UPSC CSE Eligibility Criteria 2024: Age Limit, Qualification

Hafsha Qureshi
Hafsha Qureshi

Updated on - Nov 28, 2023

UPSC CSE eligibility criteria 2024 candidates must ensure that they fulfill the general eligibility criteria before filling in the application form, as the eligibility criteria play a major role in filtering the applicants. The general eligibility criteria that the candidates should fulfill before applying for UPSC CSE 2024 are mentioned below. Candidates are advised to read the article thoroughly.

UPSC CSE Eligibility Regarding Nationality

A candidate must be a citizen of India if aspiring for Indian Administrative Service and the Indian Police Service

For services other than CSE and IPS, a candidate must be either:

  • A citizen of India, or
  • A subject of Nepal, or
  • A subject of Bhutan, or
  • A Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or
  • A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.

A candidate coming under any of the category (b), (c), (d) and (e) shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued/recognised by the Government of India.

The candidate might appear in UPSC CSE 2024 exam without submitting the eligibility certificate issued by the Government of India.  But, the eligibility certificate must be submitted during the further process.

Candidates are advised to check official Notification before applying to make sure they meet the eligibility criteria.

UPSC CSE 2024 Eligibility Regarding Age Limit

It is mentioned in the eligibility criteria that the age of the candidate should be between 21 and 32 on the 1st of August, 2024.

Relaxation in the Upper Age limit

  • Up to five years of relaxation is provided for candidates belonging to SC/ST categories. 
  • Up to three years of relaxation is provided for candidates if they belong to OBC Category.
  • Up to a maximum of five years if a candidate had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu and Kashmir during the period from the 1st January 1980 to the 31st day of December 1989
  • Up to a maximum of 10 years in the case of blind, Hearing Impaired and Orthopaedically handicapped persons.
  • Up to a maximum of five years for ex-servicemen if the essential documents are submitted. 
  • Up to a maximum of three years in the case of Defence Personnel (essential documents have to be submitted).
Relaxation in the Upper Age limit
Category Age Limit (up to)
Open Category 32 years
OBC 35 years
SC/ ST 37 years
PH 42 years


  • Candidates should be very careful in entering their date of Birth in UPSC CSE  Examination Application Form.
  • If any discrepancy is found in the subsequent stages, they would be disqualified. 
  • The DOB mentioned in the mark sheet of 10h grade or any qualifying exam would be considered as the valid DOB.
  • Candidates are advised to check official Notification before applying to make sure they meet the eligibility criteria.

UPSC CSE Eligibility Regarding Educational Qualification: 

The candidate must hold a degree of any of the recognized university, or possess an equivalent qualification to satisfy the eligibility criteria for UPSC CSE. In exceptional cases, UPSC authorities might consider few candidates who have cleared certain qualifying exams to be eligible for appearing in UPSC CSE. If the results of the qualifying exam are not yet released, the candidates are allowed to write the prelims exam. In that case, the candidates should submit the result card in the subsequent stage. 

UPSC CSE Number of Attempts

Applying for UPSC Civil Services does not count as an attempt. However Appearing for the Preliminary exam ( even applying one paper is considered as an attempt for UPSC Civil Services exam) Candidates belonging to an unreserved category can have a maximum number of 6 attempts. Candidates belonging to OBC category have a total number of 9 attempts. Physically handicapped candidates belonging to the General Category also have a total number of 9 attempts. Candidates belonging to SC/ ST category can make any number attempts in UPSC CSE Exam.

UPSC CSE Number of Attempts
Category No. of Attempts
Open Category 6 times
OBC 9 times
SC/ ST No limit


Candidates who are in final year and whose results are awaited can also apply for UPSC civil services exam. Note that the candidates have to produce the required proof of passing their graduation during the application process for Mains examination. Candidates having professional or technical degrees are also eligible to apply for UPSC Civil Services Exam.

Candidates who have passed the final professional M.B.B.S. or any other Medical Examination but yet to complete their internship by the time of submission of their applications for the Civil Services (Main) Examination, will be provisionally admitted to the Examination provided they submit along with their application a copy of certificate from the concerned authority of the University/Institution that they had passed the requisite final professional medical examination.

Candidates have to produce at the time of their interview original Degree or a certificate from the concerned competent authority of the University/Institution that they had completed all requirements (including Completion of internship) for the award of the Degree. An attempt for the Preliminary Examination shall be deemed to be an attempt for the Civil Services Examination.

If a candidate actually appears in any one paper in the Preliminary Examination, they shall be deemed to have made an attempt at the Examination. Candidates are advised to check official Notification before applying to make sure they meet the eligibility criteria.

UPSC CSE Restrictions on Applying for the Examination

A candidate who is appointed to the Indian Administrative Service or the Indian Foreign Service on the results of an earlier examination and continues to be a member of that service will not be eligible to compete at this examination. In case such a candidate is appointed to the CSE /IFS after the Preliminary Examination of Civil Services Examination, 2024 is over and he/she continues to be a member of that service, he/she shall not be eligible to appear in the Civil Services (Main) Examination,2024 notwithstanding his/her having qualified in the Preliminary Examination, 2024.

A candidate who is appointed to the Indian Police Service on the results of an earlier examination and continues to be a member of that service will not be eligible to opt for the Indian Police Service in Civil Services Examination, 2024.

UPSC CSE Eligibility Regarding Physical Standards

The candidates should be physically fit as mentioned by UPSC 2024 notification. Following is a list of Services Identified suitable for Persons with Benchmark Disability along with the Physical Requirements and Functional Classifications. Candidates are advised to check official Notification before applying to make sure they meet the eligibility criteria. You can find official notification.

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