MBA in Sustainability Management Syllabus and Subjects

Duration: 2 Years
Avg Fees: ₹50K - 5 LPA

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MBA in Sustainability Management syllabus trains students in subjects such as international business law, global risk management, social responsibility, etc. MBA in Sustainability Management is a two-year post-graduation course divided into 4 semesters.  

Students should study both core and elective subjects and complete a major project in the final semester of the MBA in Sustainability Management course. Students can look for jobs in the sectors like Trade Industry, Education, Environmental Planning Companies, NGOs, etc.

Table of Contents

Semester-Wise MBA in Sustainability Management Syllabus

MBA Sustainability Management syllabus focuses on principles and concepts of sustainability, climate change and development, sustainability reporting, etc. Semester-wise MBA in Sustainability Management subjects are given below:

First-Year MBA in Sustainability Management Syllabus

The first-year MBA in Sustainability Management syllabus deals with basic management principles and an introduction to sustainability management concepts. Given below is the semester-wise MBA in Sustainability Management syllabus:

Semester I Semester II
Principles and concepts of sustainability Legal Aspects of Business
Management Concepts and Organisational Behaviour Macroeconomics
Human Resource Management Energy Policy and Management
Social Responsibility Research Methodology
Business Communication Climate Change and Development
Accounting for Managerial Decisions Management Information Systems
Managerial Economics Corporate Social Responsibility

MBA in Sustainability Management 2nd-Year Syllabus

MBA in Sustainability Management course syllabus for the second year imparts knowledge on concepts like social entrepreneurship, consumer behavior in sustainability, etc. Students will do a major project in their fourth semester. Given below is the detailed MBA Sustainability Management syllabus for the second year:

Semester III Semester IV
Accounting and Finance for Sustainability Environmental Management Systems
Business, Natural Ecosystems and Community Integrated Marketing and Communication
Rural Banking Infrastructure Project Financing and Management
Supply Chain Management Consumer Behaviour
Business and Society Project Work
Entrepreneurship -
Project Design and Management for Sustainable Development Practice -

MBA in Sustainability Management Subjects

Subjects in MBA in Sustainability Management are classified into two parts: core and elective subjects. Students must do internships and complete projects by the end of the MBA in Sustainability Management course. 

MBA in Sustainability Management Core Subjects

The following are the core MBA in Sustainability Management subjects that all students must study:

  • Mathematics for Business
  • Accounting and Finance for Sustainability
  • Climate Change and Development
  • Environmental Economics
  • Sustainable Business Strategy
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Business Communication
  • Energy Policy and Management
  • Macroeconomics
  • Research Methodology

MBA in Sustainability Management Elective Subjects

Students can choose the following elective MBA in Sustainability Management subjects in the second-year course.

  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • Design Thinking
  • Green Finance
  • Sustainability Reporting
  • Brand Management
  • Urban Governance
  • Consumer Behaviour
  • Derivatives and Risk Management

MBA in Sustainability Management Subjects in Detail

MBA in Sustainability Management subjects throw light upon the importance of Decision Science and CSR initiatives in the service sectors. Students get to learn in detail about marketing, accounting and financial parameters for sustainability. Explained below are the topics covered in the MBA Sustainability Management syllabus in detail:

MBA Sustainability Management Subjects Topics Covered
Marketing Strategies for Sustainable Development Overview of Sustainable Business Marketing, Sustainable Marketing Mix, Discovering sustainable value through market analysis, Communicating Sustainability Marketing Value, etc
Accounting and Finance for Sustainability Basics Concepts of Accounting and Finance, Introduction to Environmental Finance, Fundamentals of Sustainable Finance, Banking and Sustainable Asset Management, etc
Decision Science Importance of Decision Sciences,  Linear Programming: Concept, Formulation & Graphical Solution, CPM & PERT: Concept, Drawing network, Decision Theory, etc
Corporate Governance Conceptual Framework of Corporate Governance, Board Effectiveness & Various Board Committees, Corporate Governance and Other Stakeholders, Legislative Framework of Corporate Governance in India, etc
Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability The Companies Act 2013 Sec 135 & Schedule VII, The Role of Stakeholders in CSR, The Strategic importance of CSR Implementation,  Branding Strategy of CSR in Service Sectors

College-Wise MBA in Sustainability Management Syllabus

The syllabus for MBA in Sustainability Management can differ from college to college. Students should go through the syllabus PDFs to learn more about the curriculum. Given below is the syllabus for MBA in Sustainability Management in top colleges.

Pune University MBA in Sustainability Management Syllabus

Students of MBA in Sustainability Management will learn in detail about the significance of Indian ethos and values in business decision-making, corporate, and non-profit organizations, public policy, and entrepreneurial ventures and become stakeholders of sustainable development. Given below is the semester-wise syllabus:

Semester I Semester II
Managerial Accounting Human Resource Management
Basics of Marketing Operations & Supply Chain Management
Economic Analysis for Business Decisions Managing for Sustainability
Organizational Behaviour Business, Government & Society
Business Research Methods Principles and Concepts of Sustainability
Semester III Semester IV
Strategic Management Enterprise Performance Management
Decision Sciences Indian Ethos & Business Ethics
International Business Economics Global Strategic Management
Project Management Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability
Management of Non-profit organizations Project Report & Viva

TERI SAS MBA in Sustainability Management Syllabus

The MBA in Sustainability Management at the TERI School of Advanced Studies equips students with the acumen to lead in a resource-sensitive world by offering courses such as principles and concepts of sustainability, climate change and development, sustainability reporting, corporate social responsibility, strategies for sustainable business, etc. Given below is the semester-wise syllabus:

Semester I Semester II
Principles and Concepts of Sustainability Management Information Systems
Corporate accounting and reporting Energy & Carbon Markets
Accounting For Managers Corporate Social Responsibility
Business Ethics Strategies for Sustainable Business
Sustainability Reporting Legal Aspects of Business
Marketing management Macroeconomic Environment
Semester III Semester IV
Accounting and Finance for Sustainability Major Project
Supply Chain Management -
Consumer behaviour -
Social Entrepreneurship -
Mini Project -
International Business Environment -

MBA in Sustainability Management Projects 

Projects play a significant role in the MBA in Sustainability Management course since they give teachers a chance to assess students' performance and subject understanding of sustainability and its importance. The following is a list of some of the most popular MBA in Sustainability Management projects:

  • How bad are plastic straws for the Earth’s environment?
  • Which technologies are available to assist in preventing environmental pollution?
  • Importance of utilizing wind and solar power in automobiles
  • Analyzing the potential environmental benefits of intelligent intersection and green routing

MBA in Sustainability Management Course Structure 

The MBA in Sustainability Management course is designed in such a way that it exposes students to real-world problems on environment and sustainability and helps them develop critical skill sets. The sections of the MBA in Sustainability Management course are as follows:

  • IV Semesters
  • Core Subjects
  • Elective Subjects
  • Project Work

MBA in Sustainability Management Teaching Methodology and Techniques

The teaching methodologies and approaches for MBA in Sustainability Management are through classroom training, case studies, workshops, projects and other means. Listed below are some teaching techniques adopted by many colleges:

  • Seminars
  • Workshops
  • Group Discussions
  • Internship
  • Projects
  • Regular Lectures

MBA in Sustainability Management Reference Books

Top best books on MBA Sustainability Management explore a wide range of topics like climate change, sustainable tourism, renewable resources, global warming, etc. Listed below are some best books that students can refer to during the course.

Name of Book Author Topics Covered
Sustainable Tourism and Supply Chain Management Sudhanshu Joshi Detailed analysis of the relationship between the sustainable tourism supply chain and policy drivers, policies, and strategies
Agricultural Value Chains in India Ashok Gulati, Kavery Ganguly, Harsh Wardhan Comprehensive analysis of selected agricultural value chains across major producing regions in India using the framework of competitiveness, inclusiveness, sustainability, scalability and access to finance
Environmental Physics D.D. Sood Built Environment urban environment renewable energy remote sensing weather, climate and climate change
Modern Concepts Of Ecology H.D. Kumar The green-house effect, global warming, ozone depletion, biodiversity, global climatic change and ecological complexity
The Sociology of Food and Agriculture Michael Carolan Agricultural and food labor and the peasantries,  gender, ethnicity, and poverty

FAQs on MBA in Sustainability Management Syllabus and Subjects

Q: What are some core subjects covered in MBA in Sustainability Management syllabus?

Q: What are the elective subjects taught in MBA Sustainability Management syllabus?

Q: What subjects are taught in the final year of the MBA in Sustainability Management?

Q: What are some best projects for MBA in Sustainability Management?

Q: What are some good books to refer to in MBA Sustainability Management?