CG PAT Syllabus 2025: Check PDF Download Links

Ashna Priyadashi
Ashna Priyadashi

Updated on - Dec 24, 2024

CG PAT syllabus 2025 has been prepared by the conducting authority, Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board (CPEB). The syllabus is issued in the form of a PDF, individually for all the programs.

CG PAT is a state entrance examination. The exam is for enrollment of students for undergraduate courses in agriculture and horticulture in several institutes of Chhattisgarh. It is on paper and further divided into three sections.

These may vary for different educational backgrounds. Candidates might be appearing based on qualifications in Mathematics, Biology, or Agriculture. There are full details concerning the CG PAT 2025 syllabus structure, major chapters, and subjects provided below.

CG PAT Syllabus PDF Download 2025

The respectable CG PAT syllabus 2025 PDF download link has been uploaded through CPEB on its internet site. There might be downloads from the applicants in PDF regarding the syllabus of the subjects of their respective classes.

Now, here are the links to download your official CG PAT syllabus PDF 2025 copies:

CG PAT Syllabus 2025 PDF
Subject PDF Link
Science Download Here
Agriculture Download Here

CG PAT Syllabus Highlights 2025

This syllabus for 2025 CG PAT is categorized into three parts with the focus of particular subjects put in place according to the choice of the study stream decided by the candidate. That is either Mathematics, Biology, or Agriculture.

The table given below illustrates important sections, key chapters, marks allocation, and the duration of the examination.

CG PAT Syllabus 2025 Highlights
Exam Sections Subjects Covered Key Chapters Marks Weightage Exam Duration
Section 1: Physics Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Optics, etc. Laws of Motion, Kinematics, Heat Transfer, Reflection 50 marks 3 hours
Section 2: Chemistry Organic, Inorganic, and Physical Chemistry Chemical Bonding, Organic Reactions, Thermochemistry 50 marks
Section 3: Mathematics/Biology Based on the stream chosen Calculus, Trigonometry, Genetics, Ecology, Plant Anatomy 50 marks
Section 3: Agriculture For agriculture stream candidates Agronomy, Soil Science, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry 50 marks

Furthermore, applicants must check the subject-wise details syllabus of the CGPAT 2025 examination shared below.

CG PAT Physics Syllabus 2025

CG PAT Syllabus 2025 for Physics has been mentioned below:

CG PAT Physics Syllabus 2025
Topic Subtopics
Physics Units and Dimensions Measurement and fundamental units, Force and Inertia, dimensional analysis, SI Units, Newton’s Laws of motion
Mechanical Properties of Solids and Gases Hooke's law, modulus of elasticity, kinetic theory of gases, gas laws
Motion in Two Dimensions Uniform velocity, uniform acceleration, circular motion, Newton's laws
Gravitation Acceleration due to gravity, geostationary satellites, universal law of gravitation, escape velocity
Thermodynamics Specific heat, mechanical equivalent of heat, laws of thermodynamics
Heat Transfer Conduction, convection, radiation, Stefan's law, Newton's law of cooling
Optics Reflection, refraction, lenses, dispersion, curved mirrors, velocity of light, optical instruments
Waves Periodic motion, simple harmonic motion, oscillation due to spring, wave principles, Doppler effect
Electric Circuits Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's laws, measurements of voltages and currents, resistors, temperature dependence, potentiometer
Electrostatics Coulomb's law, electric field, potential, dipole, dipole field, Gauss's law in simple geometries
Magnetism Bar magnet, magnetic field, electromagnetic induction
Electromagnetic Induction Faraday's law, Lenz's law, elementary idea of dynamo and transformer, electromagnetic waves

CG PAT Chemistry Syllabus 2025

The Chemistry part is further divided into three branches. Organic, Inorganic, and Physical Chemistry.

Students want to increase widespread expertise in simple standards and learn how to remedy troubles. Major topics are as follows:

CG PAT Chemistry Syllabus 2025
Topic Subtopics
Structure of Atom Constitution of nucleus, Bohr's atom model, Quantum numbers, Aufbau principle, Electronic configuration (up to Kr), De-Broglie relation, Shapes of orbitals
Chemical Bond Electrovalent, covalent, and coordinate bonds, Hybridization (sp), Hydrogen bond, Shapes of molecules (VSEPR theory), Bond polarity, Resonance, VBT, and MOT
Solutions Modes of expressing concentrations, Types of solutions, Raoult's law, Colligative properties, Non-ideal solutions, Abnormal molecular weights
Solid State Crystal lattices, Unit cells, Structure of ionic compounds, Close-packed structure, Ionic radii, Point defects, Properties of solids
Nuclear Chemistry Radioactive radiations, Half-life, Radioactive decay, Group displacement law, Nuclear reactions, Disintegration series, Artificial transmutation, Isotopes and their uses, Radio-carbon dating
Chemical Equilibrium Chemical equilibrium, Law of mass action, Kp and Kc, Le-Chatelier principle and its applications
Ionic Equilibria Solubility product, Common ion effect, Theories of acids and bases, Hydrolysis of salts, pH, Buffers
Thermochemistry and Thermodynamics Energy changes, Enthalpy, First and Second laws of thermodynamics, Entropy, Free energy, Spontaneity of reactions, Free energy change and chemical equilibrium
Chemical Kinetics Rate of reaction, Factors affecting rate, Rate constant, Rate expression, Order of reaction, First order rate constant, Arrhenius equation
Electrochemistry Oxidation, Oxidation number, Ion-electron methods, Electrolytic conduction, Faraday's laws, Voltaic cell, Electrode potentials, Gibbs energy and cell potentials, Nernst equation, Commercial cells, Fuel cell, Electrochemical theory of corrosion
Surface Chemistry Adsorption, Colloids (types, preparation, and properties), Emulsions, Micelles, Catalysis (types and characteristics)
Inorganic Chemistry s, p, d, and f block elements, Simple nomenclature, Transition metals: Electronic configurations and properties
Organic Chemistry Preparation, properties, and uses of alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes, Benzene, Petroleum, Physical and chemical properties, Polymers (classification), Biomolecules

CG PAT Mathematics Syllabus 2025

If a pupil chooses an arithmetic movement, critical topics are protected inside the regions of algebra, calculus, trigonometry, and coordinate geometry.

CG PAT Syllabus 2025 for Mathematics has been mentioned below:

CG PAT Mathematics Syllabus 2025
Topic Subtopics
Algebra Algebra of complex numbers, Graphical representation of complex numbers, Modulus and argument of complex numbers, Conjugate of a complex number, Triangle inequality, Cube roots of unity, Arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic progression, Arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic means between two numbers, Sum of squares and cubes of first n natural numbers, Theory of geometric equations, Relations between roots and coefficients, Quadratic expressions, Quadratic equations in one variable, Permutations and combinations, Binomial theorem (any index), Exponential and logarithmic series, Determinants (up to third order) and their elementary properties, Matrices (types, adjoint, inverse), Elementary properties of matrices, Application in solving simultaneous equations (up to three variables)
Trigonometry Trigonometric functions and their graphs, Addition and subtraction formulas, Multiple and sub-multiple angle formulas, General solutions of trigonometric equations, Relations between sides and angles of triangles, Solutions of triangles, Inverse trigonometric functions, Height and distance (simple problems)
Coordinate Geometry of Two Dimensions Rectangular Cartesian coordinates, Straight line, Pair of straight lines, Distance of a point from a line, Angle between two lines, Circle, Tangents and normal to the system of circles, Conic sections (Parabola, Ellipse, Hyperbola) in standard forms with elementary properties, Tangents and normals
Coordinate Geometry of Three Dimensions Rectangular coordinate system, Direction cosines and direction ratios, Equation of a plane in standard form, Perpendicular distance from a point to a plane, Equation of a line, Angle between two lines
Vector Algebra Definition of vectors, Addition of vectors, Components in three-dimensional space, Scalar and vector products, Triple products, Simple applications in geometry and mechanics
Differential Calculus Functions (polynomial, rational, trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential), Limit, Continuity and differentiability of functions, Differentiation of rational, trigonometric, and exponential functions, Application of derivatives in elementary problems in mechanics, Increasing and decreasing functions, Maxima and minima of functions of one variable, Rolle’s Theorem, Mean Value Theorem
Integral Calculus Integration as the inverse process of differentiation, Integration by parts, Substitution, and partial fractions, Definite integrals, Areas under simple curves
Differential Equations Formulation of differential equations, Order and degree, Solution of differential equations by separation of variables, Homogeneous form, Linear differential equations of the first order
Statistics Probability (addition and multiplication laws), Conditional probability, Binomial distribution, Simple problems in correlation and regression
Numerical Methods Solution of equations by bisection, False-position, and Newton-Raphson methods, Numerical integration by Trapezoidal and Simpson's Rule
Linear Programming Definition and formation of linear programming problems, Solution by the graphical method

CG PAT Biology Syllabus 2025

Botany and zoology are used as the scope for getting their answers on subjects from which students would be tested.

CG PAT Biology Syllabus 2025
Topic Subtopics
Structural Organisation of Cell Light and Electron Microscopic view of cell, Structure and functions of cell organelles (Nucleus, Mitochondria, Chloroplast, Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, Lysosome, Microbodies, Microfilaments, Ribosomes, Centrioles, Plasmids), Eukaryotic Chromosome (Morphology), Cell and Plasma membrane, Differences between plant and animal cells
Cell Division and Cell Cycle Significance of Mitosis and Meiosis
Mendel's Laws of Inheritance Monohybrid and Dihybrid cross, Linkage and crossing over of genetic material, DNA replication, Genetic code, Transcription, Translation, Gene regulation
Differences between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes Structure, reproduction, and economic importance of Viruses, Mycoplasma, Bacteriophage, Cyanobacteria (Nostoc), and Bacteria
Five Kingdom Classification Binomial Nomenclature, External morphology and life cycle of Spirogyra, Mucor, Funaria, Selaginella, Pinus
Angiosperm Reproduction Elementary knowledge of Microsporogenesis, Megasporogenesis, Fertilisation, Endosperm, and Embryo development in Angiosperms
Tissue and Tissue Systems Meristematic and Permanent tissue, Mineral nutrition (essential elements and their functions), Uptake of minerals, Transport of water and solutes, Transpiration
Photosynthesis and Respiration Importance, Mechanism, Factors affecting these processes, Photorespiration
Enzymes and Growth Hormones Classification, Chemical nature, Mode of action, Importance, Elementary idea of Photoperiodism and Phytochrome
Ecosystem Structures and function, Major ecosystems (Lake, Forest), Food chain, Food Web, Energy flow, Ecological crisis, Role of man in Polluting Environment (Air, Water, Soil)
Role of Plants in Human Welfare Economic plant products (Drugs, Fibers, Cereals, Pulses, Oil Seeds, Sugarcane, Coal, Petroleum), Food preservation methods and importance
Principles of Plant Breeding Role in Crop Improvement
Biotechnology Scope and importance in Agriculture and Industries (Manufacture of cheese, yogurt, alcohol, antibiotics)

CG PAT Syllabus 2025 for Mathematics

CG PAT Syllabus 2025 for Mathematics has been mentioned below:

CG PAT Syllabus 2025 for Mathematics
Topic Subtopics
Algebra Algebra of complex numbers, Graphical representation of complex numbers, Modulus and argument of complex numbers, Conjugate of a complex number, Triangle inequality, Cube roots of unity, Arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic progression, Arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic means between two numbers, Sum of squares and cubes of first n natural numbers, Theory of geometric equations, Relations between roots and coefficients, Quadratic expressions, Quadratic equations in one variable, Permutations and combinations, Binomial theorem (any index), Exponential and logarithmic series, Determinants (up to third order) and their elementary properties, Matrices (types, adjoint, inverse), Elementary properties of matrices, Application in solving simultaneous equations (up to three variables)
Trigonometry Trigonometric functions and their graphs, Addition and subtraction formulas, Multiple and sub-multiple angle formulas, General solutions of trigonometric equations, Relations between sides and angles of triangles, Solutions of triangles, Inverse trigonometric functions, Height and distance (simple problems)
Coordinate Geometry of Two Dimensions Rectangular Cartesian coordinates, Straight line, Pair of straight lines, Distance of a point from a line, Angle between two lines, Circle, Tangents and normal to the system of circles, Conic sections (Parabola, Ellipse, Hyperbola) in standard forms with elementary properties, Tangents and normals
Coordinate Geometry of Three Dimensions Rectangular coordinate system, Direction cosines and direction ratios, Equation of a plane in standard form, Perpendicular distance from a point to a plane, Equation of a line, Angle between two lines
Vector Algebra Definition of vectors, Addition of vectors, Components in three-dimensional space, Scalar and vector products, Triple products, Simple applications in geometry and mechanics
Differential Calculus Functions (polynomial, rational, trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential), Limit, Continuity and differentiability of functions, Differentiation of rational, trigonometric, and exponential functions, Application of derivatives in elementary problems in mechanics, Increasing and decreasing functions, Maxima and minima of functions of one variable, Rolle’s Theorem, Mean Value Theorem
Integral Calculus Integration as the inverse process of differentiation, Integration by parts, Substitution, and partial fractions, Definite integrals, Areas under simple curves
Differential Equations Formulation of differential equations, Order and degree, Solution of differential equations by separation of variables, Homogeneous form, Linear differential equations of the first order
Statistics Probability (addition and multiplication laws), Conditional probability, Binomial distribution, Simple problems in correlation and regression
Numerical Methods Solution of equations by bisection, False-position, and Newton-Raphson methods, Numerical integration by Trapezoidal and Simpson's Rule
Linear Programming Definition and formation of linear programming problems, Solution by the graphical method

CG PAT Agriculture Syllabus 2025

For applicants of the Agriculture stream, the study curriculum comprises only agricultural science and applications. The Agriculture curriculum incorporates the following subjects:

CG PAT Syllabus 2025 for Agricultural Physics has been mentioned below:

CG PAT Agriculture Syllabus 2025
Topic Subtopics
Principle of Archimedes Floating bodies, Density and relative density, Determination of R.D. by hydrometers
Atmospheric Pressure Fortin's barometer and its relation to weather conditions, Manometer
Pumps Force and vacuum pumps, Syphon suction pumps
Friction Laws of friction, Angle of friction, Coefficient of friction and its determination, Advantages and disadvantages of friction
Machines Simple machines (lever, pulley, simple wheel), Construction and working, Mechanical advantages, Velocity ratio, Efficiency of machine
Gravitation and Gravity Relation between 'G' and 'g', Simple harmonic motion, Simple pendulum, Law of gravitation
Heat Unit of heat, Specific heat, Thermal capacity, Water equivalent of heat, Determination of specific heat of solids and liquids, Latent heat, Determination of latent heat of ice and steam
Transmission of Heat Conduction, Convection, Radiation, Conductivity, Good and bad conductors, Newton's law of cooling (simple idea)
Light Rectilinear propagation of light, Shadow and eclipse, Pinhole camera, Reflection through a prism, Dispersion of light, Dispersive power, Spectrum, Spectrometer, Optical instruments
Magnetism Magnetic field, Intensity of magnetic field, Lines of force, Neutral point, Couple acting on a magnet in a uniform magnetic field, Magnetic moment, Tangent law and its limitations
Electric Charge Electric potential, Electric field and its intensity due to a point charge, Potential inside a conductor
Electrical Capacity Its unit, Value for a spherical conductor, Principle of condensers, Capacity of spherical and parallel plate condensers
Ohm's Law Resistance, Grouping of resistances, Electromotive force (EMF) and potential difference, Potentiometer (principle), Comparison of EMF of two cells using a potentiometer
Heating Effect of Current Joule's law, Determination of 'J' by Joule's calorimeter, Elementary idea of house wiring, Electric iron, Electric power and energy

CG PAT Syllabus 2025 Important Topics

Several topics under each category in the CG PAT exam hold considerable weightage since they have appeared frequently in the previous exams and overall importance.

A list of important topics can help the candidates prepare better. Some key topics under each subject have been mentioned below:

  • Chemistry: Organic Reactions, Chemical Bonding, Thermodynamics Chemistry
  • Math: Calculus: Limits and Derivative Algebras: Quadratic Equations and Complex Numbers.
  • Biology: Genetics DNA structure, Mendelian laws; Ecology: Ecosystem, Biodiversity
  • Agriculture Agronomy: Crop/Soil Management Horticulture Plant Propagation Animal Husbandry
  • Agriculture: Agronomy (Crop, Soil Management), Horticulture (Plant Propagation), Animal Husbandry (Livestock Management)

CG PAT 2025 Syllabus Topics Removed

As per the latest updates, nothing has been removed yet from the previous syllabus of CG PAT 2025. However, aspirants should keep an eye on the updates of CG PAT from their official website.

If any changes are made in the syllabus then students can update themselves accordingly.

CG PAT Syllabus Points to Remember

Key things to keep in mind when a candidate is thinking of preparing for the CG PAT exam have been mentioned in the pointers below.

These pointers will help the students learn and prepare for the examination in detail.

  • Know your syllabus: Know what subjects and what topics are there to be covered for the exam.
  • Focus key chapters: To begin with, it should be understood that during preparation as well as during exams the key chapters become more important or more frequently in previous papers.
  • Time Management: Sufficient time should be provided for each section both during preparation and during the actual exam.
  • Mock and Last Year Paper: Use mock and last year's paper to get acquainted with the sample query paper.
  • National Syllabus: By all manners, talk over the legit PDF syllabus released with the aid of the Examinations Department.

FAQs on Chhattisgarh Pre Agriculture Test (CG PAT) Syllabus

Q: How many sections does CG PAT have?

Q: How can I download an unfastened PDF of the CG PAT 2024 syllabus?

Q: In which streams do its subjects fall?

Q: Was the syllabus for CG PAT for the academic session 2024 changed?

Q: What are the most critical topics in the CG PAT exam?


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