BCA 1st Year Syllabus: Subjects List, Practicals, Books

Duration: 3 Years
Avg Fees: INR 5,000 - 2,00,000 per year

The BCA 1st year syllabus focuses on the fundamental topics of computer applications such as Programming, Computer Architecture, System Software, System Analysis, Data Structures, and more. In addition, the BCA syllabus also includes practical sessions on subjects such as C Programming, Programming Visuals, etc to reinforce theoretical knowledge and develop practical programming skills. 

The BCA 1st sem syllabus covers important topics such as information systems, data types, computer arithmetic, control structures, etc while the 2nd semester syllabus focuses on topics such as arrays, assembly language, system development, graph theory, operating systems, advanced programming, and more.

The BCA course subjects and practicals offered may vary depending on the institution, however, the core subjects remain the same and aim to provide students with a strong foundation in computer science and programming concepts.

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Table of Contents

BCA 1st Year Syllabus

BCA 1st year syllabus focuses on the foundational topics in computer applications, including combination circuits, information systems, programming in C, operating systems, etc. The first year syllabus also includes general compulsory courses such as Environmental Studies and English.

The semester-wise BCA 1st year syllabus is provided in the table below.

Semester I Semester II
Basics of Digital Electronics Advanced Concept in C Programming
Business Systems and Application Computer Architecture and Systems Software 
Introduction to Programming System Analysis & Design 
Mathematics in Computer Applications Mathematics in Computer Applications
Fundamentals of IT Graph Theory 
Environmental Studies English II
English I Advance Concept in C Programming Lab
Programming in C Lab Programming Lab (Visual Basic)

BCA 1st Year Subjects

The subjects offered in the first year of BCA deal with topics such as programming in C, computer hardware and software, AI based information systems, and more which are essential in the dynamic field of modern computing. 

The BCA subjects 1st year and the topics covered under them are detailed in the sections below.

BCA 1st Semester Subjects

The BCA 1st sem syllabus includes important topics such as digital electronics, mathematics related to computer applications, decision support systems, etc that lay the groundwork for more advanced topics in computer science.

Listed below are the BCA 1st year subjects and topics covered. 

Subjects Topics Covered
Basics of Digital Electronics Data and Number Representation, Binary Arithmetic, Logic Gates, Logic Operations, Boolean Expressions, Simplification, Combination Circuits, ROM, PROM, EPROM, Digital Components.
Business Systems and Application Use of Computers in Managerial Applications, Technology Issues, Computer Based Information Systems, Decision Support System, Artificial Intelligence Based Systems, IS Architecture.
Introduction to Programming Program, Algorithms, Flow-Charts, Programming Languages, Compiler and Linker, Constants, Variables & Data Types, Operators & Expressions, Branching & Looping, Functions.
Mathematics in Computer Applications Algebra, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, Dimensional Geometry.
Fundamentals of IT Characteristics, Memory, Basic Computer Hardwares, Storage, Software, Computer Arithmetic.
Environmental Studies Ecology and Ecosystems, Biodiversity, Pollution, Natural Resources, Climate Change, Laws and Policies. 
English I Grammar, Comprehension, Reading and Writing Skills, English for Effective Communication.
Programming in C Lab Basic Programming Constructs, Data Types, Decision Structures, Control Structures in C, Logic Aptitude Programming in C Language, Developing Software in C Language.

BCA 2nd Semester Subjects

The BCA 2nd sem syllabus deals with topics such as advanced programming concepts, system analysis and design, computer architecture, etc. These BCA subjects allow students to enhance their understanding of computer systems and applications building on the foundations laid in the first semester. 

Listed below are the BCA subjects 1st year and topics covered under them in the second semester.

Subjects Topics Covered
Advanced Concept in C Programming Arrays, Two Dimensional and Multidimensional Arrays, Strings, Enum, Typedef, String Formatting, Pointers, Pointer Arithmetics, Structure & Union, Applications
Computer Architecture and Systems Software  Microprocessors, Bus Structure, Data Representation, CPU, Basic Computer Organisation and Design, Assembly Language, Micro-programmed Control.
System Analysis & Design  Fundamental of System Development, Determining System Requirement, Traditional Methods, Modern Methods, Process Modelling, E-R Modelling, Implementation, Maintenance.
Mathematics in Computer Applications Differential Equation, Cauchy’s and Lagrange’s Linear Differential Equation, Linear Algebra, Sequence and Series, Cauchy’s Sequence, Alternating Series, Leibnitz Test, Abel and Dirichlet Convergence Test
Graph Theory  Finite and Infinite Graphs, Incidence & Degree, Null Graph, Properties, Trees, Binary Trees,Cut-Set, Matrix Representation of Graphs.
English II Expression, Reading, Technical and General Writing, Precis, Business Letters, Business Communication.
Advance Concept in C Programming Lab Core Concept of C Programming, Implement Array and String, Implement Functions, Create Program Using Structure, Structure and Union, and Applications.
Programming Lab (Visual Basic) Creating Standard Exe File, Code Window, Event Based Programming on Control, Backend MS-Access, Arrays, Searching, Linear and Binary, Function, Subroutines, Data Files-Sequential Data File, Random Access File

BCA 1st Year Question Paper Marking Scheme

The marking scheme for BCA 1st year question papers varies based on the colleges or universities. However, the total marks for each subject usually range from 100-150, with 30-50 marks allotted for internal assessment and 70-100 marks for end-semester examination. 

The BCA 1st year question paper marking scheme is detailed in the sections below.

BCA 1st Semester Question Paper Marking Scheme 

The BCA 1st semester question paper marking scheme is provided in the table below.

Subjects Internal Assessment End Semester Examination Total Marks
Basics of Digital Electronics 30 70 100
Business Systems and Application 30 70 100
Introduction to Programming 30 70 100
Mathematics in Computer Applications 30 70 100
Fundamentals of IT 30 70 100
Environmental Studies 30 70 100
English  30 70 100
Programming in C Lab 30 70 100

BCA 2nd Semester Question Paper Marking Scheme 

The BCA 2nd semester question paper marking scheme is given below.

Subjects Practical Examination End Semester Examination Total Marks
Advanced Concept in C Programming 30 70 100
Computer Architecture and Systems Software  30 70 100
System Analysis & Design  30 70 100
Mathematics in Computer Applications 30 70 100
Graph Theory  30 70 100
Advance Concept in C Programming Lab 30 70 100
Programming Lab (Visual Basic) 30 70 100

BCA Books 1st Year

The BCA books help students grasp essential concepts in computer science and applications covering topics such as programming languages, computer architecture, data structures, etc. 

The BCA books 1st year are provided in the table below along with their authors and topics covered.

Books Author Topics Covered
Digital Electronics S. Rangnekar Data & Number Representation, Logic Gates, Digital Compounds, Applications in Electric Circuits.
Operating Systems John Wiley Galvin Process Management, Memory Management, File Systems, OS Design and Implementation.
Business Application of Computers M.M. Oka Management Information Systems, Decision Support System, Business Intelligence.
The C Programming Language Kernighan, Brian, and Dennis Ritchie Data Types, Control Structures, Functions, Pointers.
Digital Logic and Computer Design Moris Mano Digital Logic Circuits, Boolean Algebra, Combinational and Sequential Circuits.
Fundamental of Computers V.Rajaraman Computer Architecture, Memory, Storage, Computer Arithmetic.
Data Structures in C Ajay Agarwal Arrays, Linked List, Stacks, Queues, Trees.
Assembling and Troubleshooting James Perozzo Assembling Computer Systems, Troubleshooting Hardware Issues, Hardware Components and Peripherals.
Graph Theory N. Deo Vertices and Edge, Trees, Cycles, Connectivity, Graph Algorithm. 

BCA Fee Structure

FAQs on BCA 1st Year Syllabus

Q: How many subjects are there in BCA 1st year?

A: There are around 6 subjects in each semester of the BCA 1st year syllabus including Digital Electronics, Business Systems and Application, Programming, Computer Architecture and Systems Software, System Analysis, Mathematics related to Computer Applications, and more.

Q: What is the toughest subject in BCA 1st year?

A: The toughest subjects in BCA depend on the calibre of the student and their interest. However, subjects such as Data Structures and Advanced Programming are considered difficult by students due to the extensive and complex concepts.

Q: What kind of maths is in BCA?

A: Mathematics in BCA includes algebra, calculus, dimensional geometry, and discrete mathematics such as functions, sequences, and graph theory, etc.

Q: What is the passing marks for BCA 1st year?

A: Students must score at least 40-50% of the total marks in BCA 1st year to pass the course.

Q: What are the topics covered in BCA programming?

A: BCA programming includes important topics such as data types, control structures, functions, arrays, pointers, and file handling in languages such as C and C++.

Q: How is the BCA syllabus 1st year assessed?

A: The BCA students of the first year are evaluated based on their performance in the internal assessment and end semester examination with marks allocated for both theory and practical as per the university’s evaluation criteria.

Q: Does the BCA 1st year curriculum emphasize software development methodologies or principles?

A: Yes, the BCA 1st year syllabus introduces students to foundational concepts such as algorithm design, programming paradigm, problem-solving techniques, controls systems, that aid in the understanding of how software projects are planned, developend, and executed and maintained.

Q: What practical skills can students expect to gain from the BCA 1st year syllabus?

A: Students can expect to gain practical skills such as programming, understanding basic digital electronics essential for comprehending computer systems, software development skills, and problem-solving skills from BCA 1st year syllabus.
