M.Sc Applied Psychology Syllabus and Subjects

Duration: 2 Years
Avg Fees: ₹30K - 2 LPA

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M.Sc Applied Psychology syllabus is a two-year-long postgraduate degree that introduces students to all the vital aspects of the application of psychological studies in several real-life scenarios and trains the graduates on psychological studies of organizations and industries. Some of the M.Sc Applied Psychology subjects include General Psychology, Clinical Training: Experimental Psychology, Theories of Personality and more.

Semester Wise M.Sc Applied Psychology Syllabus

The syllabus for M.Sc Applied Psychology is divided into four semesters and aims to create trained Psychologists to develop efficient solutions to reduce the effect of trauma and pessimistic events that directly affect the mental health of people. As part of the M.Sc Applied Psychology course, there are both core and elective subjects. M.Sc Applied Psychology subject list is given below according to the semesters: 

M.Sc Applied Psychology First Year Syllabus

Semester I

Semester II

Advanced Social Psychology

Positive Psychology

Child Development

Medial Psychology

Theories of Personality

Statistics in Psychology

Psychological Research Methodology

Environmental Psychology

Clinical Training: Experimental Psychology

Psychology of Interpersonal Relationship

General Psychology


Basic Psychopathology

Clinical Training


M.Sc Applied Psychology Second Year Syllabus

Semester III

Semester IV

Advanced Psychopathology

Psychological Remedies and therapy

Psychological Remedies and therapy

Community Psychology

Community Psychology



Health Psychology

Health Psychology


M.Sc Applied Psychology Subjects

The Master of Science in Applied Psychology syllabus has both core and elective subjects as part of the curriculum. The core subjects are compulsory subjects that lay the foundation of the study for the students. The elective subjects are optional subjects that make the course flexible and diverse. Listed below are the Master of Science in Applied Psychology subjects that the students study:

  • Advanced Social Psychology
  • Child Development
  • Theories of Personality
  • Psychological Research Methodology
  • Clinical Training: Experimental Psychology
  • General Psychology
  • Basic Psychopathology

M.Sc Applied Psychology Course Structure

M.Sc Applied Psychology course structure consists of four semesters spread across a time period of two years. The students go through a well-defined study program for their all-round development. The course structure is given below:

  • IV Semesters
  • Core Subjects
  • Elective Subjects
  • Research Project

M.Sc Applied Psychology Teaching Methodology and Techniques

M.Sc Applied Psychology teaching methodology and techniques include traditional classroom teaching, internships, seminars and more. These lectures help the students to learn about the topics in greater depth and detail. Listed below are the teaching methodology and strategies in general:

  • Lectures
  • Practical Sessions
  • Research Papers
  • Seminars
  • Group Discussions
  • Internships

M.Sc Applied Psychology Projects

When pursuing the M.Sc Applied Psychology course, students need to submit a research project as part of their interdisciplinary learning. The M.Sc Applied Psychology project ideas for the students are decided on the basis of the different specializations that they choose to pursue. Some of the popular M.Sc Applied Psychology Project topics projects topics undertaken by the students are mentioned below:

  • Counselling Skills
  • Counselling Psychology
  • Counselling Psychology
  • Theories and Approaches to Counselling
  • Counselling in Educational Settings

M.Sc Applied Psychology Reference Books

When pursuing any course students should ensure that they invest in reference books. They can purchase, rent or download these books. Listed below are some of the popular M.Sc Applied Psychology books that the students can invest in:

M.Sc Applied Psychology Books

Name of Book


Essential Enneagram

Price and Daniels

The APA Dictionary of Psychology

Gary Vandenbos

Abnormal Psychology

Barlow and Durand

M.Sc Applied Psychology Fee Structure