BBA MBA Integrated Course Syllabus and Subjects 2025

Duration: 5 Years
Avg Fees: INR 40,000-7,00,000 Per Year

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BBA MBA subjects are divided into core and elective subjects that focus on equipping the students with a comprehensive understanding of Marketing Management, Finance Management, Operations Management, etc. The core subjects include Business Communication, Financial Management, Information Technology for Business, etc. 

The BBA MBA integrated course syllabus is divided into ten semesters that span 5 years and includes core concepts devoted to understanding business operations and management functions. Apart from the core subjects, students can also choose electives based on their area of specialization such as Business Research Methods, Audit and Taxation, etc. 

BBA MBA course structure involves a combination of traditional and practical teaching methods that include project-based learning, workshops, seminars, presentations, etc. The course equips students with Analytical Skills, Strategic Thinking, Business Decision Making, etc that enable them to work in BBA MBA jobs such as Corporate Strategist, Financial Analyst, Marketing Executive, etc. 

Table of Contents

BBA MBA Subjects

The BBA MBA integrated course subjects focus on imparting knowledge related to the business administration foundation and management concepts. BBA MBA subjects cover topics such as Demand Concept, Production and Cost Concept, Market Structure and Pricing, Market Segmentation, etc.

Given below are the year-wise BBA MBA subjects and the topics covered in each:

First-Year BBA MBA Subjects

The BBA MBA 1st year subjects focus on topics such as Organizational Behaviour, Planning, Staffing, Marketing Principles, etc to provide students with a strong foundation in business administration concepts.

Listed below are the BBA + MBA subjects 1st year and the topics covered:


Topics Covered

Type of Subject

Principles of Management

Planning, Organising, Staffing, Emerging Issues in Management


Business Communication

Report Writing, Business Letters, Negotiation, Group Discussions

Business Economics

Demand Concept, Elasticity of Demand, Production and Cost, Budget Line, Market Structure

Environmental Studies

Ecosystem, Biodiversity, Natural Resources, Global Issues, Legislation

Organizational Behaviour

Group Dynamics, Management of Change, Organizational Culture

Principles of Marketing

Market Segmentation, New Product Development, Pricing Decisions

Accounting for Manager

Financial Accounting, Financial Statement and Analysis, Indian Accounting Standards

Basic Computer Skills

Introduction to Input Devices, Information Systems, Word Processing

Second-Year BBA MBA Subjects

BBA MBA 2nd year subjects cover topics such as Labour Management, Human Resources, Financial Management, Capital Management, etc. Listed below are the semester-wise BBA MBA integrated subjects for 3rd and 4th sem and the topics covered:


Topics Covered

Type of Subject

Financial Management

Concept of Time Value of Money, Capital Management, Receivable Management


Information Technology for Business

Introduction to Information Systems, Multimedia Concepts, Security Issues

Human Resource Management

Acquiring Human Resources, Developing Human Resources, Labour Management

Business Law

Law of Contracts, Negotiable Instruments, Companies Act, Consumer Protection Law

Business Statistics

Measures of Central Tendency, Skewness, Correlation and Regression


Technology Infrastructure, Business Application, Payments and Security, Legal and Privacy Issues

Communication Skills

Effective Listening, Writing and Reading, Visual Communication

Skill Enhancement Course

Technical Writing

Resume Writing, Digital Writing, Writing Technical Documents, Preparation of Digital Documents

Leadership and Management Skills 

Effective Decision Making, Self Management Skills, Interpersonal Competence

Data Analysis

Importance of Data, Data Analysis Techniques with Advanced Excel

Third-Year BBA MBA Subjects

The BBA MBA 3rd year subjects involve topics such as Business Ethics, Corporate Management, Concepts of Taxation, etc, Given below are the semester-wise BBA MBA 3rd year subjects:


Topics Covered

Type of Subject

Business Research Methods

Marketing Research, Sources of Data, Measurement and Scaling, Sampling

General Elective

Management Audit and Taxation

Audit of the Management Processes and Functions, Corporate Development

Discipline Specific Elective

Cost Accounting

Elements of Cost, Methods of Costing, Marginal Costing Technique

Financial Markets & Systems

Structure of Financial Systems, Primary and Secondary Market, Leasing and Hiring

Entrepreneurship Development

Small, Micro and Medium Scale Enterprises, Venture Capital Financing

Financial Planning

Investment Planning, Risk Analysis, Tax Planning, Retirement Planning

Data Mining

Classification Technique, Association Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Data Mining Application

Fourth-Year BBA MBA Subjects

The 4th year BBA MBA subjects cover advanced topics related to business administration and management such as the Indian Financial System, Budgeting, Business Regulations, etc. Listed below is the semester-wise 4th year BBA MBA subjects:


Topics Covered

Type of Subjects

Business Environment & Policy

Indian Financial Systems, Economic Policies of India, Union Budget, Economic Survey


Management Accounting and Control

Management Control, Responsibility Accounting, Activity-based Costing

Technology and Business

Technology Development, Technology Transfer, Technology Absorption

International Business

Global Business, Business Regulations, Multilateral Agreements

Hospitality Management

Hotel Industry, Travel Industry, Cost and Travel, Marketing Strategies

Total Quality Management

Tools and Techniques of TQM, Six Sigma, TQM in the Service Sectors

Operations Research 

Linear Allocation, Programming Model, Networking Model, Competitive Strategy

Corporate Social Responsibility

CSR and Development, CSR Strategy and Leadership, Ethics and Corporate Behaviour

Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Structure, Role of Transportation, Information Technology in SCM

Project Management

Project Formulation, Project Appraisal, Project Financing and Evaluation

Mobile Commerce

Mobile Commerce Application, Mobile Commerce Technologies, Wireless Application Development, Cellular Systems

Open Elective

Innovation Management

Managing R&D Projects, Effective Research and Development, Innovation Management in Organisations

Fifth Year BBA MBA Subjects

The BBA MBA 5th year subjects included topics such as Strategy Implementation, Trademarks, Contracts, Global Business Management, etc. Given below are the 5th-year BBA MBA subjects and the topics covered:


Topics Covered

Type of Subjects

Business Process Reengineering

Managing Process Flow, Implementation Process, ERP and BPR


Operations Management

Range Capacity Planning, Service Management, Material Management, Stores Management

Business Models

Business Models Analysis, Design and Implementation

Strategic Management

Environmental Appraisal, Strategy Formulation, Alternative Strategies

Intellectual Property Rights

International Protection of IPR, Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks, Legal Aspects of IPR

Investment Management 

Fixed Income Securities, Common Stocks, Portfolio Theory and Evaluation

Discipline Specific Elective

International Finance

Foreign Exchange Market, Exchange Rate Determination, Multinational Corporate Decisions

Banking & Insurance

Banking Funds, Regulation and Innovation in Banking, Life Insurance and General Insurance

Financial Derivatives

Future Contracts, Swaps, Finance Derivatives in India, Stock Index Futures

Semester-Wise BBA MBA Syllabus

The BBA MBA integrated syllabus structure may vary depending on the college or university. However, the concepts remain the same. To view a particular college syllabus, candidates can visit the college's official website and download the BBA MBA Syllabus 2024. Given below is the detailed semester-wise integrated MBA syllabus

BBA MBA 1st Year Syllabus

The 1st year BBA MBA syllabus focuses on enriching the students with the basic foundation of business administration and management strategies and covers subjects such as Principles of Management, Marketing Principles, Business Communication, etc. 

Listed below is the BBA MBA 1st sem and 2nd sem syllabus:







Principles of Management

Organisational Behaviour

Business Communication

Principles of Marketing

Business Economics

Accounting for Manager

Environmental Studies

Basic Computer Skills

BBA MBA 2nd Year Syllabus

The 2nd year BBA MBA syllabus focuses on subjects such as Human Resource Management, Business Statistics, Business Law, etc. Given below is the 3rd and 4th sem BBA MBA syllabus:







Financial Management

Business Law

Information Technology for Business

Business Statistics

Human Resource Management


Skill Enhancement Course-I

Skill Enhancement Course-III

Skill Enhancement Course-II

Skill Enhancement Course-IV



BBA MBA 3rd Year Syllabus

The BBA MBA 3rd year syllabus includes skill enhancement courses and elective subjects such as Cost Accounting, Financial Planning, Entrepreneurship Development, etc. Listed below is the BBA MBA 5th and 6th-semester syllabus:




Discipline Elective-I


Discipline Elective-II

General Elective-I

Discipline Elective-III

Discipline Elective-I

Project and Viva Voce

Discipline Elective-II


Discipline Elective-III


BBA MBA 4th Year Syllabus

The BBA MBA 4th year syllabus focuses on advanced subjects related to finance, budgeting and business management such as International Business, Business Policy, Total Quality Management, etc. Given below is the 7th and 8th semester BBA MBA syllabus:



Business Environment & Policy

Total Quality Management

Management Accounting and Control

Operations Research 

Technology and Business

Corporate Social Responsibility

International Business

Supply Chain Management

Hospitality Management

Project Management

Open Elective-I

Open Elective-II

Seminar Presentations

Case Presentations



BBA MBA 5th Year Syllabus

The BBA MBA 5th year syllabus covers subjects such as Business Models, Intellectual Property Rights, Copyrights and Trademarks, etc. Below is the BBA MBA 9th and 10th semester syllabus:



Business Process Reengineering

Strategic Management

Operations Management

Intellectual Property Rights

Business Models

Discipline Elective-I

Discipline Elective-I

Discipline Elective-II

Discipline Elective-II

Project Work

Project Work Synopsis

Viva Voce

BBA MBA Dual Degree Course Structure

The curriculum for this course is a bit different as it includes both the under and postgraduate studies. Projects, internships, skill development programs, and internal evaluations are essential components of the course. The general course structure for the BBA MBA Dual Degree is as follows:

  • X Semesters
  • Core Subjects
  • Elective Subjects
  • Research Project
  • Internship 
  • Affiliation Program

BBA MBA Dual Degree Teaching Methodology and Techniques

The Bachelor of Business Administration MBA Dual Degree syllabus in India takes into account top-class coaching and teaching methods. 

Interactive classroom sessions, team activities, and class participation are highly associated with the training module along with seminars, corporate events, industrial training, and placement preparatory programs. 

The general training methods and techniques are listed below: 

  • Project Submission
  • Conceptual Learning
  • Classroom-Based Teaching
  • Seminars
  • Talk on Scope
  • Study Abroad Opportunities

BBA MBA Integrated Course Projects

Projects under the BBA MBA Dual Degree are assigned to students in order to provide adequate industry exposure. These projects help students to gain hands-on experience and acquire the course outcome pragmatically. Some popular project topics under the BBA MBA Dual Degree are given below:

  • A study on sustainable business models across consumer internet startups in India.
  • A study on various investment options available in India, their popularity, advantages, disadvantages, and growth of these investment options in the last decade
  • A study on risk management and portfolio management of investors in the equity segment
  • Impact of GST on the fast-moving consumer goods sector in India

BBA MBA Dual Degree Reference Books

The reference books for BBA MBA are available to students in the form of paperbacks and PDF formats from many authors and publications. These books help students obtain additional knowledge apart from the contents covered in the BBA MBA curriculum. 

Some of the best reference books for BBA MBA are given below: 

First-Year BBA MBA Books

Listed below are the BBA MBA first-year books for students reference:



Topics Covered

Fundamentals of Management

Robbins, S. P., & DeCenzo, A. D.

Introduction to Management, Planning, Organising, Managerial Challenges

Economics International

Lipsey and Crystal

International Trade Theory and Policy, Exchange Rate Systems, International Monetary Systems

Business Communication for Managers

Penrose, Rasberry and Myers

Technology in Communication, Business Communication Strategies, Interpersonal Communication

Organisational Behavior

Afsaneh Nahavandi 

Organisational Culture, Motivation, Leadership, Change and Innovation

Second-Year BBA MBA Books

Listed below are the BBA MBA 2nd year books for students reference:



Topics Covered

Human Resources 

Bernandin H. John

Strategic Human Resource Management, Equal Employment Opportunity, Talent Acquisition

Financial Management

M.Y Khan and Jain

Time Value of Money, Risk and Return, Valuation of Bonds and Stocks

Information Technology for Management

Turban, McLean, Wether 

Business Intelligence, Information Security and Privacy, E-Commerce Strategies

Leadership and Management Skills

V.Sudha, A Patrick, Maria Pavitra

Conflict Resolution and Negotiation, Ethical Leadership, Change Management

Legal Aspects of Business

Ravindra Kumar

Intellectual Property Law, Consumer Law, Contract Law

Third-Year BBA MBA Books

Listed below are the 3rd year BBA MBA books along with topics covered:



Topics Covered

Marketing Research

G.C. Beri

Sampling Techniques, Pricing Research, Market Segmentation

Corporate Responsibility

Blowfield, Michael, and Alan Murray

Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR Strategy, Sustainability Reporting and Metrics

Direct Taxes

Gaur and Narang

Deductions from Gross Total Income, Individual Tax, Taxation of Firms

Cost Accounting

Jawahar Lal

Activity-Based Costing, Budget Control, Marginal Costing

Fourth Year BBA MBA Books

Listed below are the BBA MBA 4th year books for students reference:



Topics Covered

Business Environment

Justin Paul

Socio-Cultural Environment, Emerging Trends in Business Environment, Global Environment

Managerial Accounting

Garrison, Noreen and Brewer

Capital Budgeting Decisions, Cost Allocation, Cash Flow Statements

Management of Technology Transfer & Development

Sharif Nawaz

Managing Research and Development, Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures

Multinational Management- A Strategic Approach

John B. Cullen

International Human Resource Management, Political Risk and Government Relations

Fifth Year BBA MBA Books

Listed below are the final year BBA MBA books for students reference:



Topics Covered

Reengineering in Action

Chan Meng Khoong

Implementing Reengineering Projects, Understanding Business Processes, Business Process Engineering

Operations Management

Stevenson J. William

Total Quality Management, Supply Chain Management, Operations Planning 

International Finance

Levi M

Foreign Exchange Markets, Exchange Rate Determination, Capital Budgeting

CRM: Concepts and Technologies

Francis Buttle

CRM Strategy Formulation, Customer Analysis, Business Intelligence

FAQs on BBA MBA Integrated Course Syllabus and Subjects

Q: What are the main subjects in the BBA MBA integrated course syllabus?

Q: Does BBA MBA require Maths?

Q: What does the course curriculum of BBA+MBA include?

Q: When can I choose a BBA MBA specialisation?

Q: What are the elective subjects in the BBA+MBA syllabus?

Q: How is the BBA MBA syllabus assessed?

Q: How are practical skills developed in a BBA MBA program?

Q: Does the BBA MBA syllabus include a capstone project or a thesis?

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