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JENPAUH 2024 Exam Day Guidelines are issued by the official website of WBJEE. This will guarantee that no crucial details are overlooked. The JENPAUH Exam Day Guidelines 2024 are mentioned on the admit card as well. Apart from that, candidates are expected to arrive according to the JENPAUH exam timings mentioned on their admit card.
Candidates must also take their seats 15 minutes before the commencement of the WBJEE JENPAUH 2024 exam. In no case will a candidate be permitted into the examination centre after the scheduled JENPAUH reporting time.
Aspirants appearing for the first time, can follow the instructions to avoid any last-minute hassle on the exam day.
Important: WBJEE JENPAUH Exam Centres 2024
JENPAUH 2024 Exam Day Guidelines
Candidates who are going to appear for the JENPAUH 2024 examination need to follow JENPAUH guidelines 2024 for the rules and regulations set by the exam conducting body. These are the certain rules one must follow on exam day.
We have covered the JENPAUH 2024 Exam Day Guidelines to make it easy and convenient for you.
- Candidates are advised to reach the examination hall around half an hour before the commencement of the exam. No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination centre without their admit card.
- To prevent any problems on the day of the exam, candidates can check for the precise location of the testing facility and also the mode of transportation.
- Candidates have to sit in their allotted center and seating only as mentioned on their admit card. Any individual found seated other than the one allotted to him or her will be reported and his or her paper will be cancelled.
- Candidates are suggested to arrive at their respective centers.
In general, these guidelines are to be followed when appearing for the test. Getting the best preparation for the exam involves carrying a few things, which is mentioned further.
Practice Now: JENPAUH Previous Year Question Papers
Q. Are foods allowed inside the exam hall?
Ans. According to the JENPAUH 2024 Exam Day Guidelines, no candidate is allowed to enter the exam hall with any kind of food item. These are prohibited items, that must be not taken along, or else can be an issue according to the JENPAUH 2024 Exam Day Guidelines.
Things To Carry For JENPAUH 2024
Candidates are expected to carry important documents along with them on the day of the exam, as per the JENPAUH 2024 exam day guidelines. Checking of all the documents and frisking may be done while entering the examination centre.
Here is the list of documents mandatory for the aspirants to carry along with them.
- A printed copy of the admit card is required for students to carry.
- A copy of a coloured photograph must be carried along, as uploaded for the admit card.
- The original photo identification card should be presented, such as the Aadhaar card, the PAN card, the passport, or the voter's card.
This will be done to ensure no candidate is carrying any prohibited items along with them per the JENPAUH 2024 Exam Day Guidelines. Apart from that, candidates are expected to arrive according to the JENPAUH exam timings mentioned on their admit card.
Candidates must also take their seats 15 minutes before the commencement of the exam. In no case will a candidate be permitted into the examination center after the scheduled JENPAUH reporting time.
Download: JENPAUH Admit Card 2024
Q. What if I forget to bring my identity proof?
Ans. Identity proof is a mandatory document that must be brought along to the examination centre. If one fails to bring their identity proof, will not be allowed to appear for the exam.
JENPAUH 2024 Instructions: Items Prohibited
Certain items are not allowed to be carried along while appearing for the JENPAUH 2024 exam. Candidates found with these prohibited items will be reported and their candidatures will be cancelled.
Therefore, following the rules and regulations mentioned in the JENPAUH 2024 guidelines is a must. In order to ensure that the exam runs smoothly, let's review which items are allowed and which are not.
Here is the list of items one must avoid while entering the exam hall, to avoid any inconvenience during the exam.
- Candidates are prohibited from carrying any printed or written documents along with them other than their admit card.
- Calculators, mobile phones, Bluetooth devices, or any form of electronic device are strictly prohibited inside the examination hall.
- Smartwatches are also not acceptable and is not allowed from wearing inside the exam hall, as stated in the JENPAUH 2024 Exam Day Guidelines.
- Candidates are also not allowed to bring with them any food item along with them inside.
Also Read: JENPAUH Syllabus 2024
Q. Can candidates take along with them the question paper?
Ans. Candidates are not allowed to take the question booklet along with them after the test. Taking along with them the test booklet is strictly not allowed, which means students have to leave the question booklet after the exam is over.
How to Attempt the OMR Sheet of the JENPAUH Exam 2024?
Encircling on an OMR sheet can be confusing for candidates. If the OMR sheet is not filled in properly, this can cause issues in the results. The following instructions will help you fill out the OMR sheet correctly and avoid any confusion.
- Before the test starts, question booklets will be given out. Candidates need to check that their OMR number and the question booklet number match when they remove the OMR sheet. In case it doesn't match, candidate can request the examiner for replacement of all of the sets from the same series (A, B, C, and D).
- Candidates need to put their signatures on the question booklet and fill in all the formalities to avoid confusion with other candidates.
- Candidates should make sure to darken the relevant question booklet number, roll number, and question booklet series.
- Verification of the information on the attendance sheet, including the roll number, photo, and name spelling, should correspond to the information on the candidate’s admit card. Informing the invigilator if there is anything that needs to be fixed immediately is must.
- Discussion with the invigilator regarding any question is not allowed.
- Any candidate found adapting or using any unfair means, will be strictly not allowed. His or her candidature will be canceled and will not be allowed to appear for the exam thereafter.
- It is mandatory for candidates to remain in the test room until the end and for the invigilator to collect and tally all OMRs.
These are certain rules of JENPAUH 2024 Exam Day Guidelines, that one must follow while appearing for the exam. Candidates should take care that they do not adopt any unfair means and adhere to the rules.
Download: JENPAUH Answer Key 2024