MP MET Counselling 2023: Dates, Registration, Seat Allotment

Hafsha Qureshi
Hafsha Qureshi

Updated on - Nov 13, 2023

MP MET Counselling 2023 process occurs right after the results are announced. MP MET 2023counselling of the candidates is on a merit basis. In this MP MET Counselling 2023 process, the documents of the candidates are verified.

The seats are allotted on the basis of merit. Make sure that you carry all the documents required for the verification, and have photocopies of all the documents on the day of MP MET 2023 counselling. Once the counselling is completed then the candidates will be allotted seats in the respective colleges where they have to report for further admission process.

MP MET Counselling 2023 Highlights

The VYAPAM is going to conduct the MP MET 2023 Counselling a few days after the announcement of the result. Most management institutes accept and consider the MP MET 2023 score for admission to their management programme.

 Every college has its percentile to accept MP MET 2023 score based on which students can get admission to that college. For MP MET counselling 2023, first of all, candidates have to confirm their ranking. Then they should confirm their counselling date because counselling will be held according to the ranking on the different dates. Make sure of the choice of your course. Candidates should select some colleges to which they want to get admission.

MP MET Counselling 2023 Dates

Important dates for MP MET counselling 2023 are mentioned below:

MP MET Counselling Dates
Events Dates
MET 2023 Mock Test Jun  2023
MET 2023 Exam Date Jun 2023
MET 2023 Merit List Jul 2023
MET 2023 Counselling July 2023

Documents Required at the Time of MP MET 2023 Counselling

The required documents for MP MET counselling are mentioned below:

  • Admit Card: Candidates must have their MP MET 2023 Admit Cards with a photocopy.
  • Counselling Letter: Candidates must have an MP MET counselling letter with a photocopy to enter into the examination.
  • DD: Check the guidelines given on the Official Website to make a bank draft.
  • Certificates: Candidates should present a photocopy of 10th, 12th certificates with original certificates.
  • Documents: Candidates must have required medical documents.
  • Migration certificate (from the last institution attended)
  • Scorecard: Candidate's MP MET Scorecard.
  • Qualification: All original certificates in concern to preceding qualification.
  • Caste: Caste certificates for reserved category.
  • Photographs: At least candidates recent 6 passport size black and white and colour photographs.
  • Validity: The MP MET scorecard will be valid for one successive year only.

MP MET 2023 Counselling Procedure

Step 1: Registration

  • Candidates need to visit the Official website i.e. VYAPAM.

Step 2: Choice of Filling

  • After reading the details you have to hit on the "Apply Online" link for selecting the colleges which you want to get admission.
  • On the next page, you have to choose some colleges in the MP MET counselling webpage where you want to take admission and then lock your choices.
  • After a few days, seat allocation will publicize through SMS to the candidates registered mobile number & Email Id.
  • After confirmation of the seat, visit the allocated institution.

Step 3: Document Verification

  • After that, you need to go to MP MET 2023 counselling at center/ venue on your rank date.
  • When your Rank is called at the time of counselling process then you have to submit the counselling application form & original certificates.
  • At the time of the MP MET 2023 counselling, you have to pay the processing fee.
  • Keep the MP MET counselling fee receipt safely to further requirements.


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