M.Sc Microbiology Syllabus and Subjects

Duration: 2 Years
Avg Fees: ₹30K - 1 LPA

The MSc Microbiology program covers various subjects such as virology, enzymology, microbial genetics, and more. It is a two-year course divided into four semesters that aims to provide candidates with both theoretical and practical skills needed in the industry. After graduation, MSc Microbiology job opportunities open to roles such as Microbiologist, Research Associate, Chief Hygienist, etc.

Table of Contents

Semester-Wise MSc Microbiology Syllabus

The MSc Microbiology syllabus focuses on enzymology, virology, biostatistics, dairy microbiology, agricultural microbiology, fermentation techniques, etc. The first-year syllabus deals with the foundational topics of the course, along with some general electives. The discipline-specific electives are offered only on the second-year syllabus. A semester-wise breakdown of the M.Sc Microbiology Syllabus is listed in the tables below.

First Year MSc Microbiology Syllabus

In the table below is M.Sc Microbiology 1st sem Syllabus and 2nd sem syllabus:

Semester I

Semester II

Principles of Microbiology

 Eukaryotic Microbiology

Bioenergetics and Molecular Enzymology

Recent trends in Virology

Biomolecular Structures & Their Interactions

Microbial Physiology and Metabolism

Principles of Biochemistry

Recombinant DNA Technology

 Microbial Cell Biology

Molecular Immunology


Biotechnology and Genetic

MSc. Microbiology 1st Year Practicals

In MSc Microbiolgy Syllabus for 1st Year, following practicals are offered:

  • Microbial Cell Biology
  • Bioenergetics and Molecular Enzymology
  • Applied Mycology and Phycology Lab

Second Year MSc Microbiology Syllabus

In the table below is M.Sc Microbiology Syllabus for 3rd and 4th semester:

Semester III

Semester IV

Fermentation and Bioprocess Engineering


Bioprocess Engineering and Technology

Medical Biotechnology and Gene Therapy

Molecular Microbiology


Proteomics and Genomics

Fermentation Technology 

Environmental Microbial Technology 

Host-microbe interactions

Regulation of Eukaryotic Gene Expression

Pharmaceutical Microbiology 

Enzyme Technology

Research Work

MSc. Microbiology 2nd Year Practicals

In MSc Microbiolgy Syllabus for 2nd Year, following practicals are offered:

  • Virology
  • Fermentation Technology
  • Enzyme Technology 

MSc Microbiology Subjects

In MSc Microbiology subjects, there are three divisions; core, electives and practical, which cover range of topics from enzyme technology, Recombinant DNA Technology, to Bioprocess Engineering and Genomics. The list given below provides in detail ablut M.Sc Mircrobiology subjects.

MSc Microbiology Core Subjects

The list given below highlights the M.Sc Microbiology subjects as core subjects:

  • Principles of Microbiology
  • Principles of Biochemistry
  • Molecular Immunology
  • Eukaryotic Microbiology
  • Diversity of life forms and environmental applications
  • Proteomics and Genomics
  • Fermentation and Bioprocess Engineering
  • Bioenergetics and Molecular Enzymology

MSc Microbiology Elective Subjects

The list given below highlights the M.Sc Microbiology subjects as electives:

  • Enzymes and Reaction Kinetics
  • Biostatistics
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Science Journalism
  • Techniques of Downstream Processing
  • Agriculture and Soil Microbiology

MSc Microbiology Lab Subjects

The list given below highlights the M.Sc Microbiology subjects as Lab subjects:

  • Principles of Microbiology-Lab
  • Principles of Biochemistry-Lab
  • Bacterial Diversity-Lab
  • Recent trends in Virology Lab
  • Enzyme Technology
  • Microbial Cell Biology
  • Microbial Physiology and Metabolism-Lab

MSc Microbiology Subjects In Detail

M.Sc Microbiology Subjects deal with a range of topics that cover the course's foundational, skill-based, and practical aspects. The table given below sheds light on some of the topics:

MSc Microbiology Subjects Topics
Principles of Microbiology History of development of Microbiology; Binomial Nomenclature; Haeckel‟s three kingdom classification; Woese‟s three kingdom classification systems and their utility. 
Bioenergtics and Molecular Enzymes Carbohydrate catabolic pathways and microbial growth on C1 Compounds, Bacterial fermentations (biochemical aspects) and Biosynthesis.
Principles of Biochemistry Scope and importance of biochemistry; Classification, structure and function of carbohydrates; Enzymes, Metabolism.
Bioinstrumentation Basic laboratory Instruments, Chromatographic techniques, Electrophoretic techniques, Spectroscopy.
Bacterial Diversity Bacterial Classification, Organization of Bacterial Cell, Important archaeal groups, Eubacteria, Gram Negative.

M.Sc Microbiology Course Structure

MSc Microbiology syllabus has a course structure consisting primarily of foundational subjects, discipline-based and skill-based electives, laboratory workshops, and seminars. While the course structure is generally the same, the syllabus may differ depending on the university. Below is an overview of the typical course structure.

  • IV Semesters
  • Core Subjects
  • DSE Electives
  • Skill Based Electives
  • Project Submissions
  • Lab Practicals

M.Sc Microbiology Teaching Methodology and Techniques

The teaching methodology for the M.Sc Microbiology syllabus is limited to classroom teaching and requires dynamic teaching techniques. Mentioned below are some of the teaching methodologies and techniques for the M.Sc Microbiology subjects:

  • Conceptualized Learning
  • Group Projects
  • Academic Lectures
  • Seminar Guest Lectures
  • Professional Workshops
  • Lab Practice with professionals
  • Thesis submission

M.Sc Microbiology Projects

The MSc Microbiology syllabus includes projects that have a specific focus chosen by the candidates from the available subjects. These projects are crucial for the placement and graduation process. Some of the top microbiology project topics are listed below:

  • Yogurt and microbial contamination
  • High blood pressure patients and their relation to weight
  • Soymilk as a beverage and microbiological quality control
  • Public water tanks of India and their bacteriological analysis
  • Control and prevention of intestinal schistosomiasis

M.Sc Microbiology Reference Books

The M.Sc Microbiology syllabus PDF can be found online, offering a wide range of reference books to study. Some of the reference books are listed below:

Name of the Books


Prescott’s Microbiology

Sherwood, Wiley, and Woolverton

Microbiology: Laboratory Theory and Application

Leboffe and Pierce

Microbial Biofilms

Arindam Mitra

Textbook of Microbiology

 DR Arora

Medical Microbiology

Pfaller, Rosenthal, and Murray

M.Sc Microbiology Fee Structure

FAQs on M.Sc Microbiology Syllabus and Subjects

Q: What are subjects in M.Sc microbiology?

Q: Is M.Sc microbiology easy?

Q: What is the future of MSc microbiology?

Q: What is the salary after M.Sc in microbiology?