MBA in Safety Management Syllabus and Subjects

Duration: 2 Years
Avg Fees: ₹40K - 1 LPA

MBA in Safety Management syllabus is designed to help students prepare for a great career as a qualified safety professional at the management level. All the foundation subjects will be introduced to the students in their first year of the course. The MBA in Safety Management course subjects in India will instill skills like safety skills, decision skills, risk analysis skills, and various other skills. 

Semester Wise MBA in Safety Management Syllabus

The MBA in Safety Management syllabus will provide complete knowledge of safety management and operations management. MBA in Safety Management course aims to provide a basic understanding of various management concepts and managerial processes. Semester-wise syllabus of MBA Safety Management subjects are listed below:

MBA Safety Management First Year Syllabus

First-year syllabus for MBA Safety Management:

MBA Safety Management First Year Syllabus
Business Environment Marketing Management
Organizational Behaviour Financial Management
Managerial Economics Safety and the Law
Quantitative Techniques Safety in Construction Industry
Human Resource Management Accounting for Managers
Fire Engineering Strategic Management
Fundamentals of Safety Research Methodology for Management Decision

MBA Safety Management Second Year Syllabus

Second year syllabus for MBA Safety Management:

MBA Safety Management Second Year Syllabus
Management Information System Environmental Education
Operation Management  Production and Materials Management
Legal Aspects of Business Fire Protection System
Safety Management Fire Dynamics, Applications and Fundamentals
Safety Engineering Fluid Mechanics
Appraisal, Analysis, Inspection and Control Procedures Risk Management, Fire Insurance and Law
Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Health Fire Detection and Alarm Systems

MBA in Safety Management Subjects

The MBA Safety Management syllabus can be divided into core and elective subjects. Students can choose elective subjects in MBA in Safety Management based on their personal interests, career scopes, or future education goals. 

Core Subjects:

  • Fundamentals of Safety
  • Safety Management
  • Fire Protection System
  • Risk Management
  • Fire Engineering

Elective Subjects:

  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Safety in Engineering Industries
  • Safety in Chemical Industry
  • Material Handling

MBA in Safety Management Course Structure

In general, an MBA Safety Management course is structured as a core and elective subject. The MBA in Safety Management subjects is divided into four semesters, including introducing all the basic fundamental management subjects as a foundation course in the first year of the course. The course focuses on different industrial forms and management.

In the second year of the course, the students will be given elective subjects to choose from depending on their plans. The aspirants can choose their electives based on their specialization and areas of interest and submit research-based practical projects at the end of the fourth semester. At the end of the course, they would have learned various techniques and skills related to safety management.

MBA in Safety Management Teaching Methodology and Techniques

The subjects for MBA in Safety Management in India teach various concepts relevant to industry professionals. Industries play a vital role in manufacturing products for our lives and contributing to our economy. The teaching methodologies include case studies and role-play for the student to experience and analyze real-time situations and develop possible solutions for the situations. Some of the teaching methodologies and techniques employed are:

  • Lecture-based
  • Group Projects
  • Research Projects
  • Workshops
  • Internships
  • Case Study Based
  • Experiential Learning
  • Industrial Training 
  • Group Discussions
  • Management Games

MBA in Safety Management Projects

MBA Safety Management involves various concepts that can be employed in a project, which will help improve the understanding of the aspirants. To impart knowledge on powerful techniques used in research, management, and safety, projects play a crucial role.

Popular safety management projects are:

  • Challenges of Developing a Security Awareness Program
  • Implication on Safety
  • Safety Management Programme in Manufacturing Firm
  • Strategies for Enhancing Behaviour Based Safety

MBA in Safety Management Reference Books

Listed below are some books that the aspirants will come across during the MBA in Safety Management course.

MBA Safety Management Books
Books Authors
Marketing Management Monga G S
Techniques of Safety Management D Peterson
Fire Protection Handbook Quincy
Hazard Operability Studies - An Introduction National Safety Council

MBA in Safety Management Fee Structure