AUCET Application Form 2022:Last Date, Fees

Vandana Thakur
Vandana Thakur

Updated on - Dec 28, 2023

AUCET 2023 application form will be released on the official website. The candidates can apply for the AUCET 2023 exam once the notification is released on the Andhra University website. The applicants must check the eligibility criteria required before applying for AUCET 2023.

AUCET 2023 Application Form Highlights

Andhra University will release the AUCET online application form on its official website. The application form dates will be released soon on the university website. The candidates must understand the complete application process to avoid any discrepancy later. Find the tentative dates and all the essential information related to the AUCET 2023 application form below.

AUCET 2023 Application Form Dates
Events Dates 
AUCET Application Form Release Date May 2023 (Tentative)
AUCET Application Form Last Date May 2023 (Tentative)
Application Last Date (With Late Fee) May 2023 (Tentative)
AUCET Application Form Correction Window May 2023 (Tentative)

Note: Candidates must fill out the AUCET application form before the last date. Incomplete and false information may result in the cancellation of the application. Therefore, candidates must follow the below steps when submitting their applications.

How to Fill AUCET Application Form 2023?

The candidate should follow the below steps while filling out the AUCET online application form. In addition, it is advised to keep their information like class 12 and 10 percentage and passing year, date of birth as per SSC record, caste, or any other certificates, recent passport size photograph, and scanned signatures handy while filling up the AUCET application form.

Step 1: AUCET 2023 Registration

The applicants must visit the university website of Andhra University. Then, the applicant must click on the ‘Registration’ link. Then, candidates must click on the link, fill in the details and click on the 'Register' button. The elements that the applicants must fill in for the AUCET 2023 registration are mentioned below in this article.

Step 2: AUCET Application Fee

The candidates who have filled up the application form will have to pay the AUCET application fee as the next step. The candidates must pay the application fee by clicking on the ‘Proceed to Pay Online’ button to fill in the required details.

The candidates can pay online through debit/ credit card/ internet banking. Another mode of payment is offline, where the candidates must pay the application fee by challan through SBI or Andhra bank.

Step 3: Print AUCET Application Form

Once the candidates have paid the AUCET 2023 application fee, they will receive their application details on the registered email ID and mobile number. In addition, the candidates must take out a print copy of the application form for future use. The AUCET application form can be downloaded using the application number and candidates' date of birth.

Details Required in AUCET Application Form 2023

The candidates can go through the below list to know the details in the AUCET 2023 online application form. However, candidates should understand the filling criteria before starting the application process.

Details Required in AUCET Application Form 2023
Details  Filling Criteria
Applicants’ Name To be filled as written in SSC/ 10th/ 12th/ Equivalent Records
Fathers’ Name
Mothers’ Name
Date of Birth To be filled in DD/MM/YYYY Format
Address Current Complete Address
Category Choose from General/ SC/ ST/ OBC
Are you physically challenged Select Yes/ No
Marital Status Choose from Married/ Unmarried/ Widow
Gender Choose from Male/ Female/ Transgender/ Other

Documents Required for AUCET 2023 Registration

The applicants must have the following documents at AUCET 2023 registration.

Group Subject: The candidates must fill in the subjects they want to apply for. If the subjects of the candidate are not listed, the candidate must fill in the subject request form. Next, click on the ‘Click Here’ button to open the form, fill in the list of candidates' requirements, and submit the form. The Directorate of Admissions will check the request, and an alert will be received on the candidates’ registered mobile number/ email ID regarding their request status. If the request is accepted, the candidate can fill up the application form.

Personal Details: The candidates must fill in their name, fathers’ name, mothers’ name, date of birth, gender, marital status, religion, and reservation category.

Address: Candidates will be required to fill in their current, complete address and active mobile number. 

Aadhaar Number: Aadhar Card number of the candidates who want to apply for the AP Social Welfare Department scholarship, as it is an optional section. After filling in all the above details, the candidates click on the ‘Register and Proceed’ button.

Upload Photograph and Signature: The candidates must upload the scanned copy of the passport size photograph and scanned signatures. The passport photograph must have been taken recently. The scanned images must be according to the following specifications.

Documents Specifications for AUCET 2023 Registration
Documents Specifications Maximum Size Format
Photograph Current Passport-size Photograph 150 KB JPEG
Signature Signature Area should be 2” X 1” on White Paper with a Black Ballpoint Pen 150 KB JPEG

Test Centre: Candidates must fill in the examination centre of their choice.

Academic Qualification: Candidates must fill in their educational details like school/ college name, year of passing, courses, and place or district.

Declaration: In the end, the candidates must click on the check box against 'I Accept the Terms and Conditions' and then the preview button. Check the preview of the form and go through the details carefully before submitting the form. If the candidates must make changes or edit something in the form, they can go back and edit; else, click on the 'Save and Print' button.

AUCET 2023 Application Form Correction

The candidates who have entered the wrong details while filling out the application form can mend their mistake by correcting it when the University of Andhra opens their correction window. Find below some important points related to the application form correction.

  • The correction form window will be opened once the registration process is completed.
  • The candidates will make the corrections in the form, but the corrections will be allowed for limited fields only.
  • The candidates who have missed the last date of the correction window can reach out to the authorities or visit the university for their request.

Directorate of Admissions,
Andhra University,
Vijaynagar Palace, Peda Waltair, Visakhapatnam - 530017.

Contact Number: 08912573441

Email ID:

Details that Cannot be Edited in the Application Form

The AUCET 2023 application form details that cannot be edited or changed are as follows.

  • Category or Community Status
  • Examination City
  • Selected Subjects

Reasons for Rejection of AUCET Application Form 2023

The AUCET 2023 application form is the most crucial part of the application process. Therefore, it is advised that the candidates attentively fill in the application form to avoid any discrepancy or rejection.

Some of the reasons the application forms get rejected are listed below.

  • Incomplete information is filled in the AUCET application form.
  • Candidate not fulfilling the eligibility.
  • False and misleading information provided by the candidate.

How to Login in Case of Forgotten Password?

Although it is advised that the candidates write down their ID and password in a notebook or diary to avoid such a situation, if an applicant has lost or forgotten the password, there is no need to worry as the password can be reset using the simple steps given below.

  • Step 1: Go on to the 'Login' page.
  • Step 2: Click on the 'Forget Password' link.
  • Step 3: Choose the option ‘Email ID/ Mobile Number’ on which the reset link will be sent.
  • Step 4: Click on the 'Password Reset' link received through email or SMS.
  • Step 5: Change the password.

AUCET 2023 Eligibility Criteria

The candidates must check the AUCET eligibility 2023 before starting their application process. In addition, candidates must fulfil the below points as the preliminary eligibility criteria.

  • Candidates must be citizens of India. 
  • There is no upper age limit to apply for AUCET. 
  • Candidates must be with a bachelors’ degree or appear for the final year examination.


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