CAT preparation in 2 months is possible if the aspirant is willing to put in a lot of effort and properly focus. Moreover, candidates must follow the previous year's question papers and practice questions from there.
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A lot of hard work, determination, and dedication is required to prepare for CAT 2024 exam in 2 months. Aspirants need to strictly follow a study plan and stick to it to ensure peak performance that gives maximum output.
CAT preparation in 2 months might seem like an impossible task, but it is still achievable. It is never too late to start preparing for the CAT and this period of 2 months should be optimally utilized by all aspirants.
How to Prepare for CAT in 2 Months?
CAT 2024 aspirants are advised to start their preparation by covering all areas of study. It is advised for all the candidates to stay updated with the CAT exam events, the CAT 2024 admit card link will be activated soon. Students must carry the same along with other important documents at their CAT exam centres. Given below are some of the methods to prepare for CAT 2024 exam in 2 months:
- Devote a Certain Number of Hours to CAT Preparation
- Do Not Start a New Topic
- Take Tests in Look-alike Conditions
- Get Help from Mentors
- Form Daily Habits
- Read Books for Verbal and Reading Comprehension (VARC)
- Stay Motivated
- Take Lots of Practice Tests and Evaluate
1. Devote a Certain Number of Hours to CAT Preparation
Time management and hard work are the key strategies that lead to success in the CAT examination. As per the CAT 2024 exam pattern, candidates will have to face a sectional time limit of 3 sections of 40 minutes each. One should follow a strict timetable that allows them to study each section 3 hours a day on a daily basis.
2. Do Not Start a New Topic
Candidates looking to prepare for CAT 2024 exam in 2 months must check the syllabus and take note of familiar topics. Make sure you do not choose a new topic from the CAT syllabus because starting a new topic will be time-consuming.
This can also affect the preparation of known topics as candidates will be uncertain about how many commands they can attain in the new topics. Hence, it is always recommended for candidates practice the topics they already have prepared previously.
3. Take Tests in Look-alike Conditions
Candidates planning to appear in CAT 2024 can start preparing for the same in an environment that will closely reflect the environment in which they are going to appear for the test. Several free CAT preparation sites provide computer-based mock tests that include a timer which can help in the CAT preparation.
Also, aspirants need to make sure not to allow any distractions while taking the tests.
4. Get Help from Mentors
Mentors play a huge role in shadowing the experiences they faced while preparing for the CAT examination. Aspirants will get an insight into the exam that can help them optimize their performance.
Assistance from mentors will help in reducing the feeling of isolation and will make you feel that there were people fighting the same battle and have won.
Learning about the perspective and vision of a mentor will help candidates to stick to the same which will in turn definitely have a positive effect on their performance.
5. Form Daily Habits
CAT preparation in 2 months is possible if you form daily habits that can indirectly prepare you for the examination. Practising word-building apps or playing scrabble/word games can help you build the vocabulary required for the test.
Do mental mathematics while buying anything. Stop usage of calculators and try computing daily calculations mentally.
Even though CAT has allowed the use of on-screen calculators, experts strongly recommend not using a calculator as it slows your speed to solve the questions.
6. Read Books for Verbal and Reading Comprehension (VARC)
Developing a reading habit is a must to improve one's comprehension and critical reasoning skills. Reading a variety of genres will help you to prepare for the reading comprehension section. At least 3 reading comprehension passages are going to appear in the CAT exam.
So, reading will help to improve the speed and efficiency to solve the question asked in the reading comprehension section.
7. Stay Motivated
CAT 2024 aspirants need to focus on their weak areas more than the topics where they are strong. It is very important to stay motivated and not get bogged down by your weaknesses. One should work on the weaker sections using a different approach to successfully prepare for CAT 2024 exam in 2 months.
Set realistic goals that you want to achieve in the long and short run and work on them with commitment and determination. The CAT exam tests the general ability of future managers. It tests skills such as time management, critical reasoning, how good are you with numbers and words, and how logically you make decisions in the minimum time.
8. Take Lots of Practice Tests and Evaluate
One of the most important things to do for CAT preparation in 2 months is to take at least three mock tests every week. CAT 2024 mock tests help students to learn and practice the CAT exam pattern.
Evaluating the mock tests are also equally important and should be done after each mock. Although CAT is known to make changes in the exam pattern every year, CAT aspirants should be aware of the possibility of changes and prepare accordingly.