester IV

Strategic Management Concepts

Basics of Entrepreneurship

Management Information System


Business Legislation Fundamentals

Power Pricing and Power Purchase Agreements

Power Environment Interface

Integrated Energy Management and Power Planning

Summer Training Report

Project Report


Viva voce

MBA Power Management Project Topics

The curriculum for an MBA in Power Management course incorporates project works that aim to provide students with practical insights into various aspects of power management, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios within the energy sector. Some project topics may include

  • Analyze Efficiency Measures at a Solar Power Plant
  • Study on Implementation of Energy-saving Techniques in a Manufacturing Facility
  • Study on Regulatory Compliance in Wind Energy Projects
  • Explore Sustainable Practices in Hydropower Generation
  • Investigate Cost Management in Thermal Power Plants
  • Assessing Grid Integration Challenges of Renewable Sources
  • Evaluate Operational Strategies for Electric Vehicle Charging Networks
  • Optimizing Maintenance Processes in Nuclear Power Facilities

MBA Power Management Course Structure

The MBA Power Management syllabus spans two years and is divided into four semesters, offering a holistic and immersive learning experience. The course structure of the program can be delineated as follows:

  • Two years
  • Four Semesters
  • Core and Elective Subjects
  • Projects 
  • Internship
  • Dissertation/Capstone Project

MBA in Power Management Teaching Methodology and Techniques

The MBA in Power Management program employs a diverse range of instructional methodologies to cultivate practical experiences, enhance analytical thinking, and impart essential business insights for success in the dynamic field of power management. These include:

  • Case Studies
  • Guest Lectures
  • Field Trips
  • Group Projects
  • Industrial Workshops
  • Internships
  • Research Projects

MBA Power Management Reference Books

Reference books for MBA in Power Management cover various aspects of the energy and power sector. They cover topics from energy economics, power management systems, environmental regulations, sustainability, and more. Listed in the table below are some reference books for students to refer to: 




Renewable Energy

Biomass Energy Projects 

Louis J. Godman

Customer Relationship Management

The CRM Handbook

Jill Dyche

Energy Conservation and Audit

Handbook of Industrial Energy Conservation

S. David

Hydro Power Resources Management

Planning and Management of Hydro Resources

Dr. B.S.K. Naidu

Power Station Management

Standard Plant Operators Manual

Stephen Michael Elanka

MBA in Power Management Fee Structure

FAQs on MBA in Power Management Syllabus and Subjects

Q: What is the MBA in Power Management syllabus?

Q: What are the elective subjects in MBA Power Management course?

Q: What are the important research topics for MBA in Power Management dissertation?

Q: What are the MBA in Power Management subjects in the second year?

Q: What are the important books for MBA in Power Management course?