CAT Score vs Percentile 2024: Calculation Formula, Top MBA Colleges

Paras Attri
Paras Attri

Updated on - Jan 20, 2025

CAT Score vs Percentile 2024 comparison will provide insight into the scores necessary to achieve a set percentile. Candidates will be screened or shortlisted based on their CAT 2024 score vs percentile for the rounds of the IIM counselling. It is expected that to get a 99+ percentile, applicants must score between 98 and 10.

CAT Cut Off 2024 score vs percentile represents the percentage of candidates on the merit list. For example, a candidate has obtained a position of 90%, which means that about 90 per cent of the candidates are competing with those who scored lower than them.

CAT percentile vs score 2024 measures how candidates are classified depending on their performance. Alternatively, applicants scoring above 90% would be among the top 10% of students that year. CAT result 2024 is given as a score and a percentile, and most B-schools base MBA admissions on the overall percentile.

CAT result include both scores and percentiles. According to IIM Calcutta, the CAT 2024 result was released on Dec 21, 2024.

CAT Score vs Percentile Overview

CAT Score vs Percentile 2024 compares the exam score required to achieve the desired percentile. To understand what CAT 2024 score vs percentile is required to complete a 99+ percentile, candidates must first understand last year's percentile.

Score vs percentile CAT 2024 reflects the normalisation procedure and the cut off percentiles for the 21 IIMs, 8 IITs, and 1000+ other top MBA universities.

CAT expected score vs percentile 2024 range is shown below based on the cut off marks and percentiles from the previous year. The CAT Percentile Predictor 2024 will help the candidates check their tentative percentiles based on their score.

CAT 2024 Slot 1 Score vs Percentile

The relationship between CAT Score vs Percentile 2024 varies yearly, depending on the slot-wise difficulty level, number of test-takers, and exam format.

CAT Percentile CAT VARC Score CAT DILR Score CAT QA Score Overall CAT Score
100 42-44 29-30 30-32 100-102
99+ 40 25-27 25-28 80
95+ 28-30 18-20 20-22 55
90+ 22-24 15-17 15-17 45-48
85+ 20-22 13-14 12-14 39-41
80+ 18-20 11-12 10-12 35-37

CAT 2024 Slot 2 Score vs Percentile

CAT Score vs Percentile 2024 will follow the same pattern as in past years. Due to the increased difficulty level, the expected score range for the same 99 percentile in CAT 2024 score vs percentile is significantly lower, i.e. 80-82.

CAT Percentile CAT VARC Score CAT DILR Score CAT QA Score Overall CAT Score
100 43-44 25-27 29-30 98-100
99+ 40-42 22-23 27-28 82-83
95+ 30-33 18-20 20-22 57-58
90+ 24-26 14-15 15-17 46-48
85+ 20-22 12-13 12-14 40-43
80+ 18-20 10-11 10-12 36-39

CAT 2024 Slot 3 Score vs Percentile

The percentage is just converting the CAT Score vs Percentile 2024 into a fraction of 100. CAT percentile 2024, on the other hand, is a measure of the performance compared to every competitor. The 99th percentile in CAT 2024 score vs percentile signifies that the result is higher than 99% of all test takers.

CAT Percentile CAT VARC Score CAT DILR Score CAT QA Score Overall CAT Score
100 42-23 27-28 32-34 98-100
99+ 38-40 23-24 27-28 78-80
95+ 28-30 18-20 18-20 57-58
90+ 24-25 15-17 15-17 46-48
85+ 20-22 12-14 12-14 40-41
80+ 18-20 10-11 10-11 36-37

In CAT 2024, the percentile will be determined using the scaled score of each area from which questions will be asked and the overall scaled score.

CAT marks vs percentile 2024 analysis is given here, overall and by the department. Given this year's increased difficulty, the possible CAT 2024 score vs percentile required to achieve a 99+ percentile is likely lower, perhaps between 80-90. 

What is CAT 2024 Percentile?

CAT percentile can be explained as the overall percentage of applicants whose scores are lower or equal to a specific applicant.

  • For example, if the CAT percentile of a candidate is 99, it means their score is better than 99% of all CAT test takers that year.
  • Alternatively, applicants who scored in the top 10% of their class that year would be those who scored at or above the 90th percentile.

Also Read:

How to Calculate CAT Percentile 2024?

Here, VARC is only used as an example to demonstrate how to calculate the CAT Score vs Percentile 2024.

  • Calculating the total number of candidates is the first step (N). N denotes the total number of students who took the CAT 2024 exam during the morning and afternoon sessions.
  • The candidate's rank (r) is determined by the scaled score he received in the VARC segment of the exam, which is applied to all applicants who took the exam. The same ranks will be assigned to the candidates if two or more applicants receive the same marks in the VARC section.
  • The rank (r) in the VARC section will be used to determine a candidate's CAT percentile score (P) as follows: P= [(N-r)/N] X 100
  • The percentile scores of other parts and the total CAT 2024 marks vs percentile are calculated using a similar process.
Criteria ABC XYZ
Questions Answered 66 54
Correct Answers 40 50
Wrong Answers 26 4
Marks for Correct Answers 40*3= 120 50*3= 150
Marks for Wrong Answers 26*1= 26 4*1= 4
CAT Score 120-26= 94 150-4= 146

Read More: Top MBA Colleges with Low Fees without CAT 2024

Normalisation of CAT Score 2024

The candidate's score out of 198 is referred to as their "CAT Score." According to the CAT 2024 score vs percentile system, each correct response gets 3 marks, while each incorrect answer loses 1 mark.

CAT total score is determined by combining the three sections' results.

  • CAT Scaled Score: The exam is divided into two or three slots.IIMs employ the normalization method because the difficulty level varies. It could be more or less than the raw scores.
  • CAT Raw Score: Scores obtained as per Marking Scheme:+3 marks for each right answer -1 for each incorrect MCQ answer.
  • CAT Percentile Score: CAT Score vs Percentile 2024 represents the overall percentage of candidates who scored the same as or less than the candidate. It is the candidate's relative performance in the exam in comparison to other candidates.
  • P= [(N-r)/N] X 100 is the formula for calculating the score vs percentile CAT.

The normalisation process for the CAT 2024 is based on the GATE scoring, where the normalisation is predicated on the notion that candidates' abilities are distributed uniformly across all sessions.

Statistics equations serve as the basis for the calculations. The GATE normalisation process accounts for all differences in the degree of difficulty of the question papers across various sessions.

CAT Composite Score Calculation

Each candidate's composite score is determined by computing their CAT 2024 score vs percentile score using several characteristics. The following parameters will be used to calculate CAT Score vs Percentile 2024:

  • CAT (scaled) score
  • Grades in the 12th grade
  • Grades in the tenth grade
  • grade point average
  • Working Knowledge
  • Gender Differences
  • Academic Diversity

Read More: MBA Colleges Accepting Cut Off of 70, 80 Percentile in CAT 2024

IIM CAT Composite Score Calculation Formula

CAT Score vs Percentile

Previous Years CAT Score vs Percentile

Every year, comparing CAT score vs percentile changes as the exam gets more challenging. Building scenarios for various difficulty levels will help candidates understand the score they need to achieve to register for the college of their choice.

CAT score vs percentile for previous years is listed below.

CAT Score vs Percentile 2022

The required 90 percentile or higher in CAT 2022 score vs percentile was lower than in 2021. While a score of 90 was sufficient for a 99 percentile in CAT score vs percentile 2022, a score of 100 was necessary for the same percentile in 2021. 

The overall CAT Score vs Percentile for 2022 for the candidates is provided below.

CAT 2022 Score Percentile
145.83 100
109.9 99.9
92.87 99.5
83.64 99
73.88 98
59.75 95
48.44 90
41.32 85
36.02 80

CAT Score vs Percentile 2021

CAT 2021 Score vs Percentile analysis for each slot is provided below. It will be helpful to understand past trends in CAT score vs percentile 2021 to determine how to calculate the percentile and the predicted cutoffs for IIM admissions via CAT.

CAT Score vs Percentile 2021 Slot 1

The table below shows the CAT 2021 score vs percentile for slot 1.

CAT score vs percentile 2021 Slot 1
CAT Percentile VARC QA DILR Overall Marks
80% 20 19 17 56
90% 28 22 20 70
95% 32 30 22 84
98% 36 35 26 95-97
99% 42 39 31 105-110
99.50% 45 43 32 115-125

CAT Score vs Percentile 2021 Slot 2

The table below shows the CAT 2021 score vs percentile for slot 2.

CAT score vs percentile 2021 Slot 2
CAT Percentile VARC QA DILR Overall Marks
80% 20 17 16 54
90% 25 23 22 70
95% 28 30 22 80
98% 32 30 26 88
99% 36 37 29 102
99.50% 38 38 30 106

CAT Score vs Percentile 2021 Slot 3

The table below shows the CAT 2021 score vs percentile for slot 3.

CAT score vs percentile 2021 Slot 3
CAT Percentile VARC QA DILR Overall Marks
80% 20 18 17 55
90% 26 24 19 69
95% 32 30 20 82
98% 34 31 26 91
99% 37 34 29 100
99.50% 40 38 32 110

CAT Score vs Percentile 2020

CAT 2020 Score vs Percentile Analysis for Slots is shown below. The score vs  percentile CAT calculation and the anticipated cutoffs for IIM admissions through CAT will benefit significantly from understanding previous year trends in CAT score vs percentile.

CAT Score vs Percentile 2020 Slot 1

The table below shows the CAT 2020 score vs percentile for slot 1.

CAT score vs percentile 2020 Slot 1
CAT Percentile VARC QA DILR Overall Marks
80% 25 19 17 57
90% 30 27 23 69
95% 35 33 27 83
98% 39 40 33 101
99% 42 44 36 106
99.50% 47 48 41 122

CAT Score vs Percentile 2020 Slot 2

The table below shows the CAT 2020 score vs percentile for slot 2.

CAT score vs percentile 2020 Slot 2
CAT Percentile VARC QA DILR Overall Marks
80% 25 17 16 54
90% 30 23 21 66
95% 34 30 26 78
98% 38 37 31 96
99% 40 40 35 101
99.50% 43 45 39 115

CAT Score vs Percentile 2020 Slot 3

The table below shows the CAT 2020 score vs percentile for slot 3.

CAT score vs percentile 2020 Slot 3
CAT Percentile VARC QA DILR Overall Marks
80% 27 17 16 57
90% 33 24 22 69
95% 37 30 27 82
98% 42 36 32 100
99% 45 40 36 104
99.50% 47 44 39 118

CAT 2019 and 2018:

CAT 2019 score vs percentile with 2018 is listed in the table below.

Percentile/Year CAT 2019 CAT 2018
99% 160 154
95% 126 121
90% 110 103
85% 96 89
80% 85 79

Read More: CAT 2019 Score vs Percentile

CAT 2017, 2016 and 2015:

CAT 2017 score vs percentile with previous year is listed in the table below.

Percentile/Year CAT 2017 CAT 2016 CAT 2015
99% 174 156 180
95% 138 123 144
90% 118 104 124
85% 103 92 110
80% 93 82 98


IIMs Cutoff Based on CAT Scores

Indian Institute of Management publishes individual cutoffs based on CAT scores. IIMs then invite candidates to participate in the CAT selection process based on their CAT scores.

This essay also examined the CAT cut off marks vs percentile. According to the NIRF Management ranking, the CAT cut off for the top 5 IIMs is listed below.

CAT Percentile for IIM Ahmedabad (Score vs Percentile)

CAT score vs percentile for IIM Ahmedabad is listed in the table below.

Category VARC/DI-LR/QA Aggregate
General 70 80
NC-OBC-cum-Transgender 65 75
SC 60 70
ST 50 60
PWD (General, NC-OBC-cum-transgender, SC) 60 70
PWD (ST) 50 60

IIM Bangalore CAT Score vs Percentile

CAT score vs percentile for IIM Bangalore is listed in the table below.

Category VARC DILR/QA Aggregate
General 80 75 85
NC-OBC 70 65 75
EWS 70 65 75
Scheduled Caste 65 60 70
Scheduled Tribe 55 55 65
PwD 50 50 60

IIM Calcutta CAT Score vs Percentile

CAT score vs percentile for IIM Calcutta is listed in the table below.

Category VARC/DI-LR QA Aggregate
General 75 - 80 80 85
NC-OBC 65 70 75
EWS 65 70 75
SC 60 65 70
ST 55 55 65
PWD 55 55 65

IIM Calcutta CAT Score vs Percentile

CAT score vs percentile for IIM Calcutta is listed in the table below.

Category VARC/DI-LR/QA Aggregate
General 85 90
NC-OBC 77 82
SC 55 70
ST 50 65
PWD 50 65
EWS 77 82

IIM Kozhikode CAT Score vs Percentile

CAT score vs percentile for IIM Kozhikode is listed in the table below.

Category CAT Sectional Percentile Overall Percentile for CAT
General 75 85
NC-OBC/ EWS 65 75
SC 55 65
ST/ Pwd 45 55

Top MBA Colleges in India Accepting CAT Percentile

Candidates can notice here that some top IIM and other top MBA colleges accept varied percentile CAT scores.

IIMs and Other top B-Schools in India Range of CAT 2024 Cut Off Percentile
IIM Bangalore 94 to 97
IIM Indore 91 to 93
IIM Ahmedabad 95 to 98
IIM Calcutta 97 to 98
IIM Kozhikode 93 to 95
IIM Lucknow 93 to 96
IIM Bodhgaya 85 to 88
IIM Jammu 84 to 87
IIM Sirmaur 80 to 85
IIM Sambalpur 80 to 85
MDI, Gurgaon 94 to 95
FMS, Delhi 97 to 98
JBIMS, Mumbai 95 to 97
SPJIMR, Mumbai 90 to 95
IIT Bombay, Mumbai 90 to 94
IIT New Delhi 90 to 93
Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi 80 to 85
LIBA, Chennai 80 to 85

FAQs on CAT Score vs Percentile

Q: What is the CAT score vs percentile 2024 for IIM?

Q: What is CAT 2023 score vs percentile for 99?

Q: Which factors are used when calculating the CAT percentile?

Q: What was the highest score in CAT 2023?

Q: Can I get IIM with 97 CAT percentile vs score in the exam?

Q: Can I get in CAT IIM with 99.9 percentile?

Q: What is the difference between CAT score and CAT percentile?

Q: How is CAT percentile calculated?


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