GRE Exam Pattern 2024: Marking Scheme, Mode of Exam

Hafsha Qureshi
Hafsha Qureshi

Updated on - Jan 17, 2024

GRE exam pattern 2024 is set by ETS. GRE format includes three sections Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Analytical Writing. Furthermore, Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning have two sections and each section consists of 20 questions, while Analytical Writing has one section consisting of two tasks.

The exam duration is three hours thirty minutes and the exam will be administered in computer-based test mode. 

GRE test and GRE Services are administered by the ETS which stands for Educational Testing Service, which is based in the United States of America. This is a standardized test that prominently aims at measuring critical thinking, the knowledge gained by the aspirants over the years, and the necessary decision-making skills that are acquired at the graduate level.

The GRE 2024  aspirants need to know the exam pattern well so that they can prepare for the exam well. The exam pattern will also help the candidates to prioritize the subjects and topics they want to prepare.

Know More: GRE Syllabus 2024 

GRE Exam Pattern 2024

Following are the GRE exam pattern 2024 details.

  • GRE Exam Pattern is planned in such a way that it measures applicants' verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and analytical writing skills that have been developed over a long period of time and are not related to a specific field of study but are important for all. Thus providing equal ground to everybody irrespective of their graduate degree.
  • ETS the conducting authority of the GRE has created the GRE Exam Pattern in such a way that it tests the candidate's calibre which has been developed over the years and it also tries to test candidates in such a way that the candidate's inability to get good education doesn't affect GRE Score.
  • GRE Exam Pattern is made in this way because GRE wants to be impartial to students who have a high-quality education and those who can't access it.

Types of ETS GRE Examinations

There are generally two types of GRE Examinations, which are the GRE General Test and the GRE Subject Test. The following table gives a comparative analysis of these two.

Purpose Entry-level Entry-level
Required By Scientific and Technical Universities or Individual dept. Undergraduate or Business schools
Adaptive Paper adaptive test Computer adaptive test
Duration 2 hours and 50 minutes 3 hours 50 minutes
Fees US$150 US$205
Test Contents Specific specialization in the 7 subjects like Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular BiologyBiologyChemistryLiterature in EnglishMathematicsPhysicsPsychology Verbal, Quant, and AWA
Test Dates 1. April 2. September 3. October Throughout the year

GRE Test Pattern for GRE General Test

GRE Exam generally consists of 6 sections. Analytical writing is always the first section. then two verbal reasoning sections, two quantitative sections and either an experimental or research section. The following five sections may come in any order. The experimental section does not count for the final score. Check the GRE Eligibility to know more details about the general eligibility criteria for taking the Test.

The GRE Exam Pattern along with the number of sections and tasks is given in the following table:

Papers Analytical Writing Verbal Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning
Number of Sections 1 2 2
Number Questions 2 Tasks 20 Quetions*2=40 20 Questions*2=40
Time Allotted per Section 30 Minutes 30 Minutes 35 Minutes
Total Time Allotted 30 Minutes 60 Minutes 70 Minutes

Breaks In Between The GRE Test has an optional 10-minute break after the third section and a one-minute break between the remaining sections of the test. Break times cannot be exceeded.

GRE Pattern - Analytical Writing

This is usually the first section of the GRE test, it focuses on the analysis and apt responses that the candidates provide for an issue or an argument. The candidates are expected to read, analyze and assess the given situation first and frame a response to the best of their knowledge in a short but appealing manner.

The Analytical Writing section will always be first, and the Verbal Reasoning and the Quantitative Reasoning will follow. The analytical writing paper has one section with two separately timed tasks.

  • "Analyze an Issue" task,
  • "Analyze an Argument" task.

GRE Pattern - Verbal Reasoning

This section predominately is the toughest of all but with appropriate preparation and a good hold on the English language can also be an easy section for you to score the maximum out it. This section covers almost all the basic essential parts of the English language and its grammar. There is an emphasis on complex verbal reasoning skills.

So all the candidates aiming to ace the GRE test are advised to dig deep and make intense preparation for this paper. Candidates should not only concentrate on just preparing by just reading a lot of topics but they should also understand the concepts properly to be able to tackle questions.

GRE Quantitative Reasoning

For any candidate with good and basic math education, this section proves to be relatively easier than the rest of the test.

  • The questions framed in this section mainly encompass all the basic branches of contemporary mathematics. The main aim is to test the accuracy and speed with which he/she can solve the given problem.
  • For the Quantitative Reasoning section, the GRE General Test has an on-screen calculator.
  • Candidates are advised to practice the on-screen calculator so that it will be familiarised and they can use it with ease.

GRE Pattern 2024 Features:

The advanced adaptive design of the GRE General Test allows applicants to freely move forward and backward throughout an entire section. The applicant has an option of "Preview" and "Review" within a section. There is "Mark and Review" feature to tag questions if the applicant wants to skip questions and return later (if there is time remaining in the section). There is also the ability to change/edit answers within a section.

Section-wise Adaptive Test:

The ETS has included the process of computer adaptive methodology in the GRE Test. It is based on the performance of the candidate over the first couple of questions. It works in such a way that if the candidate is able to answer the first few questions with ease, then the computer will understand this and make the net section of the test much tougher.

But if the candidate has not performed well in the first couple of questions, then from the next section onwards the questions will be much simpler.

So after the analytical writing section if candidates are feeling that their verbal section is going easy watch out!

Candidates can check which GRE score is good to prepare for an exam with a goal.

FAQs on GRE Exam Pattern

Q: What is the total score for GRE 2024?

Q: Is GRE Home Edition is accepted for Fall 2024?

Q: Is GRE required for the 2024 batch?

Q: When should students apply for fall 2024?

Q: What is the GRE exam duration?


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