SSC CGL General Intelligence & Reasoning Syllabus 2024: Important Topics

Hafsha Qureshi
Hafsha Qureshi

Updated on - Jun 11, 2024

SSC CGL General Intelligence & Reasoning Syllabus 2024 includes arrangements, coding-decoding, logical reasoning, arithmetical reasoning, figural classification, and more. The SSC CGL exam has 4 stages in which the logical and reasoning syllabus is included in the preliminary stage. 

SSC CGL syllabus provides candidates with the opportunity to understand the scope of the syllabus and compare their current knowledge to the requirements of the exam. The SSC CGL exam is held yearly, where lakhs of candidates write the exam to fill the vacancies in government departments.

SSC CGL 2024 General Intelligence & Reasoning Syllabus

The SSC CGL 2024 General Intelligence and Reasoning syllabus covers both verbal and non-verbal reasoning topics. The verbal reasoning section comprises 66% of the General reasoning and intelligence section, while the non-verbal reasoning section covers only 34% of the syllabus.

The topics enclosed in the SSC CGL General Intelligence and Reasoning syllabus 2024 section are as follows:


The most common questions asked under GI&R are based on the arrangement. The question paper usually has 4 to 5 questions based on the structure.

The topics comprising this section are as follows:

  • Blood relations
  • Direction Sense
  • Puzzles
  • Ranking
  • Seating arrangement (Linear and Circular)


Questions based on coding and decoding help candidates recognize their ability to decipher the code given to them by applying logic. The question paper includes 4 to 5 questions based on coding-decoding.

The topics covered in this category are as follows:

  • Coding-Decoding (Names, characters, numbers)
  • Mathematical Operations
  • Symbols


Questions based on logic need critical thinking, so the candidates find it time-consuming to answer these questions. Normally, 2 to 3 questions are asked based on this topic.

The topics covered in this category are as follows:

  • Assumption/Inference/Conclusion
  • Syllogism
  • Venn Diagrams


This topic primarily deals with questions based on images, patterns, symbols, visualization, etc. There are 7 to 8 questions asked on this topic.

The topics covered in this section are as follows:

  • Configuration, fitting pieces, odd pieces, etc.
  • Cube and dice (predicting colours or numbers on the faces of the object)
  • Matrix (Finding missing numbers or letters)
  • Mirrors and water reflection
  • Paper-cutting, folding, punching
  • Sequence of figures


The questions based on this topic generally focus on the number and word-based series. The number of questions asked is 3 to 4 questions.

The topics covered in this category are as follows:

  • Analogy
  • Classification
  • Missing characters
  • Odd pair


Problems based on the calendar and clock might be asked in the question paper. There would be at least 1 question on this topic.

Preparation for SSC CGL 2024 General Intelligence and Reasoning Syllabus

Candidates are advised to begin preparations early so they don't end up mugging up. The aspirants can follow the tips mentioned below to ace the SSC CGL General Intelligence and Reasoning syllabus 2024 section.

  • Make a Plan

The aspirants can make a plan based on the SSC CGL General Intelligence and Reasoning syllabus 2024. They can go through it and make indicators of their strengths and weaknesses. The candidates can focus on their weaknesses first, improve on the topic, and then move on to their strengths to ensure they don't forget what they have learned.

  • Improve Reasoning Skills

The candidates can constantly work on the reasoning problems to develop their skills to get better at resolving the questions correctly and in less time.

  • Practice Previous Year Question Papers

After completing the SSC CGL General Intelligence and Reasoning Syllabus, the candidates can practice the previous year's question papers as some questions are similar and comparable to the question papers. It gives the candidate clarity on the structure of the question paper.

  • Focus on Data Provided

The candidates should not make unnecessary assumptions while resolving the questions, as it can be solved only through the data provided in the question. The questions might sound tricky, but the aspirants should find different tricks and methods to solve these questions.

SSC CGL Tier 1 Preliminary

The Tier 1: Preliminary exam is an objective-based, multiple-choice exam that comprises 4 sections: English Comprehension, General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, and Quantitative Aptitude. The preliminary exam is administered online via a computer-based test. Tier 1: The preliminary exam's duration is 1 hour. The total mark for the preliminary exam is 200, with 50 marks distributed for each section. The results of the preliminary exam determine if the aspirants can write the other exams. They said to recruit staff for Group B and C posts.

The SSC CGL General Intelligence and Reasoning syllabus 2024 is considered one of the highest-scoring sections among others. They test the aspirants' ability and proficiency to think and solve problems.

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