RPF Constable 2023: Notification (Soon), Syllabus, Cut Off


Updated on - Jan 22, 2024

RPF Constable 2023 official notification will be released soon by the conducting authorities. Ministry of Railways releases RPF Constable notification for aspiring candidates willing to join Railway Protection Special Force (RPSF). RPF Constable exam provides recruitment to its qualifying candidates to various railway zones across the country.


What is the Railway Protection Force Constable?

Indian railway recruits male and female constables for Railway Protection Force (RPF) and Railway Protection Special Force (RPSF) by conducting an RPF constable exam. Every year the Ministry of Railways releases RPF constable Notification to fill a large number of vacancies for different zones in Indian Railways. Even though the RPF Constable 2023 Recruitment is done for various railway zones, there is only one central body which is governing the exam. Soon the notification for the RPF Constable 2023 Exam shall be released on the official website. 

Before applying for the exam the candidates must go through the details regarding the RPF constable exam 2023.

RPF Constable 2023 Exam Highlights

The table below gives important details about the RPF Constable 2023 Exam.

Exam Name Railway Protection Force Constable
Acronym RPF Constable
Conducting Body Ministry of Railways
Exam Level National
Exam Mode Online

RPF Constable 2023 Notification

The RPF Constable recruitment notification has not been released yet. Candidates can find all important details about RPF Constable exam 2023 notification on the official website. 

Once the official notification of the RPF Constable 2023 Exam is released, candidates will be able to know more about the exam. The RPF Constable 2023 Notification will contain all the essential information about the exam like important dates of the exam, eligibility criteria, details of the application form, application process. The total number of RPF Constable 2023 Vacancy will also be available in the official notification. Candidates will also be able to get an overall idea about the selection process of the exam from the RPF Constable 2023 Notification. Candidates are instructed to check the official website of the RPF Constable 2023 Notification for regular updates.

RPF Constable 2023 Exam Date

The RPF Constable 2023 Notification has not been released yet. The expected date of application announcement date of RPF Constable 2023 is November 2023. Once the official notification is released by the conducting authority, RPF Constable 2023 Exam Dates will be updated here. Candidates can go through the tentative dates for now:

Events Dates
Application Form Start Date To Be Announced
Application Form Last Date To Be Announced
Date of CBT To Be Announced
Result of CBT To Be Announced
Date of PET/PMT To Be Announced
Result To Be Announced

RPF Constable 2023 Eligibility

The RPF Constable 2023 Eligibility Criteria will be defined by the Indian Railways which is the conducting authority of the RPF Constable 2023 Exam. The eligibility criteria of the RPF Constable 2023 Exam depends on factors like the age of the candidates, his/her nationality, and educational qualification. Physical measurements will also be considered for the Inspector and Sub-Inspector posts. It is important to check the RPF Constable 2023 Eligibility Criteria before applying for the exam. Candidates who do not fulfil the eligibility for the RPF Constable 2023 Exam will not be able to apply for the exam.

Candidates must go through the eligibility criteria before filling the application form:

Particulars Details
Citizen Candidate must be an Indian Citizen
Age The candidate age should be between 18-25
Educational Qualification SSLC/Matric
Others Candidate must possess certain physical criteria and physical efficiency

RPF Constable 2023 Application Form

The RPF Constable 2023 application form has not been released yet. Candidates are advised to go through all the necessary information regarding the RPF Constable Application process before attempting the application.

The RPF Constable 2023 Application Process is an online process which the candidates must complete online from the official website. Candidates must read all the information about the application process carefully and then proceed to fill the application form. The release of the RPF Constable 2023 shall also mark the beginning of the release of the RPF Constable 2023 Application form. The candidates must complete the process before the last date. 

The RPF Constable 2023 Application process consists of a couple of steps such as registration, uploading documents such as the 10th certificate or the mark sheets, the scanned photograph, scanned signature, caste certificate, etc, and the category wise fee payment.

Details asked in the RPF Constable 2023 Application Form

In the RPF Constable 2023 Application Form, candidates will have to enter their personal details, educational qualification along with the contact information. The information provided must be accurate. If any inconsistency is discovered later, the candidature of that candidate will be cancelled. Candidates must enter a valid email and mobile number as these details may be used by authorities to contact them.

  • Name of the candidate
  • Date of Birth
  • Gender
  • Email Address
  • Mobile Number
  • Father's Name
  • Mother's Name
  • 10th marks and board
  • 12th marks and board
  • Highest educational qualification with percentage/GPA/CGPA
  • Aadhar Card Number
  • Category

RPF Constable 2023 Application Fee

The category-wise RPF Constable 2023 Application Fee is given in the table below.

Gender Category Application Fee
Male General INR 500
Male OBC/ST/SC INR 250
Female General/SC/ST/OBC INR 250

Uploading documents in RPF Constable 2023 Application Form

Candidate has to upload a recently taken passport size photograph in the RPF Constable 2023 Application Form. The photograph must be taken against a white background. The scanned image of the photograph must adhere to the guidelines below.

Parameters Details
Dimensions 35mm X 45mm
File Size 15-40KB

RPF Constable 2023 Application Process

Candidates have to go to the online application link of RPF Constable exam 2023 on the official website. The candidates have to provide their personal information to complete the registration process.

Educational Qualification Religion
Gender Minority
ESM Economically Backward Class
Age relaxation category (as applicable) -

After this step, the candidate will be directed to the payment section of the application form. Applicants can pay the application fee through online and offline mode. Education Qualification DetailsAfter the payment of the application fee, the candidate will be directed to the next part of the application fee. In case the candidate has paid fee offline the candidate will have to wait for 60 minutes for the payment confirmation. The application form contains the following details: Choice of the group & preference zone and Choice of the Language. The candidate can choose any language for the Computer Based Test (CBT) The application process for RPF Constable 2023 is given in detail below.

How to apply for the RPF Constable 2023 Exam?

  • Visit the official website of the RPF Constable 2023 Exam where candidates will find online application link. Click on that link.
  • A registration form will be opened where candidates will need to enter the necessary details.
  • Once all the information is filled, candidates can submit the application.
  • Upon submitting the registration form, candidates will get registration number and password and OTP will be sent to the mobile number of the candidate.
  • After registering, candidates can start filling the application form where they will need to add personal and academic details.
  • Then applicants will have to upload the documents in specified dimensions.
  • Final step is to pay the application fees for the RPF Constable 2023 Exam.

RPF Constable 2023 Admit Card

RPF Constable 2023 admit card will be released 1 week before the commencement of the exam. All the candidates registered can download the admit card by logging in on the official website. RPF Constable 2023 admit cards for different levels of recruitment will be released separately. 

Details on the RPF Constable 2023 Admit Card

The RPF Constable 2023 Admit Card will consist of some details about the candidate as well as the exam. Following are some of the details mentioned on the admit card of the RPF Constable exam.

  • Name of the candidate
  • Roll Number 
  • Category
  • Registration Number
  • Date of Birth
  • Exam Centre
  • Address of the Exam Centre
  • Date of the examination
  • Time of the examination
  • Important guidelines about the exam day

How to Download the Admit Card?

  • Go to the official website of the RPF Constable
  • Go to the section of the admit card
  • Click on the link, the login page will appear on the screen
  • Login using your credentials
  • Your admit card will appear on the screen, proceed to download
  • Take the print out of the admit card

RPF Constable 2023 Exam Pattern

The RPF Constable exam consists of three stages that are the Computer-based Test, Physical Efficiency Test [PET], and Physical Measurement Test [PMT]. Candidates qualifying the computer-based test will undergo further stages of selection which are PET and PMT. The requirements for PET are different for male candidates and female candidates. Similarly, PMT standards vary for males and females. Ex-servicemen need not take the PET but will be asked to appear for the PMT.

RPF Constable 2023 Exam Pattern Highlights

The table below shows important aspects of the RPF Constable Exam Pattern.

Particulars Details
Conducting Body Indian Railways
Mode of the exam Online i.e. Computer-based
Medium of the exam English/Hindi and other regional languages
Question type CBT: Objective or Multiple Choice Questions i.e. MCQs
Stages of the RPF Constable exam Stage I: Computer-based Test
Stage II: Physical Efficiency Test
Stage III: Physical Measurement Test
Marking Scheme CBT: +1 -1/3
Duration CBT: 1.5 Hours or 90 Minutes

RPF Constable 2023 Computer-based Test Pattern

Computer Based Test is the first step towards the selection process of the RPF Constable 2023 Exam. The level of the exam will be 10th or matric. For correct answers, the candidate will be given 1 mark and for the incorrect answer, ⅓  marks will be deducted. The duration for the computer-based exam is of 90 minutes. The computer-based RPF Constable exam will be available in English and Hindi along with various regional languages like Gujarati, Marathi, Bengali, Assamese, Telugu, Konkani, Kannada etc.

Subject Number of Questions Marks
General Awareness 50 50
General Intelligence & Reasoning 35 35
Arithmetics 35 35

RPF Constable 2023 Syllabus

The syllabus for RPF Constable 2023 is given below. Candidates can go through the syllabus and also go through the previous year question paper, this will give the candidates a clear idea about the topics covered in the examination. 

General Awareness

  • Geography
  • Economics
  • Sports
  • Current Affairs
  • General Policy, Indian Constitution
  • Common Abbreviations
  • Indian History, Art & Culture
  • Awareness of the events & developments in society
  • Environmental issues concerning India & world
  • General Science & Life Science
  • Technological Development

General Intelligence & Reasoning

  • Relationship Concepts
  • Analogies
  • Spatial Visualisation
  • Spatial Orientation
  • Problem Solving Analysis
  • Visual Memory
  • Decision Making
  • Arithmetical Reasoning
  • Coding & Decoding
  • Statement Conclusion
  • Arithmetic Number Series
  • Non-verbal series
  • Discriminating Observations
  • Syllogistic Reasoning


  • Whole Numbers
  • Number System
  • Ration & Proportion
  • Averages
  • Interest
  • Profit & Loss
  • Discount
  • Mensuration
  • Time & Distance
  • Decimal & Fractions
  • Table & Graphs
  • Percentages
  • Relationship between numbers
  • Fundamental Arithmetic operations

RPF Constable 2023 Merit List

The candidates can download the RPF Constable merit lists or different groups available on the official website. Below are the given steps to check the final merit list:

Steps to check the Merit List

  • Visi the official website.
  • Click on the "Final Merit List Constable/RPF & Constable/RPSF" on the home page
  • The final merit list pdf will appear on display for different groups.
  • Click on the respective groups to download the RPF Constable final merit list

RPF Constable 2023 Result

The RPF Constable 2023 results will be released soon after the commencement of the exam. RPF Constable results for different stages will be released differently. Candidates can check the result by logging on to the official website. Steps to check the result is given below:

Steps to check the Result

  • Visit the official website
  • Click on the RPF Constable link on the home page
  • The result PDF will appear on the display
  • Download the result, check the result using names or roll number

RPF Constable 2023 Cutoff

RPF Constable 2023 cutoff will be released along with the RPF Constable result 2023. The RPF Constable cutoff will be determined by the following factors:

  • Number of vacancies
  • Number of Candidates
  • The difficulty level of the questions

RPF Constable 2018 Cutoff

The RPF Constable cut-off for 2018 is given below.

Group Female
Group A 55.66 50.76 50.76 57.21 - 77.9 78.32 83.82 55.35
Group B 54.30 51.39 51.27 61.72 89.26 89.26 78.68 89.42 53.85
Group C 47.37 43.91 48.05 53.38 - 78.26 77.41 87.32 52.36
Group D 71.3 58.03 64.42 74.75 120 86.15 82.53 117.83 62.41
Group E - 38.88 36.14 42.48 61.33 62.05 50.09 50.09 36.09
Group F - - - - 89.1 69.92 67.96 93.22 42.17

RPF Constable 2023 Vacancy

The RPF Constable 2023 has not confirmed the vacancies yet. It shall be released soon along with the RPF Constable 2023 Notification. The tentative vacancies for RPF Constable 2023 are- 

Zonal Railway Male  Female
Group A- SR, SWR and SCR 804 927
Group B - CR, WR, WCR and SECR 440 712
Group C - ER, ECR, SER and ECor 1287 1391
Group D - NR, NER, NWR and NCR  1046 1006
Group E - NFR 660 180
Group F - RPSF 666 -

RPF Constable 2023 Selection Process

There are a few steps involved in the selection process of RPF Constable 2023. 

  • RPF Constable 2023 Exam- The RPF Constable exam is an online exam that is conducted through a Computer Based Test. After completing the exam the candidates will move to the next round or stage RPF Constable 2023 selection process.
  • PMT/PET - The candidates who have successfully cleared the RPF Constable exam 2023 will be shortlisted for the PMT (Physical Measurement Test) or the PET (Physical Efficiency Test) which are qualifying in nature.
  • Verification of Documents - The candidates who have qualified the Physical Tests will go on to the next round of Document Verification where the candidates have to present the original documents.
  • Medical Tests - The candidates will have to go to further rounds of medical testing or examination in the railway hospitals.
  • Training Process - The candidates who cleared all the above-mentioned stages will proceed to the final stage of the training process. Here they shall be properly trained for the job and after finishing it they shall receive the training certificate which will mark the starting of their Job or their joining.

The RPF Constable 2023 consists of all the above-mentioned stages and each stage is mandatory for all candidates.

RPF Constable Books

Below are the books for the RPF Constable exam which have been referred and suggested by the toppers and qualifiers of the previous year. Candidates can go through these books for the preparation of the exam.

RPF Constable Books for General Intelligence and Reasoning

Following books can be used for General Intelligence and Reasoning section of the RPF Constable exam.

Topics Books
Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning RS Agarwal
A new approach to Reasoning B S Sijwali Arihant
Analytical Reasoning M K Pandey
Reasoning Books for Competitive Exams Pearson

RPF Constable Books for Arithmetics

Candidates can refer to the books mentioned below for the Arithmetics section of the RPF Constable exam.

Topics Books
Fast Track Objective Arithmetic Rajesh Verma
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams R S Agarwal
Objective Arithmetic S Chand
Quantitative Aptitude for all Competitive Exams Abhijit Guha

RPF Constable Books for General Awareness

Some of the best books to prepare for the General Awareness section of the RPF Constable exam are stated below.

Topics Books
General Knowledge Lucent
General Studies Disha
General Knowledge Manual Pearson
General Knowledge Arihant

RPF Constable Preparation

The first step towards the preparation of the exam is to understand the syllabus and the exam pattern, both play a crucial role in scoring well in the examination. Candidates should go through the syllabus and divide the syllabus as per their understanding, this can be done subject wise. Candidates should try completing each part one after the other. After completing the syllabus, candidates should start practising the question papers and attempt the mock tests. Candidates are advised to do the revision regularly before attempting the exam.

  • General Awareness: This section carries 50 marks for a total number of 50 questions, which is the highest among all the sections. So this section needs to be given special attention. Candidates are advised to read the basic textbooks for increasing their knowledge. Practising the previous year question papers will help you in strengthening the knowledge for the exam.
  • Arithmetic Sections: Candidates should be clear on the basics, learn all the formulas, remember tables, and important values. Analyze the weaknesses and strengthen them with practice and learning. Practice the previous year's question papers and attempt all the mock tests. For arithmetic, section practice is the key to success.
  • General Intelligence and Reasoning: Candidates should learn the basic tactics of solving the puzzles and other tricky questions from standard reasoning and general intelligence books. Sharpen your logical and analytical skills. Candidates should practice the previous year question papers as much as they can and try attempting the mock tests as well.

RPF Constable Exam Day Instructions

Candidates have to follow certain guidelines that are prescribed by the RPF Constable exam authorities. These guidelines will be stated in the admit card of the RPF Constable exam. Candidates can refer to some of the important guidelines that are given below.

  • Candidates must bring all the necessary documents to the exam centre. Candidates should bring admit card, a valid photo identity proof, and passport size photographs. These documents are required for document verification before entering the exam hall.
  • Candidates must reach the exam centre at least 20-30 minutes before the reporting time.
  • If possible, candidates should locate the exam centre a day prior to the examination day.
  • Candidate must NOT wear closed-toe shoes. It is advisable to wear open footwear like slippers, chappal etc.
  • Electronic gadgets like a digital watch, calculators or mobile phones are strictly prohibited in the exam hall.
  • Candidates must not indulge in any malpractices during the RPF Constable exam. Doing so may lead to cancellation of his/her candidature in RPF Constable exam.
  • Appearing candidates should wear comfortable clothing.

RPF Constable 2023 Salary

RPF Constable salary is a lucrative reason that attracts many government job seekers to apply for the post. No, doubt that the Indian Railways offers a number of benefits to it, employees, to compensate for the challenging nature of the jobs. Below are the given details of the salary candidates can go through.

RPF Constable Salary Structure for Class X cities

The RPF Constable salary and allowances of class X cities are tabulated below.

Salary Components RPF Constable Salary
Basic Salary INR 21700
House Rent Allowance (16%) INR 5208
Dearness Allowance (4%) INR 868
Transport Allowance INR 3600
Gross Salary INR 31207

RPF Constable Salary Structure for Class Y cities

The salary and other allowances included in the gross salary of RPF Constable for class Y cities are given below in the table.

Salary Components RPF Constable Salary
Basic Salary INR 21700
House Rent Allowance (16%) INR 3472
Dearness Allowance (4%) INR 868
Transport Allowance INR 3600
Gross Salary INR 29636

RPF Constable Salary Structure for Class Z cities

The salary components of RPF Constable class Z cities are shown below in the table.

Salary Components RPF Constable Salary
Basic Salary INR 21700
House Rent Allowance (16%) INR 1734
Dearness Allowance (4%) INR 868
Transport Allowance INR 3600
Gross Salary INR 27902

RPF Constable Contact Details

In case of queries or doubts during the RPF Constable exam procedure, candidates are advised to contact the exam authorities. The contact details of the RPF Constable exam authorities are given below.

Address: RPF Control Room Railway Board, New delhi : 110001, Delhi ,India

Email Address: contentmanager@rb.railnet.gov.in

Official Website: constable.rpfonlinereg.org

Phone Number: (11) 23303983

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