BBA Digital Marketing Syllabus and Subjects

Duration: 3 Years
Avg Fees: INR 8,000-3,00,000 Per Year

BBA in Digital Marketing syllabus is divided into six semesters consisting of both core and elective subjects that deal with the study of marketing strategies, search engine marketing, internet technologies, etc. The core BBA in Digital Marketing subjects focus on Marketing Management, Business Analytics and Intelligence, Social Media Marketing, Data Mining, etc.

BBA in Digital Marketing subjects focus on topics such as Digital Business, Search Engine Marketing, Email Advertising, Corporate Marketing, etc to enable students with the skills and knowledge related to digital marketing. BBA in Digital Marketing elective subjects include Logistics & Supply Chain, Business Communication, International Business, etc.

BBA in Digital Marketing course enriches the students with the required knowledge and understanding about various aspects of Digital Marketing including search engine optimization, content and video marketing, campaign management, data mining, etc to help them work in diverse fields and industries. 

Table of Contents

BBA in Digital Marketing Subjects

BBA in Digital Marketing subjects are divided into core and elective subjects to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of marketing concepts in the digital era. The core BBA in Digital Marketing subjects focus on topics such as retail management, digital marketing tools, corporate marketing, etc. 

Candidates can choose the elective BBA in Digital Marketing subjects based on their area of interest, future scope, career prospects, etc. Given below is the list of core and elective BBA in Digital Marketing subjects and their topics covered each year:

BBA Digital Marketing 1st Year Subjects

The first-year BBA in Digital Marketing subjects aims at building a strong foundation in the marketing, management and organizational concepts and covers topics such as the theory of production, macroeconomic analysis, planning and organisation, etc

Listed below are the BBA in Digital Marketing subjects 1st year along with their topics covered:


Topics Covered

Type of Subject

Principles of Management

Planning Process, Type of Strategies, Delegation of Authority, Cost Control, Budgeting


Managerial Economics

Consumer Behaviour, Theory of Production, Utility Approach, Macro Economics Analysis

Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

Need and Significance of Marketing in Business, Selling Concept, Email Marketing, Mobile Marketing

Accounting for Managers

Accounting Cycle, Bank Reconciliation Statement, Trial Balance and Final Accounts

Digital and Social Media Marketing

Social Media Management, Monitoring Analysis, Social Media Optimization, Paid Advertisement, Managing Tools of Social Media


Supply Chain Management, Electronic Payment System, CRM, Navigating the WWW


Online Reputation Management, Conversion Rate Optimisation, Inbound Marketing, PPC

Business Communication

Diversity and Intercultural Communication, Organisational Communication, Public Speaking


Logistics & Supply Chain

Collaboration In Supply Chain Operations, Competitive Supply Chain, Logistics Information Management Systems

BBA Digital Marketing 2nd Year Subjects

The BBA Digital Marking second-year subjects focus on topics such as Data Analysis, Off-page SEO, Sitemaps, Google My Business Listings, etc. Listed below are the BBA Digital Marketing 3rd and 4th sem subjects and their topics covered:


Topics Covered

Type of Subject

Organizational Behaviour 

Individual Decision Making and Problem-Solving, Perceptions, Organisation Culture, Change and Development


Search Engine Optimisation

Search Engine Friendliness and Specific Rankings Page Coding, SEO Influencing Factors, SEO for local search

Financial Management

Capital Budgeting, Working Capital, Dividend Decisions and Models, Calculation of Cost and Debt

Online Business Retailing

Essentials of Valid Contract, Factories Act 1948, Essentials of Sale Contract, Consumer Protection Act

SEM & Affiliate Marketing

Understanding the Importance of Google Search, Automated Bid Management, Affiliate Marketing, and Mobile Advertising

Cyber Law

Evolution of Modern Electronic Communication, Information Technology Act 2000, Electronic Commerce, Investigation of Cybercrimes in India

Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Management

Small and Medium Enterprises, Venture Capital, Rural Industries and Artisans, Prospects of Small Scale Industries


International Business

Foreign Exchange, Balance of Payments, Trade Block, World Trade Procedure and Documentation

BBA Digital Marketing 3rd Year Subjects

BBA in Digital Marketing subjects 3rd year focuses on more advanced topics such as Product Development and Techniques, Crafting of Brand Elements, Selling Strategies, etc.

Listed below are the subjects and the topics covered in BBA Digital Marketing 5th and 6th-semester syllabus:


Topics Covered 

Type of Subject

Sales Management

Emerging Trends in Sales Management, Management of Sales Territory, Types of Compensation


Media Management

Sources of Media Research, Audit Bureau of Circulation, Criterion for Selecting Media Options

Retail Management

Factors Influencing Retailing, Emergence of Organized Retailing, FDI in Retailing

Content Marketing

Content Strategy and Planning, Selection of Niche Markets, Brand Guidelines, Creating Visual Content

Content Management System

Hosting CMS, Installation of WordPress, Setting up Webserver, Choosing the Right Domain, Maintaining the Security

Advanced SEO

Components of Search

Engines, Contextual Linking, Optimising Web Page, SEM Strategy, Internet Marketing


Social Media and Local SEO, Keyword Research, Keyword Ranking, Link Building, SEO Traffic Analysis

Google Search Console

Security & Manual Actions, Enhancement, Account Maintenance, Core Web Vitals

Global Marketing Management

Consumer Behaviour, Marketing Research, Brand Management, Trading Options and Procedure


Ethics and Corporate Governance in Business

Ethics in Management, Corporate Governance and CSR, Factors Influencing Corporate Governance, Resource Dependency

Information Technology for Retail Management

Retail Data Analytics, Legal Aspect of Retail Business, Principles of E-Commerce, Retailing Fundamentals

Semester-Wise BBA Digital Marketing Syllabus

The BBA Digital Marketing syllabus structure varies depending on the college or university but the subjects remain the same. To view a particular college syllabus, students can visit the college's official website and download the BBA Digital Marketing Syllabus PDF 2024.

 Given below is the semester-wise BBA Digital Marketing syllabus

First-Year BBA Digital Marketing Syllabus

The BBA Digital Marketing 1st year syllabus focuses on core and elective subjects such as Principles of Management, Managerial Economics, Fundamentals of Digital Marketing, etc. 

Listed below is the first-year BBA Digital Marketing syllabus:




Accounting for Managers


Digital and Social Media Marketing

Principles of Management


Managerial Economics

General Elective-I

Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

General Elective-II

Secretary Ship 


Insurance Promotion


Second-Year BBA Digital Marketing Syllabus

The BBA Digital Marketing 2nd year syllabus focuses on subjects such as Online Business Retailing, Organisational Behaviour, Search Engine Optimization, etc. 

Listed below is the BBA Digital Marketing 3rd and 4th sem syllabus:



Organizational Behaviour 

SEM & Affiliate Marketing

Search Engine Optimisation

Cyber Law

Financial Management

Corporate Internship

Online Business Retailing

General Elective-III


General Elective-IV

Third-Year BBA Digital Marketing Syllabus

The BBA Digital Marketing 3rd year syllabus focuses on more advanced subjects related to digital marketing such as Product and Brand Management, Content Marketing, Advanced SEO, etc. The BBA 6th sem subjects marketing include Global Marketing Management, Retail Management, etc. 

Listed below are the 3rd year BBA Digital Marketing subjects:



Sales Management

Media Management


Retail Management

Google Search Console

General Elective-VII

Content Marketing

Project Work and Dissertation

Content Management System


Advanced SEO


General Elective -V


General Elective-VI


BBA Digital Marketing Course Structure

BBA Digital Marketing course structure includes both theory and practical papers and is curated for three years divided into six semesters. The course structure is made in such a way that both classroom training and practicals are included in the course curriculum.

The BBA Digital Marketing course structure is given below:

  • Practicals
  • Core Subjects
  • Elective Subjects
  • VI Semesters
  • Projects
  • Internships

BBA Digital Marketing Teaching Methodology and Techniques

The course curriculum takes into account different teaching methods. Classroom learning includes practical sessions for students who are passionate about digital methods and want to take up digital marketing professionals in the future. 

Listed below are the teaching methodology and strategies in general:

  • Conceptualized Learning
  • Practicals
  • Presentations
  • Traditional Classroom-Based Teaching
  • Group Discussions
  • Workshops
  • Written Assignments
  • Oral Presentation
  • Quiz Programme

BBA Digital Marketing Projects

Projects are given to students to understand the concepts and help students get hands-on experience. Projects are to be completed by the end of the sixth semester. Some popular BBA Digital Marketing project topics are:

  • Social Media Strategies for the Aviation Sector
  • Understand Budgets and Returns on Investment
  • Online Reputation Management Survey for an Agency
  • Digital Marketing Tools Analysis
  • Comparison Between Traditional and Digital Marketing

BBA Digital Marketing Reference Books

BBA in Digital Marketing books is available both online and offline by many authors and publications. Reference books are meant for gaining an in-depth understanding of concepts. Books on Digital marketing for academic purposes differ according to specializations. 

First-Year BBA Digital Marketing Books

Given below are the first-year BBA Digital Marketing books covering basic to advanced digital marketing and business management concepts:


Topics Covered


Digital Marketing Fundamentals

Seema Gupta

Display Advertising, Search Engine Advertising, Digital Analytics, Online Reputation Management

Digital Marketing

Gautam Bapat

E-commerce, Introduction to New Age Media (Digital) Marketing, Creating Initial Digital Marketing Plan, Marketing using Web Sites, Search Engine Optimization, Customer Relationship Management, Social Media Marketing, Digital Marketing

Epic Content Marketing

Joe Pulizzi

Content Niche and Strategy, Managing Content Process, Making Content Work, Marketing Sales Stories

The New Rules Of Marketing & PR

David Meerman Scott

Search Engine Marketing, Social Networking Sites and Marketing, Podcasting and Video, Website Creation

Second-Year BBA Digital Marketing Books

Listed below are the BBA Digital Marketing 2nd year books and the topics covered:


Topics Covered


Internet Marketing

Kristopher B Jones

Basic Web Site Structure, Building Links, Creating PayPerClick Campaigns, Social Media Optimisations

Search Engine Optimization


Search Results, Algorithm Change, Sitelinks, On page and Off page SEO

Ecommerce Evolved: The Essential Playbook To Build, Grow & Scale A Successful Ecommerce Business 

Tanner Larsson 

Evolved Strategy, Principles of E-Commerce, Transformative Shift in the Industry, Sales Strategies

Web Analytics 2.0: The Art of Online Accountability and Science of Customer Centricity 

Avinash Kaushik

Conversation Rate, Advanced Video Analysis, Two Prerequisites for Behavior Targeting, Measuring Latent Conversions and Visitor Behavior

Third-Year BBA Digital Marketing Books

Listed below are the BBA Digital Marketing 3rd year books and the topics covered:


Topics Covered


Pay-Per-Click Search Engine Marketing: An Hour a Day

David Szetela 

Effective Landing Pages, Campaign Management, Core PPC Skills and Objectives

The Complete Guide to Affiliate Marketing on the Web: How to Use and Profit from Affiliate Marketing Programs

Bruce C. Brown

Affiliate Marketing Principles, Picking the Right Product, Cross-Selling and Up-Selling, Customer Returns

Affiliate Program Management: An Hour a Day


Data Feeds Coupons and PlugIns, Discover Feed, 

Leaky Websites, Autopilot Approach

Social Media Marketing: The Next Generation of Business Engagement

Dave Evans., Susan Bratton

Social Media and Customer Engagement, Social Technology and Business Decisions, Social Analytics Metrics and Measurement

BBA Digital Marketing Fee Structure

FAQs on BBA Digital Marketing Syllabus and Subjects

Q: Does BBA digital marketing have maths?

Q: Is BBA in digital marketing hard?

Q: Is digital marketing a subject of BBA?

Q: What are the subjects involved in BBA in Digital Marketing?

Q: How BBA Digital Marketing syllabus is assessed?

Q: What are the future trends in Digital Marketing?

Q: Can I specialize in a specific area of digital marketing?

Q: What is the role of Data Analysis in Digital Marketing?

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