SSC CPO Eligibility Criteria 2024: Qualification, Age limit

Rajalakshmi BK
Rajalakshmi BK

Updated on - Mar 5, 2024

SSC CPO eligibility criteria 2024 is an important component for candidates looking to seek a post through the SSC CPO Exam. The eligibility criteria are instrumental in the selection of suitable aspirants for different job roles. A detailed SSC CPO eligibility criteria 2024 has been dissected in the article below.

Before applying for SSC CPO 2024 exam, the candidate must verify the eligibility criteria required to appear for the SSC CPO exam. There are various parameters related to the exam, including educational qualification, age limits, and citizenship. The eligibility criteria are set by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC).

Also Read: SSC CPO Application Form

SSC CPO Eligibility Criteria 2024

Most of the eligibility criteria are rigid; however, there are some relaxations for different categories depending on their reservation status. Therefore, the candidates who satisfy the following eligibility criteria should analyze SSC CPO Syllabus and start their preparation.

SSC CPO 2024 Education Qualification

The candidate must have a Bachelor's degree or equivalent from a university recognized by the UGC. The degree can be in any discipline. Candidates in the final year of their Bachelor's degree are also eligible for this exam, provided that their graduation must be completed before August 2022.

SSC CPO 2024 Age Limit and Relaxation

The candidate should have attained 20 years of age as of August 1, 2022. Therefore, the maximum age to apply is 25 years. However, age relaxation is provided to the candidates of different categories. The age relaxation for various categories is shown below:

SSC CPO Age Relaxation Criteria

SSC CPO 2024 Age Limits & Relaxations
Category  Age Relaxation
ST/SC 05 Years
OBC 03 Years
For Group 'B' & 'C' posts
Ex-Servicemen (Unreserved/General) 03 Years
Ex-Servicemen (OBC) 06 Years
Ex-Servicemen (ST/SC) 08 Years
Central Govt. Civilian Employees (General) Up to 40 Years of Age
Central Govt. Civilian Employees (OBC) Up to 43 Years of Age
Central Govt. Civilian Employees (SC/ ST) Up to 45 Years of Age 

Conditions for availing age relaxation:

  • The candidates who want to avail of the age relaxation need to submit certificates from a competent authority to the Commission. The certificates should be issued recently, and the certificate should have the same particulars as in the application.
  • Candidates must ensure that they possess the caste/community certificate and do not fall within the creamy layer to avail of the age relaxation benefits.
  • The male candidates who have applied for the Executive Sub-Inspector in Delhi Police must possess a Driving license for Motorbikes and Light Motor Vehicles (LMV). The candidates will not be allowed to appear in the Physical Endurance and Standard Tests.

SSC CPO 2024 Nationality/Citizenship

The Staff Selection Commission has norms for nationality too under the SSC CPO eligibility criteria 2024. Therefore, candidates should check if they come under those categories or not. As per the norms set by SSC, a candidate can be any of these:

  • Citizen of India
  • Subject of Nepal
  • Subject of Bhutan
  • A Tibetan Refugee came over to India before January 1, 1962, intending to settle permanently in India.
  • A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Burma, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, the East African countries of Kenya, the United Republic of Tanzania (Formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Uganda, Malawi, Ethiopia, Vietnam, and Zaire to permanently settle in India.  

SSC CPO Eligibility Criteria - Body Tattoo Policy

The Staff Selection Commission exercises a certain amount of tolerance for potential candidates with body tattoos. However, there are some limitations to these allowances. Examine the following allowances by the SSC for body tattoos:

  • Body tattoos marking a religious symbol or figure are allowed
  • The tattoo must be on the inner arm area, and only on the left forearm - which must be the non-saluting arm of the candidate
  • The size of the tattoo is mandated to be less than a quarter of the size of the Elbow or Wrist

SSC CPO 2024 Physical Requirements

Candidates are required to have stipulated physical attributes that aid them in the day-to-day functioning of an armed forces personnel. The different SSC CPO 2024 stipulations for Female and Male candidates have been expanded on below.

Physical Eligibility for Female Candidates

Potential female candidates applying for the SSC CPO posts shall be examined on certain physical requirements. These are important factors for an individual working in a physically demanding area of armed forces:

Category SSC CPO Height Requirement (in cms)
General 157
Candidates belonging to Hill areas of Garhwal, Kumaon, Himachal Pradesh, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas, Kashmir Valley, Leh & Ladakh regions of J&K, North-Eastern States and Sikkim 155

Physical Eligibility for Male Candidates

Prospective male applicants are assessed on certain physical attributes required for the post of SSC CPO roles. These eligibility criteria are:

Category Height (in cms) Chest (unexpanded in cms) Chest (expanded in cms)
General 170 80 85
Candidates belonging to Hill areas of Garhwal, Kumaon, Himachal Pradesh, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas, Kashmir Valley, Leh & Ladakh regions of J&K, North-Eastern States and Sikkim 165 80 85

Physical Standards for SSC CPO Applicants: Weight Requirements for Male and Female Applicants

SSC CPO Physical Requirements for Male and Female Candidates
Height Stipulated Weight (For Male in kg) Stipulated Weight (For Female in kg)
4'6 29-35 28-35
4'7 30-39 30-37
4'8 33-40 32-40
4'9 35-44 35-42
4'10 38-46 36-45
4'11 40-50 39-47
5'0 43-53 40-50
5'1 45-55 43-52
5'2 48-59 45-55
5'3 50-61 47-57
5'4 53-65 49-60
5'5 55-68 51-62
5'6 58-70 53-65
5'7 60-74 55-67
5'8 63-76 57-70
5'9 65-80 59-72
5'10 67-83 61-75
5'11 70-85 63-77
6'0 72-89 65-80

SSC CPO 2024 Eligibility for Physical Endurance Test (PET)

Potential candidates attempting the SSC CPO Exam 2024 must qualify for the following requirements to proceed to the final Medical Examination round:

Male Candidates:

  • 100 m race in 16 seconds.
  • 1.6 km race in 6.5 minutes
  • Long Jump: 3.65 m in 3 chances
  • High Jump: 1.2 m in 3 chances
  • Shot put: 7.25 kg - 4.5 m in 3 chances

Female Candidates:

  • 100 m race in 18 seconds.
  • 800 m race in 4 minutes
  • Long Jump: 2.7 m in 3 chances
  • High Jump: 0.9 m in 3 chances

FAQs on SSC CPO Eligibility Criteria

Q: What is the SSC CPO eligibility for age requirement?

Q: What is the Physical SSC CPO eligibility for male candidates?

Q: Are there any SSC CPO eligibility criteria for citizenship/nationality?

Q: What is the SSC CPO eligibility criteria for educational qualifications?

Q: What is the SSC CPO eligibility for female candidates?

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